
Ever since being elected, Barack Obama and the Democrats have been doing everything they can to ensure that they won’t be reelected. Congressional approval is at an all-time low, and Obama’s numbers keep heading south. Americans voted for “change” in the last election, and now they are saying, “Oh, wait, uh… I was just kidding.” I guess we see where that has gotten us. We have a government that no one wants, and so-called leaders who don’t listen. The elections are ours for the taking, if we don’t blow it.

According to a new Gallup poll, Congress ranks dead last among sixteen institutions in their “2010 Confidence in Institutions” poll. Only 11 percent of respondents have a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in Congress. This marks the lowest congressional rating ever for Gallup. Rounding out the bottom four are Organized Labor, Big business, HMOs, and then Congress. However, the other three actually rose slightly in the eyes of the respondents from last year’s poll. Congress dropped 6 points.

Gallup has the Obama’s approval rating at 47%, while Rasmussen Reports has Obama’s approval rating at 44%. Rasmussen also notes that only 27% of likely voters believe the country is heading in the right direction.

About half of Democrats feel the country is heading in the right direction, but 90% of Republicans and 75% of voters not affiliated with either major party believe the country is heading down the wrong track.

Sixty-seven percent (67%) of all voters say the country is heading down the wrong track, three points higher than last week. Following the passage of the health care bill, voter pessimism dropped to 60% but has risen since then.

Rasmussen’s poll also neatly summarizes what’s wrong with this country in a single paragraph by noting that 65% of the so-called “political class” say the country is heading in the RIGHT direction, while 82% of mainstream voters say it’s heading in the WRONG direction. Hey Washington… get a clue!

In Rasmussen’s Generic Congressional Ballot poll, “Republican candidates now hold a nine-point lead over Democrats… the widest gap between the two parties in several weeks.” This “generic ballot” poll is a great indicator of how things will go in November, and it shows that the Democrats are in trouble. Republicans are poised to make solid gains in fall Senate races with anywhere from 3 to 6 seats switching from Democrat to Republican. If Republicans follow-up the dismal performance of the Democrats with a strong campaign message, the results could be even better.

The American people have gotten a real taste of “hope and change.” It’s not so fun is it? Thanks to the Tea Party movement, more Americans are paying attention to what’s happening in this country, and the result will be something that’s been sorely lacking… accountability. The Democrats and other politicians who disregard the will of the American people are about to pay the piper. We can’t let these liberals and RINOs off the hook! Vote in your primaries and vote in the general election. It’s as simple as that.

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