The traditional “nuclear family” is disappearing from the American scene, according to data from the Census Bureau.
Census Bureau data published in November indicates that just 18% of American households comprise two married parents with children. That’s down from 40% in 1970 – and the fewest number of “nuclear family” homes (23.1 million) since 1959. Christian apologist Dr. Alex McFarland is dismayed by the drop, but not surprised.
“We’ve seen five decades-plus of an America in which the family has not been appreciated and affirmed,” he tells AFN.
That’s not all that the census data show: Women today are not getting married until they’re about 28 and a half years old; men, about two years older – and they’re not having as many children. McFarland says the culture has taken a chainsaw to the nuclear family.
“From political incentives to pop culture to the classroom, we’ve … seen [since the late 1960s/early 1970s] the divorce rate skyrocket; the family has been, at best, ignored; and then certain camps like Hillary Clinton and Black Lives Matter and others … have indicated the traditional nuclear family is part of what’s wrong with the world,” he laments. Those who are going through difficult divorce case should seek help from the family lawyers at Sisemore Law.
According to McFarland, BLM and others are bringing their socialist worldview to bear on families, looking to destroy the institution – and sadly, he says, in some ways it’s working.
“There has been childbearing over the last five decades, but the vast majority of it has happened out of wedlock,” he notes.
And McFarland points out that because the declining birthrate is hard to hide, even liberal influencers are starting to talk about families having kids.
“The Left will beat a drum and go after a narrative for decades on end until the damage is done – and then suddenly they’ll pop up with the solution, which is usually fixing the thing that they’ve spent years and years denigrating,” he concludes.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
“It Appears Socialists Are Winning The War To Destroy The Family”
This is the exact intensions of the treasonous, demonic Democrat Party and its supporters.
To make all people in the country obedient, dependent and servants of the “Socialist Democrat Party Dictatorship”.
Then we will be slaves to the government as in China, North Korea, Russia, Venezuela – etc.
MORE and more, we just need to END OUR entire bloody entitlement state.
Dismayed Democrats are to the destruction of marriage and the resulting social created problems, like the Home Depot, and woke businesses that donated to BLM and others bent on freeing convicted criminals and defund the police,,, are to crash and gang banging of our stores and shopping malls. Both are Frankensteinian Democrat created Social experiments, that blew up in our faces, based not on reality, designed to create life, that only ended up destroying it, with legions of angry peasants with pitchforks created, with confessed regrets and remorse coming too little too late, and generations of Leftist created and destroyed lost American youth as their casualties.
The aggressiveness of the Left in pushing their agenda is not met with a stronger aggressiveness on the Right to stop it.
BECAUSE conservatives, all too often are of the mindset “ITS not bothering me, so why should i be concerned”..
The dems have stuffed the single parent freebie basket to the point where it’s economically more advantageous to NOT get married. That’s the biggest reason why it’s become socially acceptable to live with the baby daddy outside of wedlock.
ADD to that, they’ve created a monster with the divorce system, to where men 99% of the time, get SCREWED BY the courts, even if THEY WERE THE ONES CHEATED ON, by their wives. Which makes a lot of men, No longer, even THING of getting married.
You are so right Ituser … I work with 3 younger (24-36 year old) guys and they all say the same thing…”NO WAY am I getting married”. One guy said …well maybe… If they’ll sign a bullet proof pre-nup. That just cut his chances buy 88%.
These days, pre-nups, seem as useless as a wet roll of toilet paper.
To destroy a nation you must first destroy the cradle of the family tunit hat supports and ustains it. Destroying the concept of earthly father is always the prelude to destroying the concept of heavenly father who seculars demand must be replaced with themselves, the new source from which all blewssings must flow,,,,OR ELSE!