Hunter Biden is trying to get his child support payments for his 4-year-old love child lowered by claiming a substantial change to his “financial circumstances,” according to court documents.
President Biden’s son, 52, has asked an Arkansas judge to recalculate the child support payments he makes to Lunden Roberts, 31 — the mother of the daughter he’s never met, according to a Monday court filing obtained by the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.
Hunter cited “a substantial material change” in his “financial circumstances, including but not limited to his income,” for the reason behind his request.
– Read more at the NY Post
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden cries poverty! President’s son is demanding his support payments to four-year-old love child with Lunden Roberts be LOWERED
Hunter Biden is trying to lower his child support payments for his four-year-old love child with Lunden Roberts, claiming he’s having financial difficulties.
According to documents obtained by, the president’s son filed a motion to adjust child support Monday, citing ‘a substantial material change’ in his ‘financial circumstances, including but not limited to his income.’
Hunter fathered four-year-old Navy Joan in 2018 while on a drug-fueled bender and has never met the young girl who lives with her mother Lunden Roberts, 31, in Arkansas.
An insider tells ‘Hunter’s going to be raked over the coals on this one.
Read more at the Daily Mail
Hunter Biden Net Worth is $230 Million. Hunter Biden has all the experience, influence, and power to become one of the wealthiest politicians in the USA. President Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s Net Worth is estimated to be $240 million dollars with an annual income of over $18 million. Hunter Biden has over $130 million in assets.
The Joe Biden’s family corruption and disgrace never ends.
Hunter fathered four-year-old Navy Joan in 2018 while on a drug-fueled bender and has never met the young girl who lives with her mother Lunden Roberts, 31, in Arkansas.
I wonder what he was getting the reduction TO?? What was initially asked for/ BECAUSE IF HE CAN AFFORD TO send two of his hooker girlfriends to college, HE CAN CERTAINLY afford say 1,000/mo for child support.
So true and a total sleaze. He can afford to pay for his seed droppings period. Should be indicted, but we have no law in this administration.
We do have law, but it only applies to right of center people. Left of center people only follow laws they wish to.
AND even when they don’t follow them, NO ONE seems to have the spine needed, to PUNISH them for it.
Lowlife… the nut clearly hasn’t fallen far from the tree
Good grief the guy is living in a $30,000 per month mansion and he is crying the he is living in poverty, give me a break that hunter guy is worth at least 250 million maybe more. He has something like 10 million per year coming in from china another $75,000 per month from that bursima holding Co. he has around $100,000 per year from a company in Africa, yeah he is really hurting for money. And the byden is trying to get the kid to run gor office no way on this planet should he ever be allowed to run for any office. The entire byden family was as corrupt and as twisted as a corkscrew, not one of them knows how to tell the truth about anything.
“not one of them knows how to tell the truth about anything.”
This is true about any elite in the treasonous, socialist Democrat Party cult and a lot of their disciples. 🙁
THEY are rabid demon-rats. OF COURSE telling the truth is foreign to them.
Joe Biden and his dems need to fall from grace for just another stupid incident involving a crooked, take-take-take family. Hunter is a gift that just keeps on giving.
What a slime ball! Be a man (if possible) and step up and take responsibility. After the paternity test there is no doubt that this little girl is yours so do the right thing now and quit your nonsensical bitching.
LIBTARDS like him have no damn clue, what “THE RIGHT THING” even is..
Hope the judge is honest enough to say, yep the amount you pay is dead wrong. From here on you will double the payments and is not subject to re-review until after 1o years.
Na. Triple them till the kids 21!
Let the groomer keep his “hard earned” booty, he’ll just spend it on more CRACK and hopefully some fentanyl.
Too bad fake family man Joe doesn’t even acknowledge his granddaughter, Navy. I doubt you will see her at the White House anytime soon. If the press cared anything about the truth, they would expose this corrupt family for what they really are, scum.
Impossible, most of our News Media are SCUM also.
That’s the prob though. THE PRESS (99% of them it seems) ARE on the dems SIDE..
He needs to be fixed. People like him should not be allowed to breed.
Just a part of the Biden crime family. His love child should only be able to see him on visiting day at Leavenworth…
Awww. My heart bleeds for poor dear Hunter.
Maybe he should cut the 10% to the “Big Guy”. ;<}