Son Of Thunder
on 7:14 am February 23, 2023 at 7:14 am
The real train wreck is in Washington DC which has resulted in a major derailment of American ideals, values, and principles. Clouds of toxic lies are billowing across the land. In spite of it all, they keep trying to tell us everything is okay.
Hi Son of Thunder. What would you expect from complicit, obsequious, compliant, and obedient gubment “workers” and a collegial media (for the most part)?
inluminatuo on Harris Campaign Website Adds Policy Platform Page: “The great debate Tuesday will be between the Democrat smiling beguiler who consumes, taxes, then comes to our American table…” Sep 9, 09:02
inluminatuo on The Constitution Stands in Their Way, So …: ““making him a beneficiary of a document that is essentially antidemocratic and, in this day and age, increasingly dysfunctional.”,,,,more madness…” Sep 9, 08:57
The real train wreck is in Washington DC which has resulted in a major derailment of American ideals, values, and principles. Clouds of toxic lies are billowing across the land. In spite of it all, they keep trying to tell us everything is okay.
Hi Son of Thunder. What would you expect from complicit, obsequious, compliant, and obedient gubment “workers” and a collegial media (for the most part)?
THis is why we need to GUT THE FEDERAL GOVT.. ALL branches. ALL departments. ALL Orgs.