Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of President Donald Trump’s top congressional allies, says the president must accept his own role in the violence that occurred at the U.S. Capitol.
The South Carolina senator said Thursday that Trump “needs to understand that his actions were the problem, not the solution.”
Graham was a foe of Trump’s during the 2016 campaign and questioned his mental fitness for office. Once Trump was in office, however, Graham became one of his closest confidants and often played golf with him.
Graham added that he had no regrets of his support of Trump but that “it breaks my heart that my friend, a president of consequence, would allow yesterday to happen.”
Graham complimented Vice President Mike Pence’s decorum during the Electoral College vote certification process, saying that any expectation that Pence could have overturned the results was “over the top, unconstitutional, illegal and would have been wrong for the country.”
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If there is a Conservative American living in South Carolina, please primary this traitor when his current term is expiring. What is being overlooked is that 75 million living breathing AMERICANS voted for President Trump. China Joe Biden “won” with fabricated votes. We need a Take Back America Party to replace the Republicans.
we tried last time and nobody wanted it.
Which makes you wonder, ARE there NO conservatives left IN south Carolina, or are they all Scared/lazy??
All these ***** are just throwing Trump under the bus just to try to save their sorry worthless scumbag hides. They care nothing about this country, just their own power and control. Traitors all
It shows you how stupid they are. Once Trump is gone who do they think the Democrats will blame. if Democrats put protestors outside McConnell’s house, join in. Why protect them if they won’t protect us from their own cowardly behavior and stupidity?
Let’s not forget their own personal financial gain Grizz… that’s where we have to focus… we need to crash the dollar and strip them of their wealth… PULL YOUR MONEY OUT OF THE STOCK MARKET and any equity you have that’s not physically in your hands. We have no choice because their is NOTHING now that will stop them from just taking it. “They” did it with the housing swindle … and now there’s very little equity left for them to steal… the sights are on the retirement on …DON’T LET THEM HAVE IT!!!!!!!
I just hope they don’t shank over MILITARY retirements…
Unfortunately President Trump just helped this Candy *** get re-elected for another 6 years. He’s just another Swamp Creature only covering his rear end to not offend the 4th Reich in the USSR of America. Now that the Communists have Total control of our Government, they will work overtime silencing any and all voices of the opposition. They WILL tell us what they feel we should know, and WILL CRUSH any Person, Place or Thing THEY feel goes against their Communist Manifesto. Now we know the names of the Deep State. They are the Cowards crawling out from under their rocks to turn against Our President, Donald J Trump. They are Vile Despicable Poor Excuses of Humanity whom are Now showing their true colors—-Communist RED. After 20 January 2021, the 74 million Trump Supporters will grow across OUR Country. The population will soon be able to see the direction America is taking and will not like it. Any Pollyanna fence sitter will join us Constitutionalists in overthrowing these Marxist Communist Anti-Americans. We’re Mad As Hell and Not Taking It Any More!!!
First … all 90 million that support President Trump needs to pull all the equity out of their property … then all their money out of the stock market… then all their money in cash out of their banks. Yank the capital right out of their reach. Then …DON’T file your taxes …even if you are getting money back… then those of us who work …just stop working. On the day Harris is sworn in along with her deranged, mental challenged, treasonous side kick … we need to swarm the capital again… get as close to the hell spawned ceremony as possible with the loudest/biggest air horn and bull horns made yell nothing but the most foul obscenities we can come up with… so loud they have to scream so they can hear each other. It will make a nice documentary as it’s being filmed by the lame stream commie networks. You .. know… give them a nice heart felt warm welcome on the first day of thier complete destruction of our Constitution.
They’ll probably SHOOT ON SITE any conservative, daring to interfere in the inauguration..
Trump was politically naïve. He actually believed he could get Democrats and Republicans to work together for the good and benefit of the country. We all know the Democrat leadership and donor class are scum, If any law policy benefited the American people and Trump was for it, they were against it. The sissy Republican were only willing to help Trump if it directly benefited them. PLUS they could use him as a political shield to absorb all the incoming. Now they are destroying the only shield and defense they had.
Why do you think, i’d like to launch ALL IN THE DNC and practically all of those in the GOP, into the nearest active volcano.. THEY Are ALL WORSE than scum…
We need to take over the Republican party with MAGA Conservatives in every primary election a RINO holds office. We should start with Alaska’s Murkowski and Susan Collins. If they manage to win the primary we need to vote for the Democrat. If they aren’t part of the solution they are the problem.
You can try, but since the dems KNOW WHAT fraud machinations work, and that the media AND COURTS back them up, i doubt we’ll EVER AGAIN see a conservative win ANY election…
It is past time for Lindsey to decide if he even has a side to claim. He is on one side then the other and back again. A mature adult that has a conscience and lives by it does not change sides when other people may disagree with him….that is showing no courage or personal discipline. I am fed up with this wimp…..I don’t care what he does from this time forward I will not listen to him, support him, and I certainly won’t trust him. President Trump is not a wimpy politician that DC is so full of…he is a business man who thinks like one. It is time to allow him the same privilege you take for yourself. Trump has done a lot for this country and DC was not very supportive as he shook their playhouse and royal kingdom. I think it is time to take America back to where she belongs……personal freedom and responsibility! Term Limits for sure for the DC crowd! There are many alterations that need to be made and we better get started on it before Biden has us sold out to China!
Graham was tied at the hip to John McCain and he still floats back and forth. Someone please tell me what President Trump did to incite people to breech Congress. No mention of the 5 bus loads of Antifa thugs who have been identified as the main agitators of this. Also some BLM people have been identified as well. My belief is that the left needed a distraction (directly from the rules for radicals handbook) to take away from the Republican protest of the Electoral College certification. And it worked! Too may weak livered so called Republicans ran for cover instead of standing behind President Trump. I am totally disgusted at this entire ordeal.
OF course there will be no mention of BLM or antifa infiltrating this.. THAT WOULD DEFLECT their ability to blame it all on trump, and us maga supporters.
What the misledia’s doing now is denying that Burn Loot Murder / antifa even showed up at all…it’s conspiratorial talk, they say…just like when the votin’ machines were switching votes from Trump to Plugs right on camera. No, don’t believe your own eyes.
Dave, why do you think, if i had the power, i’d go back in time and REMOVE THE FREE PRESS from being protected under the 1st amendment. WHAT WE HAVE NOW ‘calling themselves the press”, do NOT DESERVE ANY bloody protections.. What so bloody ever.
Lindsay is such a sissy. These beltway nags are political fools. As usual they are to eager to generalize and paint everyone with the same brush. Do they really believe you can screen and control every protestor that shows up for a rally of protest. The only thing you can do is remind people they will be held account for their own violence. The only people to blame are the ones that actually participated in breaking the law. Any time you confront out numbered cops bad things happen. The trouble is its easy for a protest to turn into a riot. It only takes a few instigators and pliable angry bunch of disenfranchised voters. There are very few individuals in a mob.
Besides they are storming the wrong targets. If they want to storm something. they need to storm their local news outlets and Corporations that are funding and instigating this **** like. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, Hollywood and other non-government instigators.
WE Better Get Start Soon. Sloppy Joe has already sold out to China and you know they are printing the ballots to rig the 2022 and 2024 elections.
The president was not the problem. The Clinton machine in 2016 was the problem and all that followed after it including all media led by CNN (Clinton news network).
When Lindsey decides what side he’s on, I might give a squat! Right now, he’s always on the side of what benefits him at the moment. Unfortunately his competitor was Jaime Harrison and I even had to think what’s worse him or Jaime. Unfortunately neither side was worth a hill of beans and if this hadn’t been a presidential year I would have voted Lindsey out. I can never see a place where SC is liberal but with him it apparently is! I can guarantee Lindsey the American people will NOT forget who backstabbed them!
I wonder. IF we could go back to the day before he got inaugurated in 2016, WHAT would trump and thee GOP do differently.. IF anything?
Graham has always been a squishy RINO with a finger in the air to check the wind at all times.
Hence his nickname, Gramnesty..
And that is why they keep sticking a microphone in his face.
Lindsey Graham is a liar and a traitor. That is why he fits in so well with the Democrats. I was there at the DC rally on the 6th. I listened to Trump’s entire speech. He, in no way, incited anyone to do anything disrespectful. Much less illegal or violent. President Trump has nothing to apologize for in all of this. The huge majority of the crowd was very peaceful, respectful and law abiding. It was a relative few who broke away from the main group that caused the problems. The real culprits in all of this are the liars who continue to deny any attempt to verify the results of the election.
He spoke the truth. IN DC, and congress, that’s a crime.
Shame on you Lindsey. The President didn’t cause this, your “friends across the aisle” did, and instead of calling them on it, you betrayed your President. He did not call for violence, he called people to Washington to make their voices heard. Your “friends across the aisle” shut down the people’s house to them. Instead of listening to their concerns, they wanted to hide behind closed doors and quickly certify their fake President. If they had nothing to hide, they would have pushed for full audit in all the affected states. There will never be a fair election in this country ever again. The Democrats proved it again on January 5 in Georgia. In case you weren’t watching, on national TV, the American people got to watch Perdue’s vote count go DOWN and no one even raised an eyebrow at this . Then you had a let night data dump of Democrat votes, just enough to put Ossoff ahead. The Democrats couldn’t be satisfied with defeating Loeffler, they needed Perdue so their coup would be effective. And you’re supporting this and betraying Trump. Don’t you see what is going on here. This is a long play designed to make sure Trump is not just defeated, but publicly humiliated so he’s effectively knee capped from running in 2024. And it serves as a warning to any populist candidate- stay out of the swamp or we will do the same to you. Thanks for nothing Lindsey.
Lindsey, the New World Order, open borders globalist, who is a sell out to China. Lindsey, on Fox News defended sending money to Pakistan, for “gender studies”. Lindsey who was going to have all of these hearings on the phony Russia Collusion hoax and he did nothing. That is what Lindsey is to me, nothing!
He’s LESS than nothing.. The day, he and the rest of the traitors in the GOP, are pushing up daisies, is the day i CELEBRATE.
i want to know when he is going to come out of the closet.
just another promise maker then he turns.
Still haven’t removed ‘gop’ from your name?
No he wont as for Lindsey it stands for gross opportunity, Demonrats and RHINOS
set America up in line with their CCP friends. The battle of good vs. evil continues
and Graham is quite the cracker, may he reside in infamy with Judas Pence…….William
I had high hopes, with pence.. BUT what he did, showed me, i was WRONG to have that hope in that scallywag.
Is anyone surprised ? Lindsey Gramnesty would sell his mother if he thought he could benefit from it.
He would sell his mother just so he could wear her dresses.
Lindsay is a weak kneed traitor who hangs on any rung that will keep him in on the ladder. He stabbed many Floridians in the back over the manatee issue back when after proclaiming to side with boaters. Do any of you think voting for a conservative has a chance in the future?
Unless Trump plays his Trump card, we could put Jesus Christ on the ballot but dems would call the vote for SATAN.
WHAT Trump card(s) does he have left??
IMO NOT a single bloody one.
Graham, WE ARE DONE with you!
I am SO SICK of YOU flip-flopping on your position: Conservative, or Democrat Lap Dog!
I am SO DONE with you!
As YOU screeched in the Kavanaugh hearings: I hope YOU never get power again!
Right now, with how disgusted i am, i couldn’t care less, if ANYONE in the GOP ever again wins office…
The main problem is all our RINO republican and Democrats are in the back pocket of China! Including Mitch McConell with his China based shipping business! Were fighting a world global ( One world order ) aspect! A Class syst. based of The China model! If you look at all the things the Dem.’s are doing are for the long term way to socialism! Lindsy your a coward and your just protecting you position and not helping the people! You know that our President didn’t tell them to break into the Capital that was a few hundred bad actors that did that and you can’t hold it against the whole crowd!
Didnt you get the memo? Holding Everyone accountable for a few bad apples, IS ALWAYS WHAT THE commucrats do… UNLESS ITS us conservatives holding THEM accountable for what Antifa and their voters in BLM are doing.. Or holding ISLAM accountable for what muslim terorists do…
Graham & Pence are both spineless Rinos & Pence made me sick when he said they took back the peoples house…….What a line of fabricated B.S .
Mike Pence knows it is the Donors House ( Corporations,Big Tech,globalist) The DNC & RNC get their money from the Donors.
Have you ever seen either one of these posers push for term limits or abolishing lobbyist & they both have stabbed the greatest President of our Country in the back.
That’s what i laugh at (and cry at, at the same time).. IF IT IS THE PEOPLE’s house..
How can those people, be “invading it’? Tresspassing??
Et tu, Bruti?
Mo Brooks from Alabama said “He was advised by Congress on Monday of an Antifa threat and that he should not go home, but stay in his office. He slept on the floor for 4 days. On Tuesday he was warned that the Antifa was going to try to infiltrate by dressing like Trump supporters. He was again told not to leave the building. He advises people not to rush to judgement.”
To rephrase Ilmar Omar “It appears that some people knew something.”
I heard, also Pelosi, was seen by staffers, TALKING with (suppsedly) two heads of antifa, hours before the riot occurred…
I believe it was a setup from the beginning – the Capitol Police appeared to be staffed for summer holiday watch when nobody is there when they knew that thousands would be there in DC.
They did not anticipate any problems from Trump supporters, as well they shouldn’t, but I can’t accept the fact nobody had an inkling that Antifa/BLM thugs would participate wearing red hats and carrying Trump flags, etc. One thing though, is the true colors of the real RINOs was on full display as they sought to throw President Trump under the bus in the aftermath. The invasion was the excuse that was needed to end the crooked election by certifying it Tuesday night sooner rather than later.
100%, this was orchestrated and set up by the mayor of D.C.; in fact she warned all businesses to refuse business to Trump Supporters and do not under estimate the likes of Georges Soros and the Hildabeast in this one!!
You can bet, that the persecution, in manners like that (REFUSING BUSINESS for trump supporters), will ONLY INCREASE..
The problem isn’t Trump. The problem is the political elites. The problem is a summer of riots, chaos, and arson with attacks on federal buildings and liberals giving lip service at best to stop it. The problem is Biden not stepping up during the election to say ‘stop with the riots’. The problem is a rigged election that a grade school child could identify. The problem is the political elites don’t give a darn about the people, Trump does and the elites hate him for that.
The bigger problem is that if Antifa (and there is increasing proof that they were extremely involved in the mayhem yesterday) is involved they aren’t interested in Biden being president. They are interested in destroying our country. To do that they need a weak leader. They got that. Now they just have to keep up the chaos.
AND YOU can bet, their attacks on Trump supporters, will get MORE frequent, and more bloody…
Sis will surely get back to playing golf with Quid Pro Joe in a couple of weeks – gotta reach across the aisle again and renew old alliances. The Ultimate RINO.
Lindsey has always been a Rino chameleon.
Right now, i wonder, are there even a HALF DOZEN True red blooded conservatives, in the entire GOP?? OR are they all, traitorous RINOS?
Lindsey did a lot of talking the last 4 years but never DID anything at all. All cackle and no eggs. Just a poser. Hopefully no one will ever vote for him again.
Right now, EVERYONE In the GOP< could come to my front door, BEGGING for my vote. I'd slam the bloody door in their faces!
Well, Lindsey, once again, has shown his true RINO colors. This shouldn’t be any surprise at all given he’s never been anything more than a fair weather Republican. He was pretty brave while Trump was running things, but as soon as things got rough, Grahamnesty abandoned ship and re-joined the dark side. His history says it all…especially he being McCain’s little bvtt-buddy, following johnny across the aisle, puttin’ on the other team’s jersey, and singing their fightin’ song. Linguine-spined is too good of a term for this ‘Rat.
Is anyone really surprised? Can’t expect anything else from a RINO.
Republicans never learn. then so politically unaware. They need to quit blaming and criticizing each other and show a united front against the Democrats. That’s why Romney and Murkowski are so despicable. Don’t openly and publicly attack Republicans let the Democrats do it. They’re better at it. Let the Republican rats hang themselves with their own rope.
The ONLY thing they are united in, is BEING UNITED AGAINST US.
Senator Lindsey (Benedict Arnold) Graham, it is people like YOU (who [sometimes] call themselves Republicans) who are THE PROBLEM!
WHERE was YOUR support for investigating the OBVIOUS evidence of Election Fraud?
For that matter, what did YOU DO to investigate the origins of the Trump/Russia collusion HOAX?
Other than your screeching at the Kavanaugh hearings, WHAT have you done (or said) to warrant support from Republicans (now, or in the future)?