The Pennsylvania Republican primary was a messy affair – and that’s putting it nicely. The three-way brawl between Dave McCormick, Kathy Barnette and Dr. Mehmet Oz was one of the most divisive and ugly primary fights in the last decade. Primary fights are supposed to end the moment we have a nominee, the moment it goes from us against us to us against them.
To the delight of Pennsylvania Democratic Senate nominee John Fetterman, the usual rally-round-the nominee that we see at the end of a primary – even a divisive one – has been slow to occur in Pennsylvania.
Some high-profile conservatives, angry over what they believe was a wrong decision made by the Pennsylvania Republican primary voters, have continued to train their fire on Dr. Oz – the Republican nominee for Senate – rather than on Democrat John Fetterman.
Let’s be absolutely clear, if elected John Fetterman would be the most radical Senator in United States history and the only thing standing between Fetterman and a 6-year term in the Senate is Dr. Mehmet Oz.
This is not a choice between Oz and your run of the mill mainstream Democrat, hell this isn’t even a choice between Oz and a committed progressive. This is a choice between Oz and a radical left-winger – think Bernie Sanders in a hoodie.
John Fetterman has advocated for releasing one-third of convicted felons back into Pennsylvania communities, while at the same time echoing radical calls to defund the police. Fetterman’s policies on crime and criminal justice are based in an ideology that puts the rights of violent criminals above those of law-abiding citizens.
And it’s not just on crime where Fetterman is far outside of the mainstream. Fetterman is an enthusiastic supporter of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s hairbrained “Green New Deal” and supports a Bernie Sanders style government takeover of our healthcare system.
At every turn, John Fetterman has consistently advocated for the most radical and most left-wing policy approach to every single challenge facing our country and the state of Pennsylvania.
Unlike Fetterman, his Republican opponent – Dr. Mehmet Oz – is a strong supporter of law enforcement and is committed to supporting the 2nd Amendment rights of all Americans.
Dr. Oz will oppose the Green New Deal, will oppose a big government takeover of our healthcare and understands that our policies should put the interests of working-class Pennsylvanians above left-wing special interests.
Like Biden, Fetterman has spent the entire general election hiding in his basement, while Dr. Oz has crisscrossed the state speaking to voters and listening to them and their concerns.
Fetterman has spoken publicly once since his stroke, it’s unclear at this point whether or not Fetterman even has the mental capacity or physical stamina required to do the job of United States Senator.
It is unclear whether Fetterman will participate in any live debates with Dr. Oz or face any serious questioning. The only thing more frightening than Bernie Sanders in a hoodie is the prospect of six years of Weekend at Bernies representing Pennsylvania in the Senate. We have seen just how disastrous it is for America when elected officials aren’t physically or mentally up to the job – we certainly don’t need to replicate the Biden experience in the U.S. Senate.
Despite what some would have you believe, this election isn’t about a segment Dr. Oz did on his show 15 years ago or about where a candidate shops for their groceries– it is about the future of our country. The stakes are simply too high to send a radical left winger to Washington to serve for six years in the United States Senate.
Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer want nothing more than to continue the circular firing squad on the right – they know that a divided GOP is the only way their radical candidate wins in Pennsylvania.
The time for grievances is over. The primary is done. It is time to rally around the only man who can stop John Fetterman – Dr. Mehmet Oz.
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Spot on, I didn’t vote for Dr. Oz either. Living in a suburb of Pittsburgh I didn’t care for him as mayor and shocked that he became Lieutenant Governor. He was already known for his stance on drugs and criminals, other parts of his biography were unknown to me but they do fit in quite well with what I knew before!
Hi joe23006. Also a western PA resident here. I blame our state Republican committee for this fiasco – they should have endorsed a candidate early on, avoiding the nasty primary. Dave McCormack would have been a much more formidable opponent for Mr. Hoodie. Dave is a PA native from Bloomsburg, West Point grad, Army vet, was CEO of a Pittsburgh-based company for several years. The Democrat candidate, on the other hand, was mayor of a failed town, a poor example as Lt. Governor (didn’t you just love his state-wide Legal Weed listening tour?) I really fear that the nitwits from Philly and Pittsburgh are going to stick us with Fetterman.
BUT i seems more and more that the republicans IN Philly, are just the same sort of swamp scum, WE WANT TO GET OUT OF OFFICE…
I don’t live there so I don’t have to make a choice. I am not impressed with Oz anymore than I was impressed with Trump when he came down the escalator. That changed soon enough.
So, I thought if I did live there I probably wouldn’t vote in that race but then I saw the Democrat and watched him speak and read about him. The guy sounds like a thug, dresses like a bum and has lived with or been supported by his parents his whole life. To top off all that he just had a stroke, has not fully recovered and whether it’s politically correct to say so or not he’s a medical risk as well as all the rest.
I didn’t want to vote for OZ but I would to keep that Democrat out of office. And that’s how we get RINOs, but this Democrat is worse than a RINO, much worse.
Some high-profile conservatives RINOs, angry over what they believe was a wrong decision made by the Pennsylvania.
A RINO is a treasonous Democrat pretending to be a Republican (Just like trans sexual…. Liz Chaney, Mitt Romney are perfect examples.
Thanks, I know what a RINO is.
There were no good choices in the primary. RINO Oz would be a better choice that Democrat Fetterman and those are the ONLY choices available for this seat. Hopefully, Pennsylvania voters can see that but I never underestimate the idiocy of the American voter.
IMO That is what the left counts on. THAT WE WOULD RATHER a rino in office, than a democrat.
Not exactly. The left would rather have a Democrat in office. Those who don’t vote help the Democrats gain another seat.
It’s the GOP establishment RINOs that would rather have another RINO.
I don’t actually know that OZ will be a RINO but I strongly expect it. Still, he counts as one more toward the majority and he will vote with Republicans a lot of the time. A Democrat counts toward a Democrat majority and will never vote with Republicans.
But what got me started on this RINO hunt was hearing and seeing Fetterman. Search him out on YouTube.
I can’t vote in Pennsylvania but that’s how it works.
Either way with a RINO or a dem, we get a leftist..
Apparently, those high-profile conservatives, angry over what they believe was a wrong Pennsylvanian decision need a house to fall on them before they wake up to a U.S. Senate again controlled by the up-Chucked Cowardly Liar and the House Controlled by the Wicked Witch of the West coast, with a government Congress filled with heartless Democrat tin men. There is one yellow brick road that leads to Republican victory in the fall, and if THE PEOPLE of Pennsylvania don’t have the brains, the heart, the nerve to unite and do the right thing and lock arms together and skip down the road to victory, their socialist trial balloons will just continue to crash and burn, and there will be no place like home to go back to, and they will wish they remained in the more comforting land of Oz.