Thomas Jefferson said, “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground,” and that has been borne out by history with the few bright exceptions in which a society demanded the freedom to live as they ought. The founding of the United States of America was one of those bright moments. Often described as an experiment, it was one of the most improbable series of events in history in which a people threw off the shackles of their government and sought out to see if they could rule themselves.
As we saw, the experiment was difficult to replicate. France immediately tried to do it and ended up burning their country down in a reign of terror. Russia tried it and not only killed off 30 million of her own people but nearly brought the world to nuclear oblivion. As we have seen with the “democracy-building” projects in the Middle East, it’s not as easy as it may seem.
Furthermore, in a dark turn for social science, the American experiment itself appears to have ended in utter failure as well.
It was forewarned by the Founding Fathers. Jefferson said that, “even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” And after the Framers had hammered out the U.S. Constitution in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin told an inquiring woman that the congress had produced, “A republic, madam, if you can keep it.”
Following a series of shocking revelations in 2022, it is clear that we have decidedly not kept it. The Founders established a government that Lincoln later described as “Of the people, by the people, and for the people.” We don’t have that. There is very little representation by our representatives and we have an executive branch that is actively against the people.
Taxation without Representation
In 2018, Joe Biden bragged about a quid-pro-quo deal in 2014 in which he threatened to pull aid from Ukraine if a certain anti-corruption prosecutor wasn’t fired. At the time, the prosecutor was investigating the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, which was paying upwards of $50,000 a month to Biden’s crack-addict son, Hunter, who had no previous experience in the energy sector.
Fast forward to December, 2022, when Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky unfurled a Ukrainian flag in a joint session of Congress and Vice President Kamala Harris and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi raised it up, obscuring the American flag behind it. Shortly after that, Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said, “Providing assistance for Ukrainians to defeat the Russians is the number one priority for the United States right now according to most Republicans.”
At a time when the United States is heading into a recession with decades-high inflation and crippling debt, a lame-duck Congress with a near record low approval rating decided to put the country $46 billion further in debt to prop up the Ukrainian money laundromat government and threaten a hot war with nuclear superpower Russia.
But, while sending billions to one of the most corrupt countries in Europe may be the “number one priority,” according to Mitch McConnell, it’s certainly not the only priority for Congress. The 4,155-page pork-laden $1.7 trillion omnibus bill, which passed before any member of Congress had time to read it, also set aside $410 million for “for enhanced border security” in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Oman.
According to a Pew poll leading up to the midterm elections, Americans don’t prioritize the border security of Ukraine or Jordan. They do care about the U.S. border, however, as immigration is one of their highest priorities. But not only did Congress reject an amendment of the omnibus bill to keep Title 42 in place to continue some measure of U.S. border protection, they expressly prohibited increased border funding from being used to secure the border and instead incentivized illegal immigration.
Borders are sacred and we must defend them! But not our border, evidently.
The most important issue to Americans in general is the economy. But Congress added $750,000 to the national debt to fund Gender Non-Conforming Housing in New York, $1 million for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Ohio, and $3.6 million for a Michelle Obama Trail in Georgia.
As part of his annual Festivus airing of grievances, Senator Rand Paul reported $482,276,543,907 of government waste including:
* Maintaining 77,000 empty Federal buildings ($1,700,000,000)
* Helping illegal immigrants avoid deportation ($168,000,000)
* Overpaying government contractors for a terminated contract ($69,000,000)
* Using COVID relief funds to construct an 11,000 square foot spa ($140,000,000)
* Watching hamsters fight on steroids ($3,000,000)
* Studying the romance between parrots ($689,222)
* A radio campaign telling drivers to stop at railroad crossings ($200,000)
I don’t know about you, but if I were struggling to put food on my table for my family, I wouldn’t go into debt to watch hamsters on steroids fight
The Department of Just Us
The second most important issue to Americans according to the Pew poll is “the future of democracy in the country” and with what we’re seeing from the federal government, it’s no wonder.
Over several bombshell reports, the Twitter Files exposed what most people already knew: the Deep State is real and is violating the Constitution by restricting free speech and influencing elections.
We learned that the FBI sat on Hunter Biden’s laptop from Hell, complete with evidence of the aforementioned influence peddling and corruption, for over a year, “yet, during all of 2020, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies repeatedly primed [Twitter Censor] Yoel Roth to dismiss reports of Hunter Biden’s laptop as a Russian “hack and leak” operation.”
It turns out that the FBI used the 2016 Russia-Trump collusion story, which itself has been shown to be an intelligence community hoax, to propagate the lie that the Hunter laptop story was Russian disinformation.
And that disinformation alone affected the 2020 election — perhaps more than any other factor. A poll by TIPP Insights showed that nearly three-fourths of Democratic voters would have “very likely” or “somewhat likely” changed their vote had they known the laptop was real.
What’s worse is that the very people tasked with protecting us from constitutional violations are the ones committing the crimes. We have no representation in our representative government. There is no justice in the justice system. This is not the country I grew up in and it certainly isn’t the country the Founding Fathers envisioned. It’s time we come to grips with the fact that the American experiment has failed.
JSB Morse is a husband, father, entrepreneur, writer of several books including “Gods of Ruin” and “Paleo Family”, artist, and lover of mangoes. He can be found at
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“We have no representation in our representative government. There is no justice in the justice system.”
When we elect Godless, dishonest, immoral, hateful self-righteous, self-serving political representatives like the corrupt, puppet Joe Biden, Tinkerbell PinocchiObama, the hateful Nancy Pelosi, racist Maxine Waters, Liar Adam Schiff & Chuck Schumer, Camel toe Kamala Harris, Bimbo Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Muslim Ilhan Omar, squaw Elizabeth Warren and Ayanna Pressley who intentionally pit one group against another to divide the country and cultivate hate and distrust, you got to ask yourself; what are the motives of these type people? To lead the country into prosperity OR to gain control, stay in power any way possible and to dominate the citizens? No matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
Why the $%&& do we continue to elect such destructive trash?
What is occurring at this moment in history is a viable and productive version of Pareto’s Law,,,a political version of the 80/20 rule that states that in business, 80% of the work and accomplishments are done by 20% of THE PEOPLE,,,or that 80% of outcomes (or outputs) result from 20% of all causes (or inputs) for any given event. In this case, the 20 are doing 200 percent of the work that McCarthy and the establishment should have been doing for the past 20 years which makes it seem so impossible to accomplish but would not be had they and the establishment McCartyites of BOTH parties been doing their jobs properly over the past years. The irresistible force has met the immovable objects,,,,something’s gotta give, and it better be the establishment this time, not the 20 patriotic truth seekers whom are now being trashed by the shortsightedness of both the Liberal and Conservatice media. Delay a little now and get the job done right, reap big rewards later.
It certainly seems like the 20% of the nation, RULE over the 80% of us..
France, Russia, the Middle East, are all failures in recreating what we have/had here because they are not built upon the Chief Cornerstone that is Jesus Christ. Without this our republic fails, and is failing becuase God was removed from society. It’s really that simple.
The difference between the American and French revolution was created in the difference between a winning successful long term self-sacrificing results of a George Washington Christian inspired leadership,,,and the losing immediate gratification self-serving self-god tenet in secularism of a tyrant Napoleon. Three times after the revolution was over his troops offered George Washington the crown he refused, to become the first American King George. The English King George later remarked that if it was true, that if Washington did this, he would be the greatest man of the age. Secular tyrant Napoleon in contrast upon his own orchestrated coronation, grasped the crown from the church Cardinal’s hands and crowned himself, a sure sign he like most self-fooled tyrants perceived himself a god of his own making. Washington who knew when to step down gave us a workable Democratic Republic of rule by THE PEOPLE, Napoleon gave France unending war, legislative chaos which ended in the Guillotined headless government, and a mob rule disguised as democracy that failed on all fronts that was like where Democrats lead us today. America,,,Liberty, Equality, and God’s truths that set men free vs France ,,,Liberty, Equity, Fraternity,,,,where weak failing finite brotherly love edification replaces the infinite omnipotent fatherly God.
I agree. Big P Progressives try to promote themselves as advancing progress when they are actually regressive. Their mindset is the French Revolution mindset, whereas conservatives have the American Revolution mindset.
Pity we can’t TREAT them like the days of the french revolution, and lead them all to the guillotines!
No—the laboratory was overrun by mutants who were incapable of conducting the experiment properly.
More like the aslyum opened its doors, and let the insane out to take over..
money and lots of it was spent to buy votes to change america.
Hi capricorn. Your comment is sad but true. And it applies to most of gubment.
Especially by George Soros!
Far too many of our elected officials in both political parties were more than willing to sell their soul and their country for money, power and votes. We re-elect most of them.
We are now living in the new and improved, “fundamentally transformed” America. It is a nation where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people will not be offended.
AND that’s on US, for keeping on re-electing them!
“Has The American Experiment Failed?” (title of the article). NNNNOOOOOO, the American gubment has failed.
ITs not that it failed, its that those in charge, want to RUIN IT.
America was a success until woke liberals took over the democrats. Welfare and food stamps for Biden people was wrong. Allowing criminals not to be charged for crimes. Allow open borders. Lowering r standards all been done by democrats.