Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) indicated that statements between former FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page – during their Democrat-propagated investigation of President Donald Trump – sound “an awful lot like a coup,” and could even likely be “treason.”

“What is crucially important to remember here is that you had Stzrok and Page – who were in charge of launching this investigation – and they were saying things like, ‘We must stop this president,’ [and] ‘We need an insurance policy against this president,’” Cheney told ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos Sunday, according to Breitbart News. “That, in my view, when you have people that are in the highest echelons of the law enforcement of this nation saying things like that, that sounds an awful lot like a coup – and it could well be treason.”

Getting to the dirty bottom of things …

Cheney also asserted that key players in scheme to take the president down – such as former FBI Director James Comey – should not be discounted or forgotten in the allegedly illegal maneuver by Democrats to oust the president.

“And I think that we need to know more – what was Jim Comey’s role in all this?” the 52-year-old Republican congresswoman posed. “These people reported to him. Andy McCabe reported to him. What was Comey’s role in that? And that is what the attorney general is going to be focused on.”

She urged Americans to not be complacent in their thinking and realize the true implications of what was being done behind closed doors to upend the democratic process and take an elected official – America’s leader – out of office via a subversive Democratic Party-devised scheme as retribution for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s upset loss in the 2016 election.

“Think about the fact that we had people that are at the highest levels of our law enforcement in this nation saying that they were going to stop a dually elected president of the United States, saying they need an insurance policy against him,” Cheney continued. “That is something that simply cannot happen. We have to have confidence in our law enforcement, and the attorney general has got to get to the bottom of what happened, how it was that those people were allowed to misuse and abuse their power that way.”

What this covert plot really amounts to

The true implications of what Cheney was saying about the covert attempt to thwart Trump were analyzed — and are currently being put under investigation.

“Treason can mean assisting the enemies of America or ‘levying war’ against the United States,” the Daily Caller explained. “Attorney General William Barr has ordered a federal attorney to investigate why the Department of Justice and FBI decided to investigate Russian collusion, which focused on the election campaign of then-candidate Donald Trump.”

More of Strzok’s partisan undertakings while serving with the supposedly nonpartisan Federal Bureau of Investigation are being brought to light.

“Strzok was not only a lead investigator with the Mueller inquiry, but also assessed whether then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was violating the law by using a private email server for the classified business of state,” Daily Caller Ottawa Bureau Chief David Krayden pointed out about the former FBI agent, who was quoted saying, “We’ll stop” the Trump presidency. “Strzok was fired from the Mueller investigation after his messages with Lisa Page came to light. In one exchange, Strzok called Trump ‘a [expletive] idiot.’”

The plot to bury or discount what took place behind closed doors at the FBI is now resurfacing with new Attorney General William Barr as the nation’s top cop.

“Last week, testimony came to light that revealed former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe made the decision to dismiss Strzok – not special counsel Robert Mueller,” Krayden informed. “Cheney said there is much more to discover about the chain of events.”

As the Republican Conference chairwoman and the third-ranking House GOP lawmaker, Cheney is not taking key criticism of Robert Mueller’s probe into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election lightly, and she is fully on board with the Republicans’ plan under Barr to “investigate the investigators” – primarily Strzok and Page.

“Attorney General William Barr this month ordered a federal prosecutor to investigate the origins of the Russia investigation,” the Washington Examiner reported. “The inquiry is the third known federal investigation trying to uncover information about the start of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia that later turned into special counsel Robert Mueller’s federal Russia investigation.”

More details into Strzok’s dealings while serving his key role at the FBI are not being overlooked under the new attorney general.

“Strzok was a lead investigator in the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized private email server and also worked on special counsel Mueller’s investigation when James Comey was FBI director,” the Washington Examiner’s Diana Stancy Correll recounted. “He and Page – who were involved in an extramarital affair – attracted scrutiny after it was revealed in December 2017 that the two exchanged text messages critical of Trump.”

As Barr settles in his new role in the nation’s capital, much of Strzok’s disturbing discourses are resurfacing in order to ensure that future potential FBI coups against the presidency will not take place.

“I want to believe the path you threw out in [former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s] office – that there’s no way he gets elected – but I’m afraid we can’t take the risk,” Strzok said in text he wrote in August 2016, according to the Examiner. “It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

Since his plot was exposed, Strzok has made a number of confessions, and two years after his undertakings, both he and his mistress left the FBI.

“Strzok told lawmakers that the text messages were related to a conversation about how much they should pursue unearthing potential connections between the Trump campaign and Russia – since they thought it was unlikely Trump would be elected,” Correll recounted. “Strzok was removed from the Mueller inquiry upon the discovery of the text messages and was fired in August 2018. Page resigned from her post in May 2018.”

Cheney’s accusations about the subversive and allegedly illegal plot to undermine the Republican presidency were met with condemnation by a prominent former federal prosecutor, Preet Bharara, who was fired by Trump after serving as U.S. attorney for the bulk of former President Barack Obama’s administration (2009 – 2017).

“Elected officials keep making casual, ignorant, idiotic accusations of ‘treason,’” Bharara tweeted Sunday. “Trump does it. Just saw Liz Cheney do it. Read the Constitution and knock it the **** off.”


Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.

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