Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell took the rare step of weighing in on an internal conflict among House Republicans, praising Representative Liz Cheney for her “deep convictions” and “courage” as she faces attacks from former President Donald Trump’s allies.
Cheney, the third-ranking House GOP leader, has come under fire for her vote to impeach the former president as well as her sharp criticism of his words and actions.
“Liz Cheney is a leader with deep convictions and the courage to act on them,” McConnell said in a statement. “She is an important leader in our party and in our nation. I am grateful for her service and look forward to continuing to work with her on the crucial issues facing our nation.”
– Read more at Bloomberg
““Liz Cheney is a leader with deep convictions and the courage to act on them,” McConnell said “
So does Nancy Pelosi and her Congressional Democrat cult! McConnell are you going to praise them too??
It would appear that McConnell is a member of the “swamp”.
McConnell outed himself as a swamp creature when he decided Trump was a sinking ship and turned on him. We need leaders who are willing to articulate and fight for conservative ideals, not professional runners-up who never met a principle they wouldn’t sacrifice.
I agree. Mitch can make this his last term in the Senate as he is too weak. We can thank him for getting Judges in that Trump nominated.
It is time for Cheney to step down from her leadership position. The voters in her state can decide if she should return. I think they can find someone stronger to represent them and all of us conservatives in congress.
Mitch has his 7 years locked in and is feeling invulnerable. He steps into it alright. Press the button, pull the Chain, out come a chocolate Cho Cho Train. For Liz Cheny, the only deep Convictions she is concerned about is her Deep State Convicting Trump and sending him to the political dump to make things in Washinton work like business as usual,,,,FOR THEM.
I fully agree.
I’ve seen mitch as a swamp critter, for YEARS.. He’s just came out of the closet..
He sure is. He leans in the direction that is best suited for him and his Swamp Power.
He was all for Trump….until Trump is out of power and now he is against him. McConnell continues to be the Deplorable that he has always been.
“Leaders”? They are Representatives of the people, not our leaders!
The traitors must stick together. McConnell created the swamp and has been living in it for a long time and cheney was raised by the swamp creature
To me, they were BIRTHED by the swamp!
Liz Cheney needs a history lesson before she hurts Americans any more. Failing that, she needs to go asap. Now is the time to recall her because her GOP seat means nothing when she fails to vote that way.
That applies to QUITE A FEW seats. Not just hers. Let’s hope the folks in Carolina, get rid of MITCH too!
What’s with the “leader” tag stuck on elected representatives?
And, in the end, shouldn’t We The People judge who a good “leader” is / would be and not another Party affiliate?
“Liz Cheney is a leader with deep convictions and the courage to act on them,” McConnell said in a statement. “She is an important leader in our party and in our nation. I am grateful for her service and look forward to continuing to work with her on the crucial issues facing our nation.”
Cheney is a traitor to conservatism, as are you Mitch.
Both are merely leaders for “their own cause” and doesn’t include the USA, nor the people in it.
Mega Dittos on that!
Both Liz and Mitch aren’t long for the Republican Party. Mitch has asked Gov. Coumo to find him a room in a nursing home in NY and Liz will be his caretaker. Both no good for the Party.
THE republican party as a whole imo, is rotting in front of our eyes.. CRETINS Like Mitch and co, are WHY!
I never heard Mitch say ANYTHING like that about Trump – who had even MORE conviction and courage – and HE was acting on OUR behalf!
Screw You, Mitch!
Liz Cheney has the deep convictions of a deep state RINO. Two birds of a feather, right Mitch? Mitch do you and Liz meet on weekends to discuss how great the deep state is for all of you Republicans In Name Only and the communist Democrats.
Since President Trump is no longer in office, will McConnell now be on the wrong side of EVERY issue? Appears that he is too much of a Washington establishment Republican to be a conservative and support the real Republican Party.
HOW MANY TImes has he been on the “RIGHT” side of issues??
Well, Mitch, if you can’t (or won’t) support the party and the REAL President, then STHU and disappear; go home to your CHINESE CCP WIFE and stay there! Your only “deep conviction” is to yourself and your own well being. GET OUT OF OUR SIGHT!
For anyone who votes for these two traitors, may a pox fall upon your house.
They are traitors for darn sure!
AND for those who’ve voted for those two in the past, I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY WITH WHAT You have done to this nation!
I’d be satisfied if Antifa/BLM fell upon their houses. It’s one way to get rid of the RINOs.
Why is McConnell the Senator Minority Leader? Can’t wait until they boot his sorry a$$ and put someone in that position who has a steel set of balls and will stand up to the Demons and RHINO.
Cheney and McConnell should both be kicked out of any affiliation with
the Republican party, they are worse than swamp creatures, both
are pond scum……………William
I don’t think that the Demons even want them. They are just using them for the time being.
Just like Mitt romney.. THE LEFT needs to take these three snakes….
You left out Romney and Collins.
There are only two groups of people who have any legitimate say in the Liz Cheney issue: 1) the Republicans in the House of Representatives, and, 2) the voters in the State of Wyoming. Since McConnell is not a member of either group, he needs to shut up.
Amazing how all these Pieces of **** begged for President Trump’s support to get re-elected, and as soon as they are back in the Swamp, they turn on him. Now the Piss Poor Republican Party is business as usual—-Yes Nancy, Yes Chucky, whatever you say. We’ll sit back and let you guys do whatever you want, and we’re sorry if we offend you. These RINO Swamp Creatures HAVE to GO!!!
I HOPE Trump apologizes to WE THE PEOPLE< for BEGGING US to support these traitorous scumbags…
EFF OFF you turtle.
McConnell has lost his way. Send him back home. And he can take Liz Cheney with him!
I think with all these traitors and Rino’s in the republican party , the republican party has seen its last days, Trump is right to start a new party goodbye swamp creatures !
A lot of the swamp RINOs just quit the republican party. Hopefully we can get rid of the rest of the RINO swamp by the 2022 elections and won’t have to start a new party. The RINOs should be the ones to start a new party and it should be called The Backstabbers.
Thing is trump DIDN’T. HE had a chance with the patriot party, WHICH HE FAILED TO endorse…
Just like dummycrats, RINOs stick together. The only leadership qualities Mitch and Liz have is BEING led to the Marxist dummycrat kool-aid stand.
Both of them are nothing but swamp dwellers. I will never donate to anything with McConnell’s name connected to it. If the RNC wants support, they need to cut ties with the RINO’s. I will never donate to anything I think may give a dime to these trash traitors.
The red eyed, white rabbit swamp critter and his Chinese wife and their Chinese dealings—how sweet. He’s a worthless RINO and Cheney is just another in a growing number of embarrassing female politicians.
Bottom line: the GOP swampers are circling the wagons. McConnell should be kicked to the curb on re-election day.
ALL of them, need to be kicked to the curb.. OR BETTER YET, kicked out of the nation!
Time for McConnell to go! I seriously believe he and his wife are conflicted by the Chinese anyway. Mitch is a example of why we need Term Limits so badly. He was once effective, but face facts, he’s been in congress too long! I don’t trust him anymore. He’s a Swamp creature! And anyone in his position that couldn’t support the Republican President should resign. I can never support him, or many Republicans ever again. And those 10 RINOs that spent two hours with Biden this week are obviously chosen for a reason, they are RINOs! Biden thinks he can use them. And historically he is right. We need Republicans with guts! And that’s a rare commodity!