(The Center Square) – In-N-Out Burger announced it is closing its profitable Oakland location in its first-ever permanent store closure, due to unrelenting crime and violence against customers and employees.
“We have made the decision to close our In-N-Out Burger location in Oakland, California, due to ongoing issues with crime,” said In-N-Out chief operating officer Denny Warnick in a public statement. “Despite taking repeated steps to create safer conditions, our Customers and Associates are regularly victimized by car break-ins, property damage, theft, and armed robberies.”
The company also noted that the decision was not driven by financial concerns, and that safety was the overriding issue.
“This location remains a busy and profitable one for the company, but our top priority must be the well-being of our Customers and Associates — we cannot ask them to visit or work in an unsafe environment.”
Once the store closes on March 24, employees can either transfer to a nearby In-N-Out or receive a severance package.
Though In-N-Out is closing its only Oakland location, the California-based company is still continuing to grow in the state. It recently opened a new location in Madera and announced it is soon opening new locations in Orange, Oxnard, Redlands, and Sylmar.
Oakland’s mayor did not respond to requests for comment.
“In-N-Out is closing its Oakland location because of out-of-control crime,” said Congressman Kevin Kiley, R–Rocklin, in a public statement. “This is Gavin Newsom’s ‘model for the nation.’”
“This is Gavin Newsom’s ‘model for the nation.’”………. NOT!!!
“We have made the decision to close our In-N-Out Burger location in Oakland, California, due to ongoing issues with crime,” said In-N-Out chief operating officer Denny Warnick in a public statement. “Despite taking repeated steps to create safer conditions, our Customers and Associates are regularly victimized by car break-ins, property damage, theft, and armed robberies.”
The voters in CA have had TIME AFTER TIME and chance after chance to change course. BUT THEY KEEP ELECTING these ninconpoops to office, time and time again…. SO I HAVE NOT one iota of sympathy for them.. What so ever.
In -N-Out Burger’s version of the Big Mac attack,,,on employees and customers. These crime ridden democrat run American cities like Oakland, Chicago, New York, Philly, Washington D.C. are getting so bad one almost looks forward to a nuclear exchange that would wipe these cities off the American map to allow a clean start all over again from scratch.
In Genesis 9:11 ( The First 911 in history) God declared that “Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”……….but he later did take out individual cities one at a time like Sodom and Gomorrah for the lack of 10 righteous men.,,,enter the California Democrats and their criminal illegal aliens who they always bring in,,,when they should go OUT !
Note that the Democrat Party ruled cities have an corrupt, lawless, immoral, sexually perverted culture just like Sodom and Gomorrah.
Almost everything that the Lord God Almighty Yahweh and and his son Jesus Christ has declared either a sin or an abomination in the Holy Bible, the Democrats encourage, promote, approve of and support.
God did not declare certain behavior as sinful for his benefit, but for the benefit of mankind,
But Lucifer DID declare certain behavior acceptable and preferred if it benefits the Democrat party of soul enslavers and election stealers. The righteous get their name written in the book of life when they die,,,while the democrat crime family members get their name written on a mail-in voter ballot after they die.
The death of civilization is made in favor of acting like the jungle is preferable! Yous owes me !