In lieu of the recent wave of international Islamic terrorism that has swept the globe, Rev. Franklin Graham expressed that even though a great majority of Muslims practicing Islam in the United States do not agree with Muslim acts of violence, he is terrified by the eight percent of Muslim Americans who justify Islamic terrorism.
The world-renowned evangelist noted a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center divulging that seven percent of Muslims living in America believe that violence carried out against non-Muslims is “sometimes justified,” while another one percent reportedly proclaim that such jihadist attacks are “often justified,” according to
Islamic terrorism was the subject of Graham’s recent piece that he published via a major news outlet, which specifically addressed the attack in Nice, France, and other militant acts carried out in the name of jihad. Adding the two statistics together, Graham indicated that the still significant number of Muslims justifying terrorism in the name of Islam is reason for grave concern.
“That is not to say that 8 percent would actually strap on an explosives-packed vest, but the fact that so many find it justifiable is scary enough,” the son of the iconic Rev. Billy Graham insisted in his op-ed for USA Today.
The younger Graham went on to argue that the relatively small percentage of Muslims living in the U.S. agreeing with Muslim violence are an open portal for militant Islamic perpetrators who wish to carry out jihad on American soil and abroad.
“And the most likely place that terrorist recruiters or Internet propagandists will find American Muslims who’d be willing to kill is among those Muslims who don’t see anything wrong with it,” he continued.
Stating his case
Clarifying his reason for alarm, Graham impressed how anyone faced with an 8-percent chance of violence in his or her daily routine would do all he or she could to bring safety to the situation … rather than just ignore it or merely hope for the best.
“Who would knowingly and willingly accept these odds of a peaceful existence in their own family, neighborhood, workplace or church?” the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) asked.
Then, he gave a specific example of how terrorist sentiment would be handled in a typical work environment.
“For example, would you feel safe accepting a job at a ‘mostly peaceful’ company of 100 employees if that meant only eight of them believed a suicide bombing was sometimes or often justified in the name of their religion (or in the name of anything, for that matter)?” Graham posed.
The global missionary went on to ask Americans how they would deal with specific situations where they had similar odds of coming across Islamic terrorism sympathizers.
“Would you stay at a hotel whose employees were ‘mostly peaceful’?” Graham questioned Americans. “Would you trust your car to not explode randomly if a company who boasted its workers were mostly peaceful had made it?”
Not stopping there, the respected American preacher maintained that partial safety offers no true sense of security at all.
“Imagine a marketing slogan: ‘Trust us — we’re mostly peaceful,’” he continued to state his case. “And who would fly an airplane full of mostly peaceful passengers?”
Acknowledging that most Muslims do not stand in agreement with terrorist acts such as the one carried out in Nice, France, in the name of Allah — the god of Islam — Graham contends that there is still reason for Americans to urge the government to take all the precautions it can to ensure national security. Well before the latest wave of violence that began with the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, he was among the first in America to advocate a ban on Muslim immigrants coming into the U.S. until government officials were able to secure the borders.
The concerned church leader ended by insisting that a significant number of Islamic terrorist supporters living inside the U.S. are more than enough of a reason for Americans to be afraid for their lives.
“[I]t’s the millions who apparently agree [with violence in the name of jihad] who terrify me,” Graham concluded.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
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