(The Center Square) – Housing and land use experts say a Los Angeles city law could require the Pacific Palisades to include “affordable” housing to replace older buildings, and for new buildings where owners cannot definitively prove that their rental apartments had no low-income renters in the past five years.
The new Resident Protections Ordinance taking effect soon requires that “In Higher Opportunity Areas and Moderate Opportunity Areas, units deemed or presumed to be occupied by persons or families above the lower income category shall be replaced with low income units.” The RPO applies to units “subject to a form of rent or price control through a local government’s valid exercise of its police power.”
In the city of Los Angeles, which includes the Pacific Palisades — a “High Opportunity Area” — all apartment buildings built before October 1978 are subject to the city’s rent control ordinance, which means all units in such buildings would need to be replaced with units “affordable” to lower-income renters even if the existing tenants were high income.
For buildings after October 1978, owners must be able to prove that in the last five years before the fire that the tenants were all higher income, or the city will automatically apply “the percentage of Extremely Low Income, Very Low Income and Low Income Households in the same proportion as their share of all renter households within the City of Los Angeles,” which would result in requiring proportional replacement with extremely low, very low, and low income housing if owners do not have complete records for the past five years.
This also means that “affordability” is likely to be determined based on citywide median household income that is half the Palisades amount.
If all units in RSO buildings must be replaced with units affordable to lower-income households making up to about $80,000 per year for a family of four, rents would be about $2,000 per month. For the units in newer, non-RSO buildings that must be affordable to very-low-income households making up to about $50,000 for a family of four, rents would be about $1,300 per month.
Before the fire, a market-rate two-bedroom apartment cost between $4,000 and $5,000 per month, requiring a monthly annual household income of $160,000 to comfortably afford, which means that the RPO replacement requirements could significantly alter the area’s demographics — and even bar higher earning residents from renting out homes at their old addresses.
“Under the Resident Protections Ordinance, in most cases landlords will be required to replace apartments burned down in the Palisades with low income units,” said Los Angeles Housing Production Institute director Joseph Cohen on X. “Displaced residents will then find themselves ineligible to return because they won’t meet the income requirements.”
The Democrat Party dictatorship in action.
It is said that Nero fiddled while Rome Burned, and actually set the fires himself to destroy the slums and hovels of Rome to be replaced by the anointed government Self-God Nero’s new plan for a rebuilt image of Rome that reflected and edified himself as the new man-god Emperor. It was the Christians of course that he planned to stick the blame with. Out with the slums, in with the Gladiator arenas and temples of Roman oppression. I advise you all to watch the movie “Quo Vadis” and witness Nero in the same actions of fiddling while Rome burned that we see today of Gavin Newscum in his New scams they have perpetrated upon the people of Los Angeles whose socialist agenda has always been to knock down the life giving Californian aqueducts and burn out, remove and destroy the workable patriotic buildings, properties, temples and legal courtrooms of rich American patriotic wealth producers, and replace them with low income edified houses and people edified by the producers of their films whose rich liberal Party chosen class of people’s own homes now become casualties of their own warped ideas on how American life is to be lived, and how THEY will to be the ones to rebuild their Brave New World of the warped socially re-engineered Jimmy Carter low income class human Habitrail colonies, designed for obedient mentally re-engineered socially entitlement dependent government gerbils with lives destined for a re-gendered scratchy Richard Gere backside destination where scratchng THEM for a living becomes the new norm.
Apparently, impatient Californian democrats could not wait for the creeping socialism to burn out what it took wealth producers 200 years to build in California, so they accomplished in expedient socialist incompetency, that which Nero fiddled out, in out right planned infernos of similar government created cruel pre-planned intentions. Let not one of these socialist destroyers have ANY say about how Los Angeles is to be rebuilt,,,,not one public housing of more illegal alien incompetents, should be allowed to replace the mansions of the American productive and successful with more low income housing.
BEING I’ve seen first hand, how much of a 7sht3hole those “Low income housings’ are, WHY WOULD A RICH AREA like pacific palisade want that there?!
Looks like the incompetent and communistic government of LA isn’t going to give them a choice. Blessings in disguise for the fire victims. Now they have valid reasons for relocating and leaving the mess for the city
LIKE they didn’t have enough reasons already.
The new Resident Protections Ordinance taking effect soon requires that “In Higher Opportunity Areas and Moderate Opportunity Areas, units deemed or presumed to be occupied by persons or families above the lower income category shall be replaced with low income units.”
Burn it down, to re-build in their image.
WHICH makes ME wonder, was all the ‘negligence’ in the water/fire prevention etc, DELIBERATE, so they could Burn down a rich (mostly white) area, to MAKE it into a poor mostly ‘diverse’ low income area/??
You had to know this was coming. Communist housing and in the process seizing valuable land from the rightful owners through impossible regulations. And to think that the people keep voting for these liberals
Calling all carpetbaggers! California Leftists let the best burn and now are ready to wheel and deal their brand of deconstruction of America.