Welcome to the GOPUSA “Open Thread,” a post that’s open to our readers, for our readers. So much has gone on this past week, and this thread allows you to talk about whatever you want to talk about. We even have some topics that you might have missed. Remember the Gang of 8? How about the latest on college crybabies? And then there’s Zuckerberg’s comments on Black Lives Matter. Please jump in, and let us know what you think.

You can talk about your favorite sports team, a current event, or whatever is on your mind. Here are some topics to get things started. Just please keep it clean and respectful. Enjoy!


Remember the Gang of 8 and their push to shove amnesty down our throats? The media and certain candidates are certainly hoping your forgot about it. Here’s a refresher: The Ugly Truth About Marco Rubio And His Gang-of-Eight Amnesty Bill


Check this out! Apparently college is just too hard for today’s youth. The are now requesting extensions from the failing classes to deal with their stress. No, we aren’t kidding… check it out here: Ivy League ‘crybullies’ failing classes, requesting extensions to offset stress


Do all lives matter? One has to wonder if the PC mentality has gotten so strong that it totally blocks out all reason and common sense. Over at Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is reprimanding employees who cross out “Black Lives Matter” on their “writing wall” and replacing it with “All Lives Matter.” Here’s the story: Zuckerberg Tells Facebook Staff To Stop Crossing Out ‘Black Lives Matter’

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