Election-year fear-mongering is nothing new for politicians, especially if they fear getting pummeled by their opponents, but a Democrat congressman has upped the ante by warning that racist Republicans want violence in the streets, and even a civil war, if they win in November.
In an appearance on MSNBC, Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-New York) was asked by the GOP-bashing news network to predict what a GOP majority would look like if Democrats are tossed from power in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House, which polls suggest is very likely in the evenly-split Senate.
The congressman predicted, first of all, that a GOP majority would dismiss the findings of the January 6 Committee. He also predicted Republicans would impeach President Joe Biden, too, which is not a wild prediction considering Democrats were warned when they impeached Donald Trump twice.
But race and racism are a fixation of the Democratic Party, which relies on minority voters as a reliable base, so the congressman ominously said the country should fear “white nationalists” who gain power on Election Day.
“We’ve got to understand that this is a group that has been radicalized by the ‘great replacement’ myth, and many other things,” Rep. Bowman warned, “and have been pushing for violence and pushing even for civil war.”
The congressman has reason to worry, but not from white-robed Klansmen taking power on Capitol Hill. This week, in a Texas congressional district, Democrats watched Hispanic candidate Mayra Flores flip a House seat to the GOP in a 51%-43% win. Biden won the seat in 2020 by five points.
CNN, which is no fan of the Republican Party, was reporting in April that polling showed black voters, Latino voters, and young voters were abandoning the Democratic Party. At the time, Gallup was reporting a swing in political support when a gallon of unleaded was still hovering at $3 a gallon. Back then, just a few months ago, Democrats had yet to tell the public record-breaking gas prices and runaway inflation were Russia’s fault.
According to the Cook Political Report, in a June 2 summary, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will likely witness Democrats maintain their slim majority but the GOP could gain so many seats it will rival the GOP “high-water” mark from 1928. Yes, 1928.
Meanwhile, the poll numbers for President Biden have been hovering below the pivotal 50% approval for approximately 10 months, since the summer of 2021, AFN recently reported.
Responding to the congressman’s warning, Gary Bauer of American Values says the American public knows it was radical Leftists who burned down businesses for weeks and months in 2020 during race riots stemming from George Floyd’s death.
In just a two-week period, during the summer of 2020, 14 people were killed during 19 protests and riots, Forbes also reported.
A year of rioting, arson, looting, and vandalism was estimated to cost as much as $2 billion, making them the most expensive in U.S. history, The New York Post reported.
Bauer also points out radical abortion supporters have firebombed or vandalized 59 churches and pro-life pregnancy centers over a matter of weeks after learning Roe v Wade could be overturned. The reaction from the Left has ranged from utter silence to open support, even when abortion-rights vandals struck a black congregation and its tiny church in Mississippi.
“We don’t preach abortion. We preach Jesus Christ,” Elmore Armistad, a church deacon, said of the graffiti. “It just don’t add up.”
Despite a documented string of left-wing violence, Bowman went on to warn that democracy is “hanging by a thread” and the lives of “black and brown people” are in danger.
So how can a congressman accuse the other side of being dangerous and violent, when it is his supporters and voters who are harming others?
According to Bauer, demonizing your opponent when your side is committing wrongdoing is how you inch toward a totalitarian government.
“This is the way,” he warns, “you soften up a population for persecution of a particular group in our society.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
The famous tried and true, overused, and just as flimsy as it ever was—-the Democrat blame game of choice. It is so interesting how, with every Presidential election, the Dem candidate drags the current Republican President through the mud—and even throughout their term in office should they win—despite their claiming to have all of these great plans to turn everything around. So, when their plans don’t work out, what do they do but blame Republicans because their ideas didn’t pan out.
Bide, in his address to the AFL-CIO was on a warpath blaming Republicans because his agenda is stalled—and they are doing everything they can to thwart his success. They never accept responsibility for their decisions nor their actions—its’s blame—blame—blame.
Interesting. Should one be more afraid of the actual violence in the streets from liberal sycophants or the ‘predicted’ violence from those rascally Conservatives that never seems to happen?
Remember, those are PEACEFUL riots.. Not like Jan the 6th which was the WORLDS worst day in history. Just ask all those on MSNBC!
The Democrat Party wins most of their followers because they are ill-informed and/or low intellect.
Democrat’s propaganda or narrative works on an emotional level, not on the intellect level. The Democrat Party supporters are mentally subjective, how they Want Facts, Truth and reality to be,
Not Objective, how Facts, Truth and reality are. Subjective fools believe their own lies.
These Dishonorable socialist Democrat Party’s phony anti-racist crusades have little or nothing to do with protecting the civil rights or sensitivities of people of color and everything to do with the Democrats setting themselves up as their saviors. Their practice of patronizing groups cannot yield to the facts that the Democrat Party has a long history of racial discrimination. The Democrat Party’s is not defending the oppressed or the offended but about making themselves look wonderful with their latest destructive political racial Con.
The democrat (communist) party always accuses Republicans of being racist. They never have been. The demorats always were and are racists. They always supported slavery, they started the civil war, they started and still support the KKK. demorats are possessed with racism. There is not one demorat city that will educate blacks, nor protect them from crimes. demorats release criminals from jail and then blame republicans and guns when they kill. Republican politicians are a bunch of wimps, McConnel stands before a podium and preaches in the Senate. But nobody hears him because the so called news medium does not cover him. In the meantime biden and demorats constantly lie and lie and lie and they are heard every day on the lying news media.
Any riots that break out after a Republican win, will be instigated and supported by the Democrats. It’ll be Democrat mayor’s telling the police to stand down and let them “get it out of their systems.” Governors refusing to call out the National Guard. Kamala and other prominent Democrats contributing money to defense and bail funds. Who’s going to suffer? Mostly minority’s.
At least they won’t have to worry about Trump calling up and offering help.
Just like all those peaceful protests we saw during trumps RUN UP to his 2016 win.. ALL THOSE were ‘instigated’ by dems.