The Mexican government on Wednesday filed a lawsuit against 10 major U.S. gun companies alleging lax controls contribute to the illegal flow of weapons across the southern border.
The suit filed in federal court in Massachusetts accuses the companies of actively facilitating the flow of firearms to drug cartels in the past decade as more than 2.5 million American guns have illegally crossed into Mexico with 70% of guns traced in the country tracked back to the United States.
“For decades, the government and its citizens have been victimized by a deadly flood of military-style and other particularly lethal guns that flows from the U.S. across the border,” the lawsuit states.
The suit specifically cites Smith & Wesson; Barett Firearms Manufacturing; Beretta U.S.A.; Beretta Holding; Century International Arms; Colt’s Manufacturing Company; Glock, Inc.; Glock Ges.m.b.H; Sturm, Ruger & Co.; and gun supplier Witmer Public Saftey Group.
It states that these manufacturers “are conscious of the fact that their products are trafficked and used in illicit activities” in Mexico.
“Nonetheless, they continue to prioritize their economic benefit and use marketing strategies to promote weapons that are ever more lethal without mechanisms of security or traceability,” the lawsuit said.
The Mexican government alleged that U.S. gunmakers design weapons that explicitly appeal to Mexican crime groups such as the Colt .38 Super pistol which is engraved with an image of revolutionary hero Emiliano Zapata and a quote attributed to him: “It is better to die standing than to live on your knees.”
That weapon was used by a gunman in the assassination of investigative journalist Miroslava Breach in 2017.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation, a trade association for the American firearms industry, rejected the lawsuit’s claims in a statement Wednesday.
“These allegations are baseless,” said Lawrence G. Keane, the group’s senior vice president and general counsel. “The Mexican government is responsible for the rampant crime and corruption within their own borders.”
The suit is unlikely to gain traction due to a 2005 U.S. law that shields gun manufacturers from most civil liability claims but Mexican government officials said they hope it will draw attention to the issues.
“If we don’t file a suit like this and win it, they’re never going to understand, they’re going to continue doing the same thing and we will continue having deaths every day in our country,” Mexico’s foreign minister, Marcelo Edbrard, said.
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Sounds like the dishonorable Democrats are trying to get Mexico involved with their gun control Con.
YEA< HOW's about SUING THE DOJ for fast and furious??
Just a few years late, Fast & Furious was during The Obama administration where they were planning on using it to push their gun control agendas.
it backfired on them.
YES!!! Well, maybe not exactly backfired since no prosecutions were forthcoming and no one was held accountable.
However, besides Mexican gangs, ATF is the most likely to be involved in trafficking.
Are auto manufacturers liable or responsible for what happens when vehicles are used in kidnappings or robberies? How about when it’s a DUI?
AND last i checked, not even CIVIL penalties have ever accruded to either obama OR holder.. LET ALONE criminal ones.
So, does the Mexican government think their gangs are getting their illegal weapons from legitimate US sources?? How can a gun manufacturer that is in business to make guns and lawfully sell them on the open market, somehow be held liable for the flow of illegal weapons?? Somebody is looking for a scapegoat and not the real source.
This is a lawsuit that needs to be tossed for lack of merit. The Mexican government cannot do their job so they are trying to blame others.
BUT you can bet some libtard judge will say “THEY HAVE PLENTY OF standing to bring this case”.. Unlike the DOZENS OF lawsuits they ‘tossed’ for lack of standing last year, RE the election fraud.
Most likely the cartels are doing the importing but have too much power for the government of Mexico to go after them. In this case I’d bet the Biden DOJ will file a friend of the court brief on behalf of Mexico.
Don’t forget to include Barack Obama and Eric Holder as co-conspirators (can you say “Fast and Furious”)?
YES! Obama and Holder should be personally charged as co-conspirators if this sham mexican suit progresses further!
THEY SHOULD have been charged and jailed, YEARS BACK, when we first HEARD about a US border agent getting KILLED BY A RIFLE that holder and co, for all intents and purposes, sold to the cartels…
WE shouldn’t just be talking about charging them, now.. AS ITS TOO Bloody late.
This is a complete lie by the Mexican govt. The guns were sold to the Mexican military and police with full approval for export by the U.S. Government. Tens of thousands of Mexican police and govt personnel have joined the cartels, taking their weapons with them. Just because the guns recovered by the Mexican authorities have traceable U.S. serial numbers, it does not prove that the guns were trafficked illegally. Any honest judge should dismiss the suit immediately in order to prevent the manufacturers from excessive legal fees.
That’s IF they can get an honest judge.. With all the traitorous hacks sitting on the bench, i don’t have much faith in them being able to do so…
If Mexico is going to sue, sue those personally responsible for all those weapons getting to Mexico – “fast & furious” aka the HMFC at the WH.
So We The People should file a Class Action against Mexico to repay for
1)all the overtime Law Enforcement has had to put in on their account
2)the restitution to US Citizens for the damage done by drunk illegals
3) imported disease
4) lost wages due to cheap illegal labor
5) human resources intended for US citizens and paid for by US citizens
6) printing everything in “Hispanic”.
to name but a few items.
Don’t forget
7) all the extra jail space to HOUSE all their criminal illegals
8) all the loss of lives from americans, due to ILLEGAL ALIEN GANGS (such as MS13)
9) all the hospital visits by American citizens, from illegal invaders driving (drunk or not).
We should sue Mexico for the hordes of illegal aliens invading our country. Mexico is a lot more culpable than US gun manufacturers.
Especially since 99% of the ‘Cartel coyotes, HELPING TO RUN those illegals INTO AMERICA, are themselves mexican!
I didn’t realize mexico was run by democrats. It’s now plain to me that that is the case since democrats only know how to blame everyone else for their problems and NEVER accept responsibility for their own stupidity.