House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Tuesday praised the guilty verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial and offered thanks to George Floyd for “sacrificing” his life for the pursuit of justice in policing.
“Thank you George Floyd for sacrificing your life for justice,” Pelosi said Tuesday outside the Capitol where she was joined by the Congressional Black Caucus.
“Because of you and because of millions of people around the world who came out for justice, your name will always be synonymous with justice. And now we have to make sure justice prevails in the sentencing.”
Read more at Fox News
Thank you, George Floyd! Thank you George Floyd for sacrificing your life for justice, Nancy Pelosi said.
Pelosi faces intense backlash after thanking George Floyd for ‘sacrificing your life for justice’
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is facing intense backlash after she thanked George Floyd for “sacrificing your life for justice” Tuesday following the conviction of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on murder and manslaughter charges.
Speaking alongside the Congressional Black Caucus shortly after the verdict was handed down, the top House Democrat looked to the sky and said, “Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice.
– Read more at Fox News
this witch has no shame and it is blashphemy for her to use christ name to advance evil.
white folk better wake up i mean soon!
I’m still trying to figure out how this demon doesn’t burst into flames…. must be a more “advanced” demon.
She’s getting there, her face and body is starting to decompose!
More and more, i’d love to see a blue bolt from heaven just STRIKE HER DOWN…
Nancy Plosi is determined to hold on to the power that she has as Speaker of The House, it doesn’t matter to her how she does this or who manipulates her, just as long as she doesn’t lose her power even thou every one knows that someone else is pulling her stringes.
What a PR stunt!! How noble of you, Nancy. It is a shame that you don’t recognize God all the time as you stand before the microphone and cameras with US flags as the backdrop muttering your concern for “the American people”.
And if Mr Floyd sacrificed his life, as you state, the Derek Chauvin did not kill him. As for justice being done in this situation, people need to be very careful jumping to that conclusion.
She and Biden should both be ex communicated from the Catholic Faith!!! How dare she compare George Floyd‘s situation as a SACRIFICE for JUSTICE!!! What about all the MILLIONS of babies who have been murdered by ABORTION Nancy??? Unlike your precious CAREER Criminal George Floyd, THEY didn’t commit any crimes!!! George Floyd shouldn’t have died the way he did, but let’s not forget who got him started on that road to begin with…….GEORGE FLOYD
don’t you mean…Saint Floyd.
She is confused, it’s the aborted babies who are sacrificed for the selfish.
Great point thunder. IF flloyd “Sacrificed” himself, then CHAUVIN IS NOT guilty of anything…
“Nancy Pelosi Celebrates: ‘We Thank God!’ ‘We Thank Jesus!’ ‘Thank You George Floyd For Sacrificing Your Life…’”
Matthew 7:15-16
15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
16 By their fruit you will recognize them.
We can recognize the “Nasty Nancy Pelosi, but by her own hateful, behavior and actions.
Jesus Christ will be her judge.
“Jesus Christ will be her judge.“
And George Floyd’s and Chauvin’s also.
I hope Jesus Christ and god do her justice. What about the ALL the cops, black cops, white cops, etc who sacrifice and have sacrificed their lives to protect these criminals, thugs, and LAW abiding citizens every day. She is a disgusting excuse for a representative of our country never the less of human decency, along with the squad and anyone who backs them, and their deranged lack of morality.
Mricky.. i DOUBT she gives a flying rats butt, about the lives of all those cops and servicemen/women…
Good grief Nancy, get a grip.. George did not sacrifice his miserable life.. He was a drug abuser, a criminal and pond scum.. He was not and is not a Saint..Neither are you!
You and he will stand before God..And God is NOT political…
She is nothing but a rectum on legs, expelling excrement from the opening…….she came in contact with a decent woman once but didn’t like what she stood for
Nancy Pelosi, you are pro abortion / murdering helpless babies in the womb and you are thanking God and Jesus???? Nancy, you are “godless”.
Democrats do not believe in GOD.
Correction. They believe that they are God.
The Democrats’ god is their politics.
They believe in rigging elections!!!
THEIR god is molock.
Satan’s daughter speaks.
shes NOT that smart.
did she just thank Floyd for being a criminal and for resisting arrest ????
YES> These criminals THANK Other criminals..
If anyone sacrificed their life it would be Chauvin as his going to prison will probably save dozens of lives that would have been lost in the rioting that would have followed his release.
No matter. They’ll riot anyway. That jury caved to the mob.
Portland already SAW a night of rioting.. What’s the betting we see them elsewhere to.
They will riot and loot to celebrate anyway! It’s like THEIR VERSION of a parade. I’d love to see his conviction get thrown out because of what MAXINE WATERS said!!! THAT would be JUSTICE, for HER. I’m on Federal Grand Jury duty, the Judge can tell you to disregard stuff that you heard or saw all they want, you are STILL influenced by it and all your previous life experiences too. How would Nancy feel if Floyd had broken into her home and stole her ice cream?
More and more, i firmly believe, they just CANNOT BE civilized… period.
Good god…. these people are completely shameless…
“your name will always be synonymous with justice.“
Not to ME it won’t!!! Maybe to those without any morals, who think that it’s okay to commit crimes against others, but not to my way of thinking.
It will be synonymous with INJUSTICE… Just like every other black thug out there… getting let off, without charges. WHILE THE WHITE folks who dare defend themselves, get jailed.
Like so much of what this dangerous woman says, her statement defies logic. Before George Floyd died, Derek Chauvin had never been accused of any wrongdoing that anyone had to be rescued from or punished for, i.e., “sacrificed” for. In fact, if any life is being sacrificed for a cause, it’s Derek Chauvin’s life, in order to further the cause of BLM and Critical Race Theory racists.
FLOYD, on the other hand, was a CAREER CRIMINAL, who died while committing ANOTHER CRIME, while HIGH on ILLEGAL drugs!!!
Pay off for being a criminal – ask the city.
These days, the old adage of “Crime doesn’t pay” CERTAINLY keeps being proven wrong..
What a bunch of craziness. Go back and read or watch what happened during the French Revolution. The people went from wanting a new system of government to absolute blood lust where very many, including many of those who instituted the insurrection, were ‘sacrificed’ to the ‘national razor’. When I see the crowds of rioters, hear the rhetoric out of many of the liberals, it is frighteningly close to what was happening in France. It did NOT go well for the people of the country in many, many ways.
‘We Thank God!’ ‘We Thank Jesus!’
Interesting comment from a Christian bashing Pro-Abortion Atheist.
I’d have loved it, if they ALL dropped dead from a lightning bolt from heaven, right there and then!
George Floyd is a martyr!
He set out to get killed, so YOU (Democrats) would have an issue to riot with (and to get rid of Law Enforcement)!
Well, we already KNOW you don’t give a rat’s rear end about Election Law, so why NOT eliminate police?
Hell, get rid of Fire Departments and 9-1-1 (oh, wait, you need some phone number for Democrats to call, when McDonalds runs out of Chicken McNuggets, don’t you?)!
I know from talking WITH fire and EMT folks, IF THERE ARE NO COPS to secure an accident or crime scene, THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GO IN.. SO if they do defund/eliminate the cops, that ALSO BY extension means NO FIRE OR Ambulance services too!
Nancy Pelosi = Piece of excrement. I tried using the three letter abbreviation, P*S, but they censored it. LOL
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Her remarks were totally insensitive bothe as a ptivate citizen and as apublic official. Sacrifice connotates something willfully, usually in furthering a particular cause, inher context he is really colateral damage incurred in reaching the desired end. What she is doing is hijacking this situation to further her own ambitions for legislation that is overreach to impose the liberal agenda on the country in spite of Constitutional bans of many components in it.
The only people “thanking the lord” should be his family, they did get $27 million dollars!
More like thanking the TAX VICTIMS of Minneapolis!
Hey cement face Pukelousy, don’t be calling your god, Lucifer, Jesus. He doesn’t like it and if Lucifer gets angry enough, he may call you down to his lake of fire sooner than you think. We, as normal human beings, can only hope.
Floyd was 6’6″ and the arresting officer weighted 140 lbs. According to testimony, Floyd had a lethal amount of Fetanyl and Meth and it this is one of the famous combos which kill and thousand died last year. Floyd had a rap sheet of 5 convictions and had held a gun on a pregnant home owner while they robbed her. He passed a $20 bill and was high on a speed ball. Floyd began resisting arrest while they were putting him in the patrol car and he stated while they were wrestling with him , that he couldn’t breathe. There was NO knee on his neck and, during the autopsy testimony, there were no bruises reported in the neck area. Does that sound like without reasonable doubt? The mob that threatened to riot if the “correct” verdict didn’t occur. No fair judgement could have been given in this venue.
She’s a raving lunatic, moron…
Reminds me of the Bible verse that states”even the demons recognize the power of God and tremble”.
I many of her house will be divided because of her statements? Hopefully enough to start a fall.
What justice ?
Both the witness’s and the jury were receiving threats as they they went through the gate to enter the courthouse.
Chauvin was never going to get a fair trial in MN, his case should have been tried out of state.
Her rotting soul must give off a terrible stench. Hopefully Satan will call her home soon.
Nancy Plosi has always twisted her comment she made, for instanc, when Republican President, Donald Trump was president, she always prayed for him,Do you think she wished him well