Vice President Kamala Harris announced new actions Tuesday that the Biden-Harris Administration would take to support small businesses, who may be in need of services like workplace health and safety advice line for employers, as well as owners and entrepreneurs of color.
The Office of Management and Budget sent a memo to federal agencies to ensure that 12% of the fiscal year 2023 government procurement goes to small, disadvantaged businesses, the White House said. The administration also said that they would make it easier for the small business administration to issue loans to borrowers who are usually shut out of the process.
At the Freedman’s Bank Forum, Harris said that the problem of getting loans does not only apply to businesses. Fortunately, they can now click here to apply for a loan from a trustworthy lender.
“Today Black and Latino homeowners are rejected by traditional financial institutions at a higher rate when applying for home loans,” Harris said. “This is the case even when they have credit profiles similar to other applicants.”
Kamala Harris talks history, equity and race.
The forum celebrates the Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company’s charter, commonly referred to as the Freedman’s Bank, which was created to provide economic opportunity for newly emancipated Americans.
The White House also said Tuesday that the Minority Business Development Agency will issue a $100 million notice of funding to provide grants for socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.
“President Biden and I know that for our nation to succeed, these disparities must be spoken of, acknowledged and addressed,” Harris said.
“Since taking office, I have traveled our nation and spoken to small business owners who received loans from community lenders,” Harris added. “They are in the best position to understand the needs and capacity of their community. I’ve seen how they use that capital to hire people from the community and open a new storefront on the main street.”
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Small businesses don’t need support from this administration, this administration needs to get out of the way, do away with strangling regulations that hinder small businesses from starting up or growing. Whatever they come up with will be laced with all types of equity clauses with strings attached.
Equality – is giving everybody the same opportunity.
Equity – is the government giving everybody the same; regardless of what they did with their same opportunity.
This is called “Socialism” or “Communism”, the Democrat Party’s intended goal.
Over the past 20 years, MOST EVERY LAW the govt has made, to ‘help small businesses’, FOCUSED ON DOING SO FOR POC, over whites..
Not just the past 20yrs but back from late 1960s and 1972 affirmative action.
And why isn’t this racism? Who cares that the wheels of our government are moving to enslave the white populace by pushing this agenda. What was built was good and it did include all better than most societies save the Roman empire and even they had issues. Stand up against all racism regardless of color.
BEcause under this govt, and for the past 20 or so years, ITS BEEN KOSHER TO discriminate against White males…
Funny how the Biden regime is led by two racists. Maybe it’s equality because one’s kind of black and the other one is white.
But ! js6466 , she ain’t kind of black. Part of her s from INDIA and the other part is from JEWISH. IT where it is 2 sided .
She doesn’t know One way or the Other Way. Only U can call her is = HEEL’S IN THE AIR or KNEE PADS with bent Knees.
So true. NOTHING ABOUT HER is black..
Any person will pay a higher rate when applying for a loan if your credit score is low or medium.
This is a fact.
BUT like with damn near everything else these days, IF EVERYONE IS affected equally, it HAS TO STILL BE RACIST< because POC and other minorities are "unduly affected'..
Assets are also determining factors.
Harris is the official leader of the racist branch of the Biden presidency.
AND she ain’t a person of COLOR ! She was NOT born in the US just like O’Butthead Bummer. She’s part INDIAN of (INDIA) on her Mommy side and Jewish on her Daddies side. And then she pulls the RACE CARD B S ! CAMEL TOES (Heels in the AIR) doesn’t know what she is.
How is her policy not illegal ?? I thought you couldn’t Discriminate due to race ?? So it’s ok to Discriminate against poor white people
********** is a fool, a negative, a degenerate. And what pray tell is a newly emancipated American? Can anybody educate me? I must not have paid attention that history class.
You have to wonder who dumber ?? Biden or Harris or AOC ??
Ohh, that;s a hard competition to pick one winner out of.