on 6:39 am April 19, 2021 at 6:39 am
Riots, burning, looting is the negroes favorite sport. Any excuse will do for them to riot and loot, in order to steal a new TV or a pair of sneakers or whatever they want. And if they are caught, they will whine racism and the Democrats will let them loose and pat them on the head.
Let’s not leave out white Antifa radicals. Fire burns hot whether it is set by Black Lives Matter or Antifa. Democrats use any group they can to destroy America.
Riots, burning, looting is the negroes favorite sport. Any excuse will do for them to riot and loot, in order to steal a new TV or a pair of sneakers or whatever they want. And if they are caught, they will whine racism and the Democrats will let them loose and pat them on the head.
YET they claim “WE are civilized”.. You could have fooled me.
Let’s not leave out white Antifa radicals. Fire burns hot whether it is set by Black Lives Matter or Antifa. Democrats use any group they can to destroy America.
But… Antifa’s not real.. Its just an ideal. So sayeth the dems at least.