WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday named Republican Rep. Liz Cheney and seven Democrats to a new select committee to investigate the violent Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol.
Rep. Bennie Thompson, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, will lead the panel. It will investigate what went wrong around the Capitol when hundreds of supporters of then-President Donald Trump broke into the building, hunted for lawmakers and interrupted the congressional certification of Democrat Joe Biden’s election victory.
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Cheney, R-Wyo., said in a statement that she is “honored” to serve on the committee and that “Congress is obligated to conduct a full investigation of the most serious attack on our Capitol since 1814.”
The House approved the panel on Wednesday over the objections Republicans. Cheney, who was removed from GOP leadership this year because of her criticism of Trump, was one of only two Republicans who supported forming the committee.
Pelosi, D-Calif., formed the committee after Senate Republicans blocked an independent, bipartisan probe.
Besides Thompson, D-Miss., the other Democratic members of the panel will be Reps. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, Zoe Lofgren of California, Elaine Luria of Virginia, Stephanie Murphy of Florida and Pete Aguilar of Texas.
GOPUSA Editor’s Note: Other sources are reporting Adam Schiff will also be on the committee.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy had threatened to strip Republicans of committee assignments if they accept an appointment from Pelosi to join the committee, a top House GOP aide said Thursday.
The warning by McCarthy, R-Calif., underscores party leaders’ opposition to the committee and their desire to shape the narrative about its work as much as they can. Republicans have complained that the panel will be dominated by Democrats and will produce a skewed, partisan report, even though the GOP previously scuttled an earlier Democratic attempt to form a bipartisan commission.
McCarthy told a closed-door meeting of first-term House GOP members on Wednesday that he, not Pelosi controls Republicans’ committee assignments, the aide said. He told them that if Pelosi names them to the committee and they accept, they should plan on getting all their committee assignments from her — an apparent threat to remove them from their current panels.
The aide spoke on condition of anonymity to describe the private meeting. McCarthy’s threat was first reported by Punchbowl News, a political news organization.
Pelosi had the authority to appoint a chairperson and at least eight of the 13 members. The resolution gives her a possible say in the appointment of the other five members as well, directing that they will be named “after consultation” with McCarthy.
Cheney and Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, another Trump critic, were the only Republicans to vote in favor of forming the new committee.
GOP leaders have not said whether Republicans will even participate in the new panel.
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I’m sure she is—and don’t forget to include Mitt Romney. To round it out, don’t forget the Dem investigative do-nothings, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler. The Squad might even want a piece of the action. You people waste more time ‘investigating” and arriving at no conclusions. When you can’t dazzle ’em with brilliance, baffle ’em with BS.
They have already arrived at the conclusion. The panel is simply for editing and back-filling the narrative prior to announcing “Case Closed, jail Trump and his supporters!”.
Show me a crook, and i will tell you their crime…
Of course she’s honored to be part of the Demorats. She is a worthless republican. The republicans don’t have the courage to weed her out and let her join the communist/socialist democrat party. She hates trump so bad that she is willing to throw OUR country to the useless, moral less idiots that are supposedly in charge. Sure another waste of our money on a witch hunt by witches(pelosi) and morons like compulsive liars schiff and his cronies and their other useless minions.
You got that right, she is a worthless Republican – the sooner Wyoming votes this traitor to the party out – the better – she is just like McClain and Romney -also worthless democrats pretending to be republicans – shame on them – shame on any republican who votes for them again! Cheney is the worst possible representative of America – a turncoat who has no problem lying to the people – a good fit for democrats and especially Pelosi
IMO she has ALWAYS been a worthless democrat-lite, in republican clothing…
I don’t consider this a “by partisan” investigation when the republican (?) is just a democrat wearing a republican dress. No RINOs are true republicans. They’re lying back stabbers like Pelosi, Schumer, and senile Joe.
Chuck Schumer once said. ” … They could indict a Somoni Sandwich, they don’t know who they’re cooling with…. ” Schumer might say the same thing about Navy Pelosi….
Marxist, Democrat Elite, Nancy Pelosi, just have taken pure delight in appointing Rino, Liz Cheney to the Marxists new Committed to Investigate who & What happened at the Capital on January 6Th.2021. Of course Nancy Pelosi would take any opportunity give to her to twist the tail of the Republicans when the opportunity available itself. The Other Dino Republicans who would jump at the chance to join. Any committee that the Democrat form to Investigate Donald Trump And to embarrass him further would be Mitt Romney if Nancy Pelosi can. Liz Cheney doesn’t need any help to embarrass her self Liz Cheney is an embarrassment in her own righf, she doesn’t need Nancy”s help doing that…
Mitt Romney, A never Trumper, would love it if he could get on a Democrat committee investing Donal d Trump….
“Republicans have complained that the panel will be dominated by Democrats….”
Eight Democrats to NO Republicans! How could that ever be called “domination by Democrats”? The nerve of Republicans to complain.
Yea, how dare they speak out against our witch hunt of their voting base.. THe nerve.
Can anybody see the Irony in what Nancy Pelosi is doing when she appoints a Dino Republican like Liz Cheney on the Janury 6Th. 2021 Committee to investigate the riots that took place at the Capital, I just have a feeling that Nancy already knew who the Filters were, it’s just like she had a hand in planning the break in at the Capital on January 6Th. 2021….Ya, Something like ” Fast An Turkey plot..The word, ( Filter should be replaced with the Word(Rioters, or the word, Riot, ) in the above comments ….
reminds me of Benghazi. The Democrats either planned it or bungled it or both.
Are these Marxiastost democrats complaining because, as Barack H. Obamas former Chicago Pastor once said, ” The chickens have come Home to Roast, ” or his other infamous retort,No , No, Not God BlessvAmerica, But God Rammed America And no doubt Barack H. Obama and his wife agreed with that sentiment. While-Heartedly .
My Comment should read which Barack H. Obama Pastor was Quoted, It should read, ” The Chickens Have Come Home to Roast ” and The other part of Harm’s Infamous Retort was, ” No, No but God Dammed America. “
I’m so sick of this lady. Can someone suggest to her to just switch parties so we don’t have to see an “R” after her name.
Lady? Not in my book – ladies don’t lie about what party they belong to! Her actions ALL are for the democrats and to trash the republicans. Vote her out!
SHE may be genetically female, but NO WAY IN HELL Is she a lady!
Just another Demorat on a Demorat panel.
Liz Cheney. Queen of the RINOs. That’s how they claim to represent both parties. Time yet for the revolution?
It’s been time for revolution since last November when that stupid senile pile of worthless raw sewage stole the election.
Hey Wyoming, you’re the damn “Cowboy State”, now Cowboy up and get rid of this pesky saddle burr.
I often wonder, WHY THEY ELECTED her in the first place??
Liz Chaney is a spoiled brat. I would gladly debate her any time. She doesn’t have the guts.
She’s obviously gonna dance with ones what brung her, more Democrats probably voted for her than Republicans. She otta jjust make it legal, tie the knot with the Dems with the Republicans holding the shot gun to be sure it’s done right.
Of COURSE she is!
Showing her TRUE colors!
Hey Wyoming… Y’all watching this?
Is THIS what you voted for?
Is THIS what you’re going to CONTINUE to vote for?
Based on the fact she’s re-won TWICE already, unfortunately it looks like that may be the case..
Flush Liz Cheney!
The investigation is flawed. When you go into a investigation with a forgone conclusion, it is not a investigation but a “witch-hunt”. The phrase “ hundreds of supporters of then-President Donald Trump broke into the building”. There is no doubt that it happened but who perpetrated it is up for debate. There is enough evidence to place doubt on the Who and that should be a basic fact that should be item to be investigate first. Unfortunately I question the intelligence of those who have bought into this and especially Cheney. It is a sad fact also that the leaders reflect those who put them in office. She is nothing more than a tool that Pelosi is using and will be discarded when she is no longer useful. It is sad that she is either not bright enough to see that. I am sure she is like most politician and is “drunk” on the publicity she is gaining regardless of the cost to her or her constituents.
I am STILL waiting for ANY investigation into the whole CHAZ/CHOP issue, or the take over of portlands court house by antifa/blm etc..
I won’t be holding my breath to ever see one happen though.
she is a rat just like romney!
Why even waste the time and money about the January 6 fiasco. I already know the findings; the instigator personally responsible for this is Trump. I bet only those videos that show Trump supporters will be included in evidence but none of the other video showing member of blm/antifa, etc. etc. will ever been seen cause they “were” irrelevant so were “disposed of” meaning burned or lost forever.
The instigator Was NOT Trump – We all saw his speech of that day and NOTHING said Go to the Capitol and cause a problem. It was all peaceful and then wham – I truly believe the mob was sent there by Democrats to cause the trouble and blame Trump
It would be apparent that Natifa, a arm of the Marxist Democrat party , Much like the media is a arm of the Democrat party….enough of the most Plan Democrat Natifa…
Good point. THOSE videos even BY AMERICAN citizens who were there, won’t be seen you can bet.
She was always a fraud. The gays always stick together.
What a waste of taxpayers money, but what do you expect from a Democratic controlled House?
It’s not counted S a waste of tax payers according to Nancy Pelosi if the incident that occurs can be blamed on Donald Trump…
So ONLY IF IT hurts your opponent, is something a ‘good use of public money”..
the criminalcrats would spend a trillion dollars trying to trash trump before they would spend 5 cents to help AMERICA-
The Marxist Democrat party with Leftist Elite Leaders are one unified mass of Marxist, Anti-American American professors and public education Teachers indoctrinating America’s naive youth day in The Marxist Ideaology, Brainwashing them until they also learn to Hate America and it’s Patriotic Symbol, such as the countries Hero’s and the countries Flag. Have you ever wondered about 199 Percent of those who identify themselves, are Marxist, democrars.
liz cheney = treasonous scum bag-
you can be sure that they will cherry pick the one sentence from trump speaking to his supporters and he tells them that they must fight like hell
in order to win -the scum bag pelosi will edit it to seem that trump is telling people to go fight at the capitol- which everyone knows is ****
but with the backing of the commie msm-they could make him say that spacemen came to town-or any thing else they want–
if we don’t stop the democrats there will soon be no AMERICA-
Cheney, R-Wyo., , Cheney, R.I.N.O -Wyo., there corrected that.
Cheney is a slimy carpetbagger opportunist who landed in Wyoming. Her face??? It belongs on the back of a milk carton, “Have you seen this missing person?” TDS on steroids. Hideous. Proud to be hired by Pelosi????