We’re paying special prosecutor Robert Mueller to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election, but now it’s clear he’s on an out-of-control ego trip that won’t stop until he reaches President Donald Trump.
Mueller was hired — with our tax dollars — to find out whether there was collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign, yet his first indictments were all about Ukraine.
No Russia.
No Trump campaign.
No collusion.
They were all conspicuously missing from the indictments of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and sidekick Rick Gates.
That’s a strange way to kick off your long-running criminal probe. You’d think Mueller would lead with his strongest stuff, but clearly he doesn’t have it yet.
Mueller, in fact, took over — let’s say bigfooted — a previous investigation that was already underway into Manafort’s secret work for the Ukraine government. The FBI was onto Manafort before the election.
So why the need for a special prosecutor?
Because Mueller badly needed to snag a big fish in his first batch of indictments. And he got one. There’s no doubt the charges against Manafort and Gates are serious, and they could go to prison for a long time.
And Mueller conveniently announced a guilty plea against a former Trump campaign lackey who lied to the FBI about a meeting with a Russian professor. That plea was reached earlier this month, but Mueller unsealed it yesterday — obviously to show he’s still doggedly pursuing the collusion conspiracy.
The details in that deal offer tantalizing hints of collusion — but not actual collusion. Just like we’ve been hearing about for months.
Mueller also let the panting media know that the indictments yesterday were the beginning, not the end, of his expanding investigation.
So all you Democrats still waiting for indictments related to Russia, don’t worry. They’re coming. Even if it takes Mueller many more months to finish.
And don’t forget that Mueller is also investigating possible obstruction of justice related to the firing of FBI director James Comey. And that may be the most serious threat to Trump.
In the meantime, the special prosecutor seems bent on taking down any Trump adviser or relative he can find, even if it has nothing to do with a Russian conspiracy. He’ll happily take tax evasion instead.
And the U.S. taxpayers are footing an ever-expanding bill — millions of dollars — to fund this aggressive investigation. No one knows when it will stop.
But Mueller at some point has to produce more than just the hide of a sleazy Washington lobbyist and the Ukraine government to justify his job. And he needs to do it quickly.
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