They admitted it. Now they think they can get away with it.
Three weeks ago, I reported to you on the appalling case of sixth grade student Rylee M., who was pressured by teachers at Chinook Trail Middle School to seal her mask to her face with thick blue painter’s tape. Another schoolmate came forward to describe how those teachers would patrol their classrooms for violators while twirling the tape rolls around their wrists.
Skeptics accused the children of manufacturing the story and of voluntarily putting the tape on themselves. Others, including the Colorado Springs Police Department school resource officer stationed at Chinook Trail, baselessly dismissed the incident as a prank committed by a teacher in “jest.” Gaslighters in the school district and their supporters misleadingly denied that teachers applied the tape directly to victims’ faces — something Rylee and her mom never alleged. By mischaracterizing the actual allegations, public school propagandists deflected attention from the brazen abuse of authority exercised by educators who issued de facto ultimatums that children comply with their directive to use the tape handed to them. Or else.
On Monday, after the district’s three-week-long internal investigation, Chinook Trail Middle School principal Tom Andrew confirmed in a meeting with Rylee’s mom, Stephanie M., that teachers had indeed “directed students to affix a mask to their face with tape” — a cruel measure that only sadists, not sane public health advocates, could embrace. Moreover, the unfazed principal blandly acknowledged, “Yes,” the “students thought they were compelled to follow through” on the teachers’ “requests” (to choke themselves off).
“In short,” the principal told Rylee’s mom in his sing-song scripted voice, “district policy and procedures were broken,” “trust and respect” were “broken,” and “poor decisions” were made. Now, the principal told Stephanie M., it’s time “to move this forward” after “admitting our mistake” and “trust” the administration. The abusers will remain in the classroom with vulnerable 11- and 12-year-olds; any disciplinary measures will be kept “confidential”; and brave Rylee, who has been harassed over the incident, will now be enrolled in online school to keep her safe from the mask bondage bullies.
“It was never our intent,” the anonymous group of “Team 642” tape torturers wrote in a crappy little note to parents handed out Monday night at a meeting closed to the public, “to cause anxiety, fear, confusion, or physical or emotional harm.” Never mind that these petty tyrants wrought all of the above and will be shielded from any transparent punishment. “We look forward to returning to normal and continuing along this learning journey with your family,” the teachers (none of whom have reached out to Rylee or her mom directly) cheerily chirped.
A local news report can be seen at KKTV News.
Elitist privilege means always pretending to say you’re sorry without ever suffering consequences for wrongdoing.
Darcy Schoening, parent advocate and town of Monument Board of Trustees member, agrees. She believes “the teachers responsible for this behavior should be fired. Their names should be released. Parents have the right to know WHO is abusing their kids. Protecting the teachers’ identities and disciplinary actions is a slap in the face to parents.”
“It’s sickening to me,” Stephanie lamented as the principal echoed the educrats’ desire to get back out of the public spotlight and “resume normalcy.” She’s not going to let it drop. “I am not going to be quiet,” the work-at-home mom of three young daughters told KVOR-AM 740 radio talk show host Richard Randall this week. “Plenty of parents are willing to step up for their kids.” No doubt about it. The Election Day revolt against K-12 control freaks just demonstrated that parents across the country from Loudoun County, Virginia, to El Paso County, Colorado, to Los Angeles County, California, will not let COVID-era abnormalities hijack their children’s health and freedom.
With Justice Department goons and local cops treating parents protesting at school board meetings like criminals, we know we can’t rely on law enforcement to side with sovereignty-defenders over the State. Remember: Stephanie M. immediately contacted the Colorado Springs Police Department to report the abuse as soon as her daughter told her what happened. They blew her off. Instead, according to creepy public record files I obtained last week, at least three members of the CSPD’s Metropolitan Vice, Narcotics and Intelligence Division/Strategic Information Center passed around my Twitter and Gab posts about Rylee’s case to several CSPD command staff and other individuals whose names were redacted. A CSPD “Intelligence Unit” detective made note of my “2 million (yes, million) Twitter followers” (so what?), and a sergeant falsely claimed I was aware of protest plans at the school (I heard no such information until after administrators shut down the school on Oct. 25 amid an international maelstrom of public scrutiny and press coverage).
It’s getting impossible to “back the blue” when they stand down as antifa and Black Lives Matter attack you for defending law and order, kneel before the altar of George Floyd, enforce junk-science-based COVID-19 tyranny lining the pockets of Big Pharma and Big Government, and spy on you for standing up for parents fighting educational malpractice. Teach your children well.
Michelle Malkin’s email address is [email protected]. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
We the People either destroy this treasonous, lying, destructive, self-righteous, socialist Democrat Party or
this treasonous, lying, destructive, self-righteous, socialist Democrat Party will destroy our country, remove our freedoms and turn us into servants. slaves and wards of this
treasonous, lying, destructive, self-righteous, socialist Democrat Party.
The reign of the Socialist Democrat Party State is in effect.
The “Socialist Democrat Party State” political officers, Gestapo, Woke and Cancel Culture are just getting started.
You will obey, be loyal and support the policies of the “Socialist Democrat Party State” or you will be classified as “Enemies of the State”.
Hi Scruffy. The country IS being destroyed. It’s in process. And the gubment couldn’t care less about the citizens.
Which is why MORE and more, folk, are STOPPING their backing of the blue. BECAUSE THE BLUE”S are the ones who are ENFORCING THE LEFTISTS mandates!
My forefathers left Germany in the mid-1800s because the men of the family got tired of being turned into cannon fodder for the Kaiser. These days the American National Socialists disguised as Patriotic Democrats would turn our Children into chattel, and cattle fodder, i.e. their personal property, owned by the State, belonging to their ruling class of educational elites, and used as a personal effect up to and including sex. Before they can create their society of obedient children in adult bodies, they must first create children in child bodies and indoctrinate the human brain to perpetually lockstep in obedience like a Joe Biden on a “Sit and Spin” by playschool. Joe is not the aberration, but the ultimate goal of the socialist human experiment who jumps when told and barks when given a treat. Look at Joe and this is what they seek to turn your children into. The fact that they may be forcing all Americans into injecting mind controlling nanobots or micro-swimming blood agents that destroy the human will power is about one generation away, or perhaps what the Chinese and Fauci inspired Democrats that send them money for research today are really about these days.
Nor were they conceived by the government for it to determine how they should be raised—what they should learn in school—and what their value system should be.
TO me, a suitable punishment, should be to allow the mother, to tape up the teachers head.. WITH A FULL ROLL of duck tape…
gorilla tape… it’s stronger…. I’m just waiting for a parent to finally snap… and start wasting teachers/administrators…. you know it’s gonna’ happen soon or later.
Good thing I don’t have kids in school anymore. I’d be put on the FBI’s domestic terrorist list because I’d find that teacher and tape her up with blue duct tape.
Stories like this are why i am glad i HAVE No kids.
When you start abusing someone’s child whatever happens to you is well deserved.