We have mentally ill lawmakers trying to deal with mentally ill mass shooters. They can’t seem to get past the mental block that guns do not act independently on their own.
inluminatuo on Harris honeymoon fading in North Carolina: “Apperntly Misery DOES love company,,,,1.3 MIllions jobs lost to American citizens last statistic,,,1.2 million illegals found jobs during the same…” Sep 7, 17:02
inluminatuo on Harris honeymoon fading in North Carolina: “Rge chose Kamal becasue she is the wide joyous gate than leads to destruction, in stead of the sober narrow…” Sep 7, 16:28
We have mentally ill lawmakers trying to deal with mentally ill mass shooters. They can’t seem to get past the mental block that guns do not act independently on their own.
BECAUSE they themselves, are nutters..