The left-wing policies of President Joe Biden have delivered untold suffering for millions of Americans, resulting in horrific approval ratings. Biden has been an utter failure at home and abroad. Of all his failures, his insane energy policies have caused the most financial harm to Americans.
As noted by House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, Biden and the Democrats are committed to a “radical Green New Deal agenda.” Under President Donald Trump, gasoline prices were below $2 per gallon and the United States became a net exporter of petroleum for the first time since 1949.
Once Biden became President, the Keystone XL pipeline was halted, and a moratorium was issued on new federal drilling leases. He ended all drilling leases in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) and eliminated an array of tax incentives for the oil and gas industry.
He also announced plans to convert the federal government’s fleet of 650,000 vehicles to all-electric. Combined, these policies placed our country in an extremely vulnerable position, as the war in Ukraine has exposed.
Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, gasoline prices have skyrocketed 47 cents per gallon, reaching the highest level since 2008. Average gasoline prices have now surpassed $4 and are racing to surpass the historic record of $4.11 per gallon.
This is catastrophic for the American economy and will lead to an even greater inflation rate, which is already at a four-decade high. In January, consumer prices surged 7.5%, with major increases in food, electricity and shelter contributing to most of the gain. With gasoline prices now exploding, Americans will experience even higher inflation in the future.
Unfortunately, American wages are not keeping pace with the surging inflation rate, so the average American is falling further behind economically. A recent Labor Department report showed that wages increased 4% in the last year; however, the inflation rate is at 7.5% and rising.
As the Biden administration tries to exert even more economic pressure on the Russians, there are ongoing discussions with other countries to ban the importation of Russian oil. United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said, “we are now talking to our European partners and allies to look in a coordinated way at the prospect of banning the import of Russian oil.”
If this ban is enacted, it will surely inflict economic pain on the Russians. However, it will also lead to even higher energy costs for Americans, as we import 3.5% of our oil and 21% of our gasoline from the Russians.
Under President Biden, the United States has become an energy dependent country once again. We import oil from Canada, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia. Nigeria, and Iraq, among other countries. It is outrageous that the United States is dependent on any authoritarian, socialist, or corrupt country for our energy needs.
With our vast energy resources, the United States should not be importing one drop of oil. We must stop sacrificing jobs and economic opportunity at the “green” altar of climate change.
The Biden administration’s record has shown that pursuing “green” energy and thwarting the production of more domestic oil and gas leads to higher prices at the pump and more dependence on foreign oil.
While these policies are pleasing to far-left “squad” members like U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), they are painful to working class Americans who must commute to work, buy their groceries, and try to provide for their families.
As gas prices have soared, Biden has refused to retreat from his “green” agenda, but he did authorize the release of thirty million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Supposedly, this will mitigate the economic damage from rising oil prices; however, it is a mere band-aid.
Daily, Americans use over 20 million barrels of oil. Thus, Biden’s decision is not enough to cover two days of American oil consumption.
The genuine answer to this dilemma is to return to the Trump energy policies. According to Scalise, “President Biden should immediately reverse his devastating policies that are causing gas prices to skyrocket and are giving Putin leverage against the rest of the world and return to the policies that were working under President Trump to create American energy dominance.”
To deal with these problems, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced the Energy Freedom Act on Friday. The goal of the legislation will be to “make America energy independent again by accelerating federal permitting for energy projects and pipelines, mandating new onshore and offshore oil and gas lease sales, approving pending LNG export licenses, and generally speeding up solar, wind, and geothermal development.”
According to Cruz, America became energy dependent again “Because on day one of his administration, President Biden issued illegal and hostile orders aimed at American oil and gas producers, which have increased energy prices and directed profits to other oil exporting countries.”
While adversarial countries such as Iran and Russia raked in billions of dollars, our oil and gas industry suffered. Cruz believes that, if enacted, his bill will “create new jobs” and “lower energy costs.”
Ironically, the increased reliance of foreign oil has led to more environmental damage since other countries do not produce energy in environmentally friendly ways. Thus, expanding energy production in the United States is good for the environment. As Cruz notes, “modern energy production in the United States is far cleaner” than in any other country in the world “by every measure.”
The bill will reduce permitting red tape, prevent Biden from stopping lease sales and will end “the presidential permit requirement for cross-border energy projects.”
The United States needs to unleash our energy industry to benefit consumers, restore our economy and reduce our dependence on hostile countries. It is imperative that the needs of average Americans be placed above the demands of the radical climate change fanatics, who dominate the Biden administration.
In the November elections, Republicans must run on a platform which includes energy independence. After paying $4 per gallon for gasoline, voters will be receptive.
Jeff Crouere is a native New Orleanian and his award winning program, “Ringside Politics,” airs nationally on Real America’s Voice Network, AmericasVoice.News weekdays at 7 a.m. CT and from 7-11 a.m. weekdays on WGSO 990-AM & He is a political columnist, the author of America’s Last Chance and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on For more information, email him at [email protected]
The left-wing policies of the treasonous Puppet President Joe Biden and his masters have delivered untold suffering for millions of Americans, resulting in horrific negative approval ratings. Biden has been an utter failure at home and abroad. Of all his failures, his insane energy policies have caused the most financial harm to Americans.
This treasonous Puppet President Joe Biden should be impeached, convicted and put in prison for all of his and his puppeteers have cause upon our country and our citizens.
This treasonous, dishonest, corrupt, unethical, immoral, socialist Democrat Party has become our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY!
NOT just him. BUT the bloody lot of them in the white house..
The problem lies in the mindset of the present administration. We need competent, capable leadership at every level in our government. The Mickey Mouse crew we have now is in way beyond their ability.
This incompetent misleadership that the treasonous socialist democrat Party has manipulated into positions of authority trough out the government was and is by design. Note that everything that the Democrat party promotes and supports is either immoral, perverted and destructive, a Con or a deception.
To fully advance the Demonic, Lying, Treasonous, Socialist Democrat Party’s destructive agendas: is to divide our citizens with hate and promote; rioting, burning, looting, open borders, gun control, radical feminism, abortion-on-demand, the LGBTQ lifestyle, unfettered sexual identity, transgender “gay marriage” and the like, the pagan Liberal left Democrats must do away with GOD, our Constitution, common sense, morality, Christian values and free religious exercise altogether.
Under the guise of “anti-discrimination.”
Scruffy, its NOT INCOMPETENCE.. IMO this was all PLANNED.
Destroy energy independence for Americans, which results in higher prices for gasoline and goods, have illegal aliens flood our Country, take jobs away from Americans and as a result Americans will have to work for lower wages, higher crime, more drugs and what do we have, Joe Criminal Biden and his communist Democrats who hate our Country and who are traitors to our Country. Hey majority of blacks and majority of Jewish people, you vote to cut your own throats by voting in communists!
The intractable element of the special interests the President has aligned himself with has proven themselves to have no interest in the general population, the common folk who work hard to make a living in spite of the onorous burdens placed on the them by these ‘do-gooders’ who are anything but! Their green future will not make the current life-styles sustainable because it will never gave the capacity of supply against demand. It is unfortunate the President has surrounded himself with diveristy correct advisors and not real experts in their fields.
Well he did run on a platform of KILLING OFF American energy.. Especially oil, coal and gas…
So in essence, he IS keeping THAT PROMISE>
This story was spot on. Why, as a country, ban all factors that would make sure we would have an eye on everything green and control what happens regarding this world going green. Do we actually think Russia and China have the worlds best interest at heart? No way, so why are we putting ourselves in such a knothole regarding Our Environment. The govt. needs to wake up. Americans are having to choose between driving their vehicles and feeding their family. It’s insane.
ANd as was shown a few years back, EVEN WITH TRUMP Pulling us out of the Paris accords, and other ‘climate change initiatives’ WE IN AMERICA< reduced OUR carbon footprint MORE THAN every other nation out there…
How would Biden have acted differently if he’d been following Putin’s orders? “Shut down the Keystone pipeline for ethical oil from your ally Canada, killing their jobs and buy from me instead in more risky TANKERS, funding my military and employing Russians. Remove Trump’s block on the Nord Stream 2 pipepline that carries my oil to the EU and Euros back to me. Stop fracking on the basis of junk science in obedience to your greenies that I fund and infiltrate. Stop permits for oil/gas exploration in America, diverting investment and market share to me. Flog electric vehicles for which you won’t have batteries as my pal Xi and I manufacture most of them and are also cornering the required rare earth metals. Trade Trump’s energy independence for high oil prices and resultant inflation while enriching me and other American enemies like the Saudis. Be unprepared for war, with gas rationing. Good boy, Joe. Papa Putin is pleased with you.
Here’s a cookie and another million for your boy Hunter”.
make america suffer again – jimmy carter.