Even Mexico is worried about the illegal immigration crisis Joe Biden has created yet refuses to acknowledge, dubbing him the “migrant president.”
Mexico’s left-wing government is reportedly concerned Biden’s policies are triggering an explosive surge in illegal immigration to the U.S. and are also providing steady traffic for violent drug cartels.
According to government officials, Mexico is worried that the new asylum policies are “stoking illegal immigration and creating business for organized crime,” per the Daily Wire.
Indeed, Biden’s policies have already thrown gasoline on the fire that is illegal immigration, as more than 100,000 migrants were detained just last month the highest total for February since 2006.
According to former Obama administration officials, the standard number for a border crisis was 1,000 crossings a day.
Ironically enough, the individuals that set that standard were none other than Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas, then deputy secretary of Homeland Security.
When Trump left office, the U.S. was deporting more people than were coming into the country illegally. But, under Biden, the number of people illegally coming into the country is more than 6,000 per day.
To clarify, that is six times more than the level set by Obama’s team to signify a crisis.
“They see him as the migrant president, and so many feel they’re going to reach the United States,” Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said about Biden. “We need to work together to regulate the flow, because this business can’t be tackled from one day to the next.”
The report detailed that Mexican intelligence has found that the cartels are “diversifying methods of smuggling and winning clients as they eye U.S. measures that will ‘incentivize migration,'” the Daily Wire reports.
The policies that Mexican officials believe are driving cartel activity include “support for victims of gangs and violence, streamlining of the legalization process, and suspension of Trump-era accords that deported people to Central America.”
Since Biden took office, these drug trafficking networks have recognized his weakness and used that to their advantage, showing “unprecedented” levels of sophistication in their activity, which includes “briefing clients on the latest immigration rules, using technology to outfox authorities and disguising smuggling operations as travel agencies.”
Additionally, smugglers are telling migrants to go to their local authorities and complain that they have been the victims of crime so they can then apply for asylum in the U.S.
Because of the “come one, come all” border policy, Mexico is also concerned that “there could be a significant influx in migrants from other regions, including the Caribbean, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
The post Mexico Concerned that Biden is ‘Stoking’ Illegal Immigration, ‘Creating Business for Organized Crime’ appeared first on Human Events.
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“STOKING”? !!!! Racist Biden …IS… personally responsible… I’ll say it in a way even libtards can understand…”Follow the science” … It would …NEVER… and didn’t happen under President Trump.
FOLLOW the money, not the “science”…
Excuse me, but could any sane person not realize that flooding EVERY & ONLY White countries with MILLIONS of non-Whites and telling everyone to “assimilate” to create a blended humanity is White GENOCIDE?
Africa will still be full of Africans.
Asia will still be full of Asians.
Only White children will suffer from this insanity.
That’s White Genocide.
Except they don’t call it GENOCIDE when it’s done to White children.
They call it “diversity”.
Diversity means chasing down the last White person.
If the shoe was on the other foot and MExico was the dominant economic and military country, they would have declared war upon us years ago and invaded to correct the problem. The day of poor white people oppression is just a matter of time, once the majority is lost, and the hatred of the other side rules over a people now educated and indoctrinated by Liberal Secular Democrats to live by emotion, not facts or reality and dispise anyone white who does not think like them as their new inferiors.
Theyd have also armed the border, with MANNED GUN Towers, to shoot anyone trying to sneak in.
Mexico is worried about illegal aliens crossing the border into the United States?????? If Mexico is so worried about illegal aliens coming into the United States, why doesn’t Mexico seal its southern and northern borders with their military?
Their military is too much in the CARTELS BACK POCKETS>.
They first off, need to CRUSH the cartels, before they can regain control over their own military..
When O’biden reversed all of the border control policies and agreements that President Trump had worked to put into effect the financial aspects probably went away as well.
More than likely..
Maybe the Biden crime family is on the payroll of the Mexican drug cartels, amongst others. Just sayin’.
Certainly wouldn’t shock me one bit.
As all true Americans know he is a promoter and supporter of organized crime.