Former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) is calling the end of President Barack Obama’s White House reign a welcome close to eight years of decadence and destructive policies.
The vocal conservative, who ran against Obama and Vice President Joe Biden as the running mate of Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona), agrees with Americans who believe that electing the former Illinois senator was a big mistake.
“Like everyone’s saying, it’s the end of an error,” Palin expressed in a brief commentary she wrote for Breitbart. “Obama is gone.”
Countless failures need fixing
The Republican from Alaska has been a longtime critic of the outgoing president, and since November, she has often indicated that the mess Obama is leaving President-elect Donald Trump to clean up is as unfair as it is unfortunate.
Palin listed off some of the numerous failures and irresponsible behavior that Trump is inheriting from Obama – all of which the incoming president will have to address and spend time fixing.
She referred to everything from Obama’s exorbitant government spending, to his condemnation and lack of support for police and soldiers, to his abysmal treatment of Israel, to his Iran deal that lifted sanctions from the Islamic terrorist regime was able to continue financing its nuclear arsenal, to his lax policies on illegal immigration and refugee resettlement, to his fueling of the racial divide between black and white Americans.
“Time to undo what the Community Organizer organized for America: astronomically increased debt, a disrespected law enforcement and military community, numerous ticked off allies, newly empowered enemies, erasure of borders, and demographic divisions aplenty,” Palin urged Americans moving forward into the next presidency.
Too little, too late
The feisty politician went on to address Obama’s recent vows to continue his legacy after surrendering his keys to the White House – pledges that Palin contends merely testify to the fact that he failed to carry out his commitments while in office.
“Obama is free now to stammer on about fulfilling his promises – like he’ll ‘negotiate healthcare reform in public sessions, televised on C-SPAN … Everyone gets a seat at the table.’ [emphasis added],” Palin continued.
Even though Obama is vacating 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, he is not leaving the nation’s capital, as he has already made arrangements to live in a multi-million-dollar Washington, D.C. mansion, where he will continue his political activities from the comfort of his elaborate garage.
No more unaccountability and lawlessness
Palin went on to remind Americans that Obama can no longer inflict his destructive policies and get away with it, even though he has already reportedly set up some roadblocks designed to cause problems for Trump once he gets situated behind his new desk in the Oval Office.
“There’s a new sheriff in town,” the conservative Christian asserted. “Here’s hoping he’s got a posse of deputies who understand why we elected Donald J. Trump and won’t undermine our movement … The mandate: drain the swamp — hose hell-bent on obstruction – included. It’s RINO season.”
She expressed confidence that America will be able rebuild everything Obama managed to tear down over his two terms in office, but she warned that the true obstacles moving forward are the Obama supporters looking to perpetuate the failures and problematic regulations that he put in place since taking over the White House in 2009.
“We will recover from Obama,” Palin assured. “The question is, ‘How soon can we recover from the people who voted for him?’ … Twice.”
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