As a community organizer for a City Council candidate in Queens, Dolma Lama handed out hundreds of flyers, knocked on dozens of doors, and helped host a string of events in her neighborhood to get out the vote ahead of last month’s municipal elections.
But unlike most of her neighbors, Lama was not able to vote herself in the Nov. 3 elections because she’s not an American citizen.
“It just strikes me as bad, and honestly sad,” said Lama, 24, who was brought to the U.S. by her parents as a teenager from Nepal and has since become a permanent resident. “I went to high school here, I went to college here, I pay my taxes, and I work as a full-time community organizer, but I’m not able to vote. That needs to be changed.”
This week, the City Council is poised to enact that change.
The Council is set to approve a bill Thursday that would let Lama and roughly 800,000 other immigrant New Yorkers vote in local elections, making the Big Apple the largest jurisdiction in the country to extend the right to noncitizens.
The bill, which was written by Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez (D-Manhattan) and has long been a priority for immigration advocates, is expected to easily pass, as a supermajority of the overwhelmingly Democratic chamber’s members are already signed up as co-sponsors.
Dubbed as “Intro 1867 , the measure would allow noncitizen permanent residents — a majority of whom are green card holders — and some work visa recipients to register with a political party and vote for mayor, Council, comptroller and other municipal government offices. A person must have been a lawful resident for at least 30 days to vote, and the right would not be extended to elections for president, governor, Congress or other state and federal offices.
Though it’s expected to breeze through the Council, the bill has prompted pushback from the chamber’s vocal Republican minority, whose members contend it would be illegal to let noncitizens vote and that it would dilute the importance of citizenship.
The Republicans say they will file a lawsuit to block the bill if it passes, pointing to a section of the state Constitution holding that “every citizen” is entitled to the right to vote.
“If they want to vote here, they should go through the process of becoming citizens because that is how you show a real commitment to being a part of this city and this country,” said Staten Island Councilman Joe Borelli, the Republican minority leader. “The stakes are too high, the problems we face in this city are too big, for us to give away the most quintessential right of American citizenship to someone who has only lived here for 30 days.”
Rodriguez, who’s originally from the Dominican Republic and could not vote until he became a citizen in 2000, waved off Borelli’s claims and said Council lawyers thoroughly vetted the bill before it was introduced.
“This is the same group of people who have been Donald Trump supporters, who have never been on the side of immigrants. They’re the same people who would be fine with legislation in the South that is reducing voting rights,” Rodriguez said of his GOP colleagues. “This bill will pass, and instead of diluting anything it will strengthen our democracy.”
The Big Apple won’t be first in the U.S. to allow noncitizen voting — 11 towns in Maryland alone permit it — but it will by far become the largest city holding the distinction.
It comes after Republican-led legislatures in some states, including Florida, passed bills last year prohibiting the enactment of any law allowing noncitizen voting.
Though support for Rodriguez’s bill is nearly universal among local Democrats, some have expressed concern it could run into legal trouble due to the constitutional question raised by Republicans.
Mayor de Blasio, who leaves office on Jan. 1, is among those skeptics, though he has said he will sign off on the bill regardless.
“Certainly not something I’d be intending to veto, but it’s also not something I’m sure is the right way to go about this,” de Blasio said on NY1. Hizzoner added that he preferred that the state legislature amend the constitution to allow noncitizen voting.
Lama, who’s in the process of applying for U.S. citizenship, said there’s no sense in waiting around for a constitutional amendment — which could take years.
“We have been waiting long enough,” said Lama. “Me and other people like me deserve it. We will finally get a voice.”
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Does this leave ANY DOUBT about why the Treasonous, socialist Democrat Party encourages. protects, supports, transport any and ALL illegal immigrants?? Even though it is against the U.S. Constitution and immigration Laws.
Does this leave any doubt about the intensions of this Treasonous, dishonorable, dishonest, destructive, unethical, immoral socialist Democrat Party??
The Traitorous, Socialist Democrat Party game plan is to lie, cheat and steal elections in order to take total control of the American people, increase Taxes on everything and bring American commerce and economy to its knees.
Then access power and retain it by any means available –
no matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
This traitorous, dishonorable, dishonest, immoral, socialist Democrat Party has become our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY!
If you want to vote in this country legally become a citizen.
The Dictatorcrats want to turn this country into another 3rd world hell hole.
EXACTLy.. AND IF THIS ‘community organizer, HAS ADMITTED SHE’s been here 20+ YEARS, why the hell has she NOT GOTTEN HER CITIZENSHIP yet?
This is insanity. Tammany Hall gone wild and it will back fire. If this goes through there will never be a Republican elected from NYC. Bad sign and it is time for US New Yorker’s to leave.
For the New York morons who voted all the Democrat communists into office: You voted them in. I have no sympathy for any of you.
When you run from the problem you created, DON’T RUN TO MY STATE OF MISSOURI. We don’t want you and your liberal socialist ideas.
REPUBLICANS already can’t get elected in NY…
My point exactly Ituser…. and… with the rampant voter fraud now fixated with NO counter balance or ANYONE in the injustice department or court systems or lame stream media willing to even look at the evidence… I’m afraid it’s hopeless. I’m getting real tired of saying this… but… one option left… we need a good commander or general to organize the take back. I sure the response from the general public would be overwhelming.
“It just strikes me as bad, and honestly sad,” said Lama, 24, who was brought to the U.S. by her parents as a teenager from Nepal and has since become a permanent resident. “I went to high school here, I went to college here, I pay my taxes, and I work as a full-time community organizer, but I’m not able to vote. That needs to be changed.”
Take the damn citizen test. Don’t complain that you are a foreigner just because yo do not want to commit to this great country.
Oe wonders, DID HER PARENTS bring her here LEGALLY??
“Lama was not able to vote herself in the Nov. 3 elections because she’s not an American citizen”?
You mean: “Lama was not able to vote herself [LEGALLY] in the Nov. 3 elections because she’s not an American citizen”. Is there any way of PROVING that she DID NOT, in fact, VOTE anyway (regardless of her legal status)?
Did she receive one of the Vote By Mail ballots – even though she had no LEGAL right to receive on, or to return it?
You can BET she’s probably already voted in DOZENS of elections…
” I work as a full-time community organizer, but I’m not able to vote. ”
Hey! Ever so often the system works as intended.
How much in taxes do community organizers pay?
AND how is it, that if she’s legally not allowed to vote, SHE CAN BE A FULL TIME community organizer, that IMPACTS VOTING/elections?
That would be like me saying “Legally i cannot own or handle a gun,but i work full time in a GUN STORE”..
These stupid and ignorant people just don’t get it ! ONLY USA citizens have the right to vote.
“It just strikes me as bad, and honestly sad,” said Lama, 24, who was brought to the U.S. by her parents as a teenager from Nepal and has since become a permanent resident. “I went to high school here, I went to college here, I pay my taxes, and I work as a full-time community organizer, but I’m not able to vote. That needs to be changed.”
Become a legal citizen, moron. Wait—never mind—the Democrat Party has taken notice of your mistreatment—they will grant your desires with the stroke of a pen. You have been over here long enough to see how the Democrat Party works and you think it is the American way. Well, it isn’t—despite whatever propaganda they have given you. You need to acquaint yourself with the history, laws, and customs of this country if you wish to live here. Just because a recognized political party here tells you something—that doesn’t make it so. Unfortunately, we have internal enemies in our nation and the Democrat Party is one of the biggest. I hope you will take the initiative to learn fact from fiction before they ruin you as they do everyone who embraces their agenda.
This proposition was voted down by the voters of NY by more than 3 to 1 this past November. This just goes to show that the Democrats (or should I say Demo-rats) don’t give a rats a_ _ about what the voters say here in NY.
So true.. ONLY WHEN the votes “Agree” with their agenda, do they care about the “Will of the people”.
Will this idiots now tell Mexico to give Americans living in their country the rights to vote, will this idiots tell us which country gives none residents the rights to vote. Do this people hate America for being Great Nation We the People must stop them
The delusional, dishonest, and divisive Democrats are committed to devaluing the importance of citizenship by extending voting rights to certain classes of non-citizens. In return for granting non-citizens this highly prized right, the Democrats know that the vast majority of the recipients will show their gratitude at the ballot box. This is a blatant scheme to obtain votes by offering non-citizens one of the most important rights guaranteed to the citizens of a democracy. Although this ploy is currently limited to local elections, I anticipate that the Democrats will eventually push to allow non-citizens to vote in elections for both federal and state officials. If that ever happens, America will end up being ruled permanently by a one-party, totalitarian system.
Thank goodness Joe Borelli and a handful of common sense folks are on the NY City Council! Otherwise, the inmates would be running the asylum. Staten Island ought to secede from NY City if this non-citizen voting nonsense passes.
There is no way you can prove the 800,000 won’t vote in state and federal election s. So when do these 800,000 vote to make Spanish the official language of new York ??
Especially since MOST locations i’ve ever been in, you VOTE FOR ALL 3 levels, local, State AND FEDERAL at the same bloody time….