Judge Mary Beth Heffernan is this week’s poster girl for the hackerama that is the Massachusetts state judiciary.
A second-generation payroll patriot on the bench, Heffernan is the Newton District Court judge who last week cut loose a previously deported purported Dominican gangbanger accused of raping a Boston College student while he was driving for Uber under a false name.
The district attorney wanted $100,000 bond for this lawless illegal immigrant, and informed the judge that ICE was in the process of drawing up a detainer on him. But the Democrat judge insisted on $2,500 bail bonds, and make it pronto, she bellowed, so Luis Baez, or Pedro Valetin or whatever alias he was going by that day didn’t have to spend the night at the Billerica House of Correction.
Needless to say, Baez, aka Valetin, has not been seen since he was coddled by Heffernan.
This illegal immigrant is charged with raping the BC student three times. Whatever happened to the campus rape epidemic and the war on women that Democrats are supposed to be so worked up about? Does it only matter when Americans are falsely accused, like at the University of Virginia frat house or the Duke lacrosse team?
Did I mention that Newton has just become a “Welcoming City” for illegal immigrants? Not “sanctuary,” “Welcoming.”
Heffernan was appointed by Gov. Deval Patrick in 2013 after she contributed at least $375 to him. She also ponied up for Boston City Councilors Tito Jackson ($150) and Ayanna Pressley ($100), among others. Oddly, no Republicans were listed among her favorites.
Heffernan is a hack’s hack. In the 1980s, she “worked” at the State House for Sen. Patricia McGovern, one of Billy Bulger’s coatholders, while attending Suffolk Law School. When she was nominated for the judgeship, she admitted she hadn’t even set foot in a courtroom since 1995.
Her apparent biggest qualification was her role in brushing off questions from the press after Lt. Gov. Tim “Crash” Murray’s mysterious pre-dawn car accident in 2011. Clad only in his pajamas, 20 miles from his house, Crash was driving his state car at 108 mph when he suddenly veered off an interstate highway into a stone wall.
This newspaper demanded to see Crash’s state cellphone records, to find out who he was conversing with as his state Crown Vic went airborne. Heffernan, then the state’s Public Safety secretary, stonewalled us on our public records request. Gov. Patrick was eternally grateful, soon “elevating” her to the bench, even as Crash was forced to resign in disgrace.
Heffernan admitted that in her odoriferous career at the trough, a number of other “mistakes were made,” but in the end, the Governor’s Council approved her by a 7-1 margin. Only GOP councilor Jen Caissie of Worcester voted thumbs down.
For the Heffernans, feeding at the trough is a family tradition. Her father is retired Judge Paul Heffernan, another career hack from West Roxbury. In 1982, he was the clerk of what was then the Boston Juvenile Court. The Bulgers wanted to give Heffernan’s sinecure to their crooked youngest brother, Jackie, so they had to dispose of Heffernan.
The Bulgers arranged for Heffernan to be appointed to a judgeship in Somerville. Jackie then grabbed the clerk’s job, which he kept almost until he went to prison for lying to a federal grand jury about one of his serial-killing, cocaine-dealing gangster brother’s safe deposit boxes down in Florida.
Like his daughter, the old man Heffernan was a disgrace on the bench. In 1983, the Commission on Judicial Conduct took no action after two college professors formally complained that the judge and his son had attacked a 19-year-old man outside Quincy Market.
In 1988, Heffernan was censured by the Supreme Judicial Court for “discourtesy, rudeness and sarcasm” toward a young woman before approving a restraining order against her estranged husband. Shortly thereafter the husband shot, stabbed and strangled the pregnant woman to death and left her body at the town dump in Lexington.
At age 83, Heffernan now collects two state pensions — $68,059 as a retired judge, and another $16,572 as a retired seat warmer for the Bulgers.
Mary Beth, meanwhile, was quickly named “presiding justice” of the Newton District Court. The appointment was announced by one of the judicial muckety-mucks who happens to be married to the daughter of another one of Billy Bulger’s old State House coatholders. Another nationwide search!
Mary Beth, no doubt eyeing a Profiles in Courage award for her bold decision to cut loose the illegal immigrant/purported gangbanger/accused rapist, now makes $165,944 a year.
The judges’ next pay raise kicks in in July, and not a moment too soon.
This is what happens in a “Welcoming City” for illegal immigrants. Who needs a welcome wagon for accused rapist gangbangers when you have a Judge Heffernan to cut your bail?
Buy Howie’s new book, Kennedy Babylon, at his website, howiecarrshow.com.
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