The Orlando massacre reveals one of the most profound differences between Islam and Christianity: Christianity wants homosexuals helped … Islam wants them dead.
President Obama, as I predicted, did not mention the phrase “Islamic terrorism” once in his brief remarks in the wake of the Muslim massacre at the homosexual nightclub in Orlando.
And just as predictably, he blamed guns, even though there are 1.4 million Florida gun owners who did not commit mass murder over the weekend.
If we step back, take a deep breath, and look at things objectively, there is no other conclusion we can draw other than that Islam is the problem. Islam has been the problem for Christian and Western civilization since 632 A.D., and there is no sign that the problem is getting better instead of worse.
The issue is the very nature of the religion of Muhammad. The problem is not “radical Islam.” The problem is Islam itself. The abiding command of Allah, found in Sura 9:5, is “Slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” Muslims have been obeying this command religiously since the 7th century, and Omar Mateen was simply the latest in a long line of the devout to kill infidels in the name of their god.
Islam has been the Ebola virus of culture since Satan’s revelation to Muhammad in the cave. There is no known antidote other than the gospel of Jesus Christ. If a Muslim will not take the cure, then he remains a carrier of the virus, a virus which can remain dormant in most Muslims but then can spring to life almost without warning.
When the Ebola epidemic erupted, sound immigration policy in the West blocked immigration from Ebola-ravaged countries. We knew we were blocking immigration to many who were not carriers and represented no threat to public health. But we had no way to identify the carriers from the non-carriers before it was too late. Rational public policy required us to be careful with them all.
A rational, objective, logical, PC-free evaluation of Islam should lead us in the same direction. We can readily stipulate that most Muslims do not represent a jihadist threat to innocent Americans. But we simply have no way of distinguishing the Muslims who do not represent a lethal threat from the ones who do.
Logic dictates that we must be careful with them all. Some voices are demanding we just stop allowing dangerous Muslims into the U.S., which of course is advice with which we all agree. But they can’t tell us how to spot them. There is no Geiger-counter type wand TSA can wave over immigrants from Muslim majority countries which will alert us to the bad guys. Syrian refugees, according to the FBI itself, are impossible to vet, and President Obama is importing 100 of them every single day.
Now of course Omar Mateen did not immigrate. But his parents did, from Afghanistan, a country in which 99% of immigrants believe in sharia law. Sharia law leads directly to homosexuals being thrown off eight-story buildings or gunned down in cold blood at nightspots.
Omar himself, according to a classmate, celebrated the 9/11 attacks and attended a mosque which featured a guest imam in 2013 who quite explicitly called for the death of homosexuals in the name of Allah and in the name of compassion. In other words, Omar was a carrier.
In order to protect our culture from the toxin of fundamentalist Islam and other Omar Mateens, many are rightly calling for severe restrictions on Muslim immigration, or the elimination of Muslim immigration altogether (my view). The Constitution gives to Congress unilateral authority to set parameters for immigration. Immigration to the United States is not a right; it is a privilege, which can be restricted in any way that is necessary to protect our safety and security.
We do not need to bring Muslim refugees to the United States. There are 57 Muslim nations which follow “the religion of peace.” This means, according to the left, there should be dozens of havens of Muslim tranquility, peace, and serenity around the globe where Muslims fleeing war should be able to find a home. Let’s use the resources of America to help them find one of those Muslim havens. That way, we can both demonstrate compassion and protect America at the same time.
The PC crowd faces a real dilemma, as its second most-favored group (Muslims) has now been graphically revealed to represent a lethal threat to its top most-favored group, homosexuals. (This incident, by the way, reveals one of the most profound differences between Islam and Christianity. Christianity wants homosexuals helped, Islam wants them dead.)
Now the PC crowd certainly won’t call for a suspension of Islamic immigration to protect Western civilization, America, or Christianity. But perhaps they can be persuaded to suspend Islamic immigration to protect homosexuals.
Bottom line: Islam is the problem, immigration restriction is the cure. Let’s hope we find the will to implement the cure before it’s too late.
Bryan Fischer hosts “Focal Point with Bryan Fischer” every weekday on AFR Talk (American Family Radio) from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. (Central).
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