Hey RINOs, don’t even think about it — trying to steal the GOP presidential nomination at the national convention for whatever in-the-satchel sellout political hack you’re pushing as today’s “fresh face.”
It’s the GOP version of the bum of the month club. Pick a presidential bust-out of yore — Willard Mitt Romney, Juan Ellis Bush, Little Marco, even Gov. Scott Walker.
But the fresh face the neocons are really counting on to blow the election this year is House Speaker Paul Ryan, also known as Ryan-O.
Karl Rove, John Sununu Sr., Frank Luntz, Haley Barbour — all these RINO refugees from an All-U-Can-Eat buffet — are swooning with undisguised glee after Wisconsin. They now calculate that they’ve stopped Trump on the first ballot in Cleveland. They don’t care about losing the election, as long as they can keep riding around in stretch limos, going to chi-chi Club for Growth wine-tastings in Palm Beach, writing dreary pap for Commentary and living in their gated communities or doorman high-rises.
Some of these Edmund Burke-quoting phony-balonies would be willing to Lose With Cruz. But despite Rafael’s impeccable Establishment credentials, including being Goldman Sachs-ed up the wazoo, they don’t really trust the Texas senator.
That’s why they’ve ordered John Kasich to stay in the fight, to make sure the two guys they really hate can never get up a real head of steam until it’s too late for either of them to get a majority of delegates, even though a combined 80 percent of the Republican electorate will have voted for one or the other.
And then it will be Paul Ryan-O time. There are two things RINOs admire most about the Eddie Munster lookalike:
No. 1, unlike most of them, Ryan doesn’t need a seat-belt extender when he gets on whichever Koch brother’s private jet he’s borrowing this weekend.
No. 2, he lives in Wisconsin, one of the few states where you can run for two offices simultaneously. That means he can once again throw the presidential race to the Democrats in the fall, then return to D.C. in January as House Speaker to do the bidding of his Democrat masters, as he did last year, funding unlimited welfare for illegal aliens and unvetted Muslim immigrants, among other disasters.
Karl Rove last week coined the new dog whistle “fresh face.” Now it’s been refined by a woman in the Washington Post into “fresher face.” Soon he will be the freshest face. His blonde cheerleader in the Post breathlessly lauded Ryan’s “pro-people template” — does that make him a “people person?”
By the way, the RINO-ette also gurgles, Ryan-O is into “working with Democrats, a man of faith and family values whose only real baggage is the suitcase he carries home each weekend to Wisconsin.”
To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson: “The louder he spoke of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.”
And the louder Ryan-O denies that he’s running, the faster he is.
Listen to Howie from 3-7 p.m. today on WRKO AM 680.
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