DENVER (KDVR) – As the delta variant continues to spread throughout the country, the World Health Organization is asking vaccinated people to still wear masks to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations, however have not changed, allowing fully vaccinated people to go without a mask.
In Denver-area hospitals, doctors tell FOX31 at least half of the unvaccinated COVID-19 patients are sick with the delta variant. The variant is significantly more contagious, and the symptoms patients feel are worse than from the original COVID-19 virus. Doctors continue to stress the message, that it’s the vaccines that will ultimately stop the spread.
“Not getting vaccinated if you have the opportunity to do so, is going to be one of the most selfish acts that history will view,” said Dr. Richard Zane with UCHealth. “History will view you poorly because you did not participate in finishing this pandemic.”
As of Sunday, less than three million Coloradans are fully vaccinated.
“What’s problematic and unexpected, is the degree to which the population that’s still unvaccinated, which means that we have fertile ground for more variants to happen,” Zane continued.
Doctors are thankful that the delta variant can still be detected in current COVID-19 testing methods and even more relieved our vaccines protect against it.
Research however, shows the vaccines are most effective against the original virus. Every variant can act differently, and more variants can form that the current vaccines don’t protect against. The key to preventing this from happening, is stopping the COVID-19 virus from spreading by getting the shot.
“What’s tragic is, it seems to be purposeful. We have more vaccines than we know what to do with. If you are over the age of 12 there’s no excuse for not getting the vaccine. If you are not getting a vaccine, you are not participating in the solution to this pandemic,” Zane stressed. “You are not doing your societal duty. You are not doing your act of patriotism. You are behaving in the most unamerican way ever imaginable after a pandemic. You are the problem if you are not vaccinated.”
Despite WHO recommendations for continued mask wearing, Colorado still is not requiring them for those that are vaccinated. The WHO argues the reason vaccinated people should wear a mask is to play it safe.
FOX31 reached out to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment for their take on the matter but didn’t get a response yet.
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There are alternative and naturopathic doctors who will disagree. There has never been so much pressure to get a vaccination for a virus that has a 98-88% recovery rate. And the heavy-handed power grabs by Liberal politicians isn’t going away fast—certainly not fast enough. Now, medical authorities are exerting their own pressure for people to be vaccinated These power-hungry people need to get over themselves and let people make up their own minds—and they need to accept whatever that decision is and shut up about it.
I am shocked, they’re not pushing to MANDATE folks get it.. Regardless of the person’s wishes or not..
Tell the families of the thousands of people who have died from the vaccine that their sacrifice was worth it for the good of society. There have been recent deaths in young men after receiving the vaccine. Their risk of dying of COVID was miniscule. Their choice had some seriously bad consequences.
“‘You Are Not Doing Your Societal Duty”
I got his “Societal Duty” My first question is what difference does it make to anyone that’s vaccinated whether or not I’m vaccinated? Do you think he cares about my life in any way? Will you get it again? Next they will come out with a 2nd Vaccine for just in case moments. I’m sick to death of the left. They vaccinate and then worry what I’m doing! I will NEVER be vaccinated, listen to me carefully NEVER BE VACCINATED and if you scientists don’t like it tough chit. My 86 year old mom went to play bridge and one of her friends broke confidences and told everyone at the table my mom wasn’t vaccinated. This has totally gotten out of control! Last I checked America was FREE!
“Last I checked America was FREE!”
Check again Linda, unfortunately, it hasn’t been free since Reagan’s tenure in the Oval Office, but the worm is turning albeit slowly.
Power to We the People!
AND if the left keeps getting their way, we won’t ever be free again!
Correction. It used to be free.
It won’t be free until the veterans and patriots take it back and do what the justice system in this country won’t do–ENFORCE THE LAW.
SO where are they??
Thomas Jefferson always said there needs to be a revolution every 20 years to keep the govt in check. We’re a bit overdue and look what we have – rich, corrupt, career politicians that want to turn our country socialist.
IMO its more like we’re 100 years overdue!
Exactly! And, calling me names, and scolding me, only makes my resolve to decline the experimental biologic agent stronger. And another thing, we have been told nothing but lies since the start of the SCAMDEMIC. Why should we start believing a single word now?
The only reason any doctor would push this vaccine on the American people, with all of its bad side effects, is if they have stock in the companies! And they get paid whether people die or not, so just imagine the billions these Physicians and the corrupted are making because they’ve forced these vaccines worldwide! Big Pharma is very powerful and very corrupt!
You may be correct about some doctors BUT many doctors just follow medical journals that shame doctors who don’t push this experimental drug onto their patients. Fear is driving patients to demand the shot and any doctor who doesn’t agree likely will be reported to authorities or shamed on Social Media.
There is a new suit in PC Bridge called shots. Bidding starts at one shot.
If anyone knows anything about medicine they would understand that these reports by journalists are completely unscientific. First, wearing a mask does nothing to protect the wearer, second a vaccine that is not targeted to a variant will not protect against it, third the COVID vaccine is based off a new way of combating a virus that has not been fully tested, allowing children and otherwise healthy adults to take this trial vaccine is abuse. If you have already had COVID taking the vaccine is a waste of time and resources, because you already have immune memory cells.
Oh, now it’s the “delta variant” which is the current flavor? First there was Corona, then Dos Equis, Tecate and Modelo. Wow, so many flavors to choose from. I still don’t understand how come if it’s a Chinese virus why they name it after Mexican beer.
My ONLY societal duty is to leave people alone as I want them to leave me alone, stay out of my face and NOT try to impose their will upon me.
And it sure is fishy that they absolutely do not want people to take Ivermectin, which is proving to be a hundred percent effective against this virus, and which also proves they don’t want a cure, they just want to make money, and if they have to kill people to do it, no problemo!
ITS IMO very telling, that INDIA is supposedly where this spread from. EVEN WITH IT BEING IN A LOCK DOWN OF ITS OWN, AND all international travel, SUPPOSEDLY BEING Blocked, too and from india…
SO IF that was the case, HOW THE HELL did it spread OUT of india!
Remember that Doctors take a hypocritic oath. Doctor’s may be good at saving your life but they suck at healthCARE. The only thing a Doctor can cure is an infection. They cannot or will not cure anything else, they’ll just give you a pill for the symptoms. Remember one thing, when people get healthy, Doctor’s don’t make any money, so It’s in their best interest to keep you sick so they make money. I can tell you how it gets out of India, Bill Gates pays someone to be mule for the virus, just like he did the Wuhan virus. I say follow the money, if you look at the bank account for the CDC, Gates has put millions in in donations so he can get what he wants. Ituser, you know how it is, the left is always a day late and a dollar out of your pocket short.
A fact, i’ve been saying for a good 10 years now.. THESE BIG pharma companies, do not WANT TO CURE ANYTHING.. They make more money out of just ‘Treating the symptoms’, even if those treatments have WORSE SIDE EFFECTS< that you suffer from, than if you just stayed OFF the drugs…
Exactly when did God die and leave this idiot in charge? I have news for him and any other doctor that thinks that I’m not doing my ” societal duty.”They can take their societal duty and stick it where the sun don’t shine!
The criminal cabal we refer to as “government” has taken over medicine, doctors, hospitals.
It is no longer about patients it is about destruction of the citizens and how much more
information doctors can collect to aid govt. in that destruction…
Which is why i’d rather TREAT AN ILLNESS myself, than go in and see a doctor these days.
Ooh, over HALF of the Denver area unvaxxed patients have Delta? Wait…half of HOW MANY? 5? 50? 5,000? 700,000? How many people are currently hospitalized for COVID in the Denver area. Without a reference half tells me diddly squat. Well, I take that back. What it suggests to me is we are dealing with a low absolute number – one that won’t stir up the panic and blind obedience they are looking for. Nobody – I mean, no RATIONAL body – is going to flip out over maybe a dozen Delta cases in a city of over 700,000. But scream “HALF!!! Don’t you hear me? HALF!!! All because YOU have not gotten a vax!! Or you got a vax but aren’t wearing a mask!! Black Death, Black Death!!” And most people will crumble.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
The covid virus is way too small to be slowed, much less stopped, by a mask. No “educated” person has any excuse not to know this simple fact; which is especially true for a medical doctor.
Bottom line: MASKS DO NOT WORK.
As for the so-called shot for the “cure,” the side effects are far worse than the virus. Again, everyone should know this, especially medical doctors. This means that Tony Fauci is totally clueless.
Meanwhile the headline in today’s London Evening Standard newspaper is that London will reopen on July 19th with no masks, no testing and no vax passports – I think they’ve just run out of steam trying to maintain this charade. The powers behind all of this must be in a tizz, working overtime to make sure this doesn’t happen.
Still laughing at the stupidity of “Dr” and I use the term loosely, Zane’s statements, and the unbelievable ignorance of anyone who would belive the lefest socialist **** he’s spewing… Then again, maybe he is auditioning for the job of proven liar Anthony Fauci, who if you haven’t noticed has been very quiet lately…
Another reason to distrust “Doctors”. To many become morally bankrupt by their own supposed importance and value. They provide a service and should be as thoroughly checked out as any service provider. Many of them believe in abortion, euthanasia, and other questionable practices. Not the kind of “doctor” I would use!
Nor are they the kind of doctors who should be LICENSED!
I’m old enough to remember the polio outbreak and vaccination program. I would posit that getting polio is significantly worse than COVID…if there is argument to this statement, look up polio to see what it did to the sufferers. The campaign to vaccinate was persistent, but geared much differently. There were no government mandates to get the vaccine. The reason parents got their kids vaccinated was because they didn’t want them to end up crippled or in an iron lung. I can’t help but wonder if the results would have been the same if the government in the 50’s had issued a vaccination edict a la COVID then. Doubt it would have been well received or obeyed.
The first polio vaccines were blind tested by giving shots to kids who got either the vaccine or a placebo. The placebo kids were later informed and were able to get the vaccine.
THough i am NOT old enough to remember that, i DID READ up on the history of the whole Tuskege syphaliphis malarkey… AND SEEING HOW the govt, flat out INFECTED FOLKS< to say "NOW Lets treat you to see what happens", Scared the ever loving crud out of me as a kid, when i read it..
WITH HOW they are pushing this vaccine now days, i am REMINDED OF that malarkey, and wondering "IS this phase 2"?
If the vaccine is so good, why hasn’t the FDA approved it yet (and not just an “emergency use authorization)? Remember when we were told to NOT buy cheaper drugs from Canada or Mexico that weren’t FDA approved?
The problem the FDA had with US Citizens buying their Rx from Canada was that they wouldn’t get their cut from US distribution.
The real issue the tyrants have with the growing number of Conservative Citizens refusing the Soros-Gates euthanasia jabs is that they won’t be able to eliminate enough of us to steal the remaining God Given and Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights by removing all the means to oppose their tyrannical moves.
AND if its “So good”, WHY SHOULD IT need to be ‘pushed on us’, to get the shot? IF IT WAS that great, we’d be LINING UP TO GET IT of our own volition.
Do these nannies ever consider that acting like nannies, rather than explaining the situation to the population and allowing them to make their own decisions as adults, might be part of the problem they are bemoaning?
Doubt it.. They think they know better, and WE must bow down to their ‘wisdom’.
Tell the families of the thousands of people who have died from the vaccine that their sacrifice was worth it for the good of society. There have been recent deaths in young men after receiving the vaccine. Their risk of dying of COVID was miniscule. Their choice had some seriously bad consequences.