Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposed reparations plan for black residents in California may deliver handouts of $223,000 in cash per person for past housing discrimination, Fox News Digital reported.
California currently faces a $25 billion budget deficit, despite reporting a nearly $100 billion surplus for the current fiscal year in May.
Nearly 6.5 percent of California residents, or 2.5 million, identify as black or African American.
Newsom signed legislation creating California’s reparations task force in 2020, making it the only state to move ahead with a scheme to study the effects of slavery and to educate the public about its findings. The task force published a 500-page interim report in June 2022 (pdf).
The task force voted in March to limit any reparations to descendants of free or enslaved black people residing in the United States after the Civil War rather than for all black people in general.
The governor has been aggressively pushing a plan for years to financially compensate black residents of California for decades of state-led discrimination after emancipation from slavery.
The task force’s economic consultant team came up with the amount by reviewing historical racial housing gaps and estimating the approximate amount of financial losses to black people in the state between 1933 and 1977, according to The New York Times.
The housing discrimination program will cost the state $559 billion. The committee claims that black residents lost $5,074 per year in California under previous state housing policies.
“The $559 billion figure is in reference to a scope of work document presented to the California Reparations Task Force by its five member economic consultant team during our September public hearing in Los Angeles,” said the task force in a statement to Fox News.
The $559 billion figure represents California’s “maximum liability” for prior acts of housing discrimination by the authorities “if all 2,550,459 Black California residents who lived in the state in 2021 were descendants of the enslaved in the United States and had spent the entire time period from 1933 to 1977 in California,” the task force said in a statement to Fox News Digital.
Task Force Investigated Post-Slavery Discrimination
The reparations task force said it toured the state, meeting with members of the black community, to research the financial impact of discrimination on black Americans after emancipation in California.
They found that several black neighborhoods and communities were unfairly bought out, or seized via eminent domain for state infrastructure projects.
Black American households are financially less well off compared to their white neighbors, according to the 2019 Federal Reserve Board Survey of Consumer Finances.
Based on total assets and liabilities, black households in the the United States had a median of $24,100 and an average of $142,500 in wealth, whereas white households had a median of $188,200 and an average of $983,400.
The panel is now expanding its mandate from housing discrimination into the racial disparities caused by mass incarceration, property seizures, devaluation of businesses, and lack of access to health care, The New York Times reported, adding that the task force was looking at different way of distributing reparations, such as direct deposits, tuition, or housing grants.
Although the panel lacks legislative authority, it can make recommendations based on its findings to the California Legislature. The next meeting of the task force is scheduled for mid-December, according to the state’s website.
A final report recommending the total amount of reparations is expected to be released in June 2023.
The Black race has the majority living off of the tax payers now, some from cradle to grave NEVER having a job, except selling illegal drugs.
In Jasonville, FL the government has built entire $250,000.00 – $300,000.00 per house communities and have almost given them to blacks.
There has NEVER been a entire $250,000.00 – $300,000.00 per house communities built for other races.
We have poor people of all races, but only the Blacks are coddled to by the woke government.
Personally I never cared what color or race or religion you were.
• You started blaming my race for YOUR problems.
• I never cared about your political affiliation until YOU started to condemn me for mine.
• I never cared where you were born until YOU wanted to erase my history and blame my ancestors for all your current problems.
• I never cared if you were well-off or poor until YOU said you were discriminated against because when I got promoted because I worked harder.
• I never cared if your beliefs were different from mine until YOU said my belief were wrong.
• NOW I care, My patience and tolerance are gone
• YOUR whining about racism and YOUR rioting, burning, looting every time you disagree with something, Disgusts me.
• I.A.W. U.S. Census & 2018 FBI (Table 43a) Black males make up about 7% of the U.S. population but every year commit ~56% of all the murders in the U.S.. Every year in the U.S. there are ~6,000 African-Americans men, women and children killed and 92% of them were killed by fellow African-Americans.
No doubt 90% of all that fake money will go to slush funds rather than to any real people!! But…who cares how much funny money you pretend to spend on “needy” people when you can manufacture as much Official Government Counterfeit as you want???
Scruffy_USN_Retired on December 6, 2022…” I never cared where you were born until YOU wanted to erase my history and blame my ancestors for all your current problems.
This stated my sentiments exactly, Thank You!
“… I Never Cared where you were born until you wanted to erase my HISTORY and blame my Ancestors
for your current problems… ” By Observable Reality-August 20Th.2020
Considering there were only about 2000 Californian slaves during the Civil war period, out of a slave population of just under 4 million nationwide, If Gavin wants to bankrupt the State of California, ”So let it be written, let it be Done”. Instead of $223,000 in State Bankruptcy cash handouts, his money would be better invested in buying them all cheap homes or Condo’s so the free Housing giveaway part of the Democrat dependency vote buying schemes would just go away, and less California tent cities would pop up. I’m sure tons of former Texas owned slaves emigrated to California. Just feel free to bankrupt your state by paying them all off too. Gavin must be relying on them spending all their ill-gotten gains on drug money instead of paying their Property Taxes. he’ll get all the money back in the end anyway in foreclosures.
AND they STILL WHINE ‘its not enough”…
ltuser onDecember 6, 2022
AND they STILL WHINE ‘its not enough”…
‘ Minorities, I don’t know whose money it is, BUT I’m going to get some.!
” Gavin Newsom’s Reparations Plan For Black California Residents Could See $223,000 Payments Per Person
See David Horowitz’s ” 10 Reasons why Reparations are a BAD IDEA and Racist Too.”
And this idiot harbors fantasies of running for President?
Democrats don’t run for office … they pander to be appointed by the criminal controllers!!!
robertmchl on 1:58 pm December 6, 2022
“…And this idiot harbors fantasies of running for President?
‘ And what does it say about the voters who vote for him.?’
1. No slaves are alive today.
2. Since they refuse to admit that their own people sold them but they were stolen. Then by law we must return to africa it’s stolen property.
3. Not with my federal tax dollars.
4. will be spent in a matter of weeks then they will demand welfare and food stamps again .
To Paraphrase Mark Twin, ” Suppose I was an Idiot, And I was a member of… elite Californian’s…” But I repeat Myself.”
How much will africa pay ?? And how much will the Muslim slave traders pay ??
Muslim slave traders are to slaves, what Democrat politicians are to American Taxpayers. They don;t pay,,,,they get paid.
Not one dime!!
They said this was a Scheme.
I say it’s a SCAM.
Interestingly enough, 90% of negros (captured by fellow African tribes, it’s worth noting), went to South American nations {most to Brazil}, so I have to wonder just what reoperations Brazil is willing to ante up.
Jack diddly squat of course. ONLY We whites, have to pay.
If this reparations program were to be undertaken, aside from being wrong, it would not be the end of the matter. It would just be the beginning of the start. Later, likely soon, there would be adjustments in the amount of payments and the categories added to the recipients. The plan is to not cure the past, but to metastasize it for continuous political exploitation.
ALL of this re-distribution of wealth, is a cancer on society.
I’m from Irish decent, can i be given reparations for past abuses??
NO because YOU ARE white…
What a gigantic, colossal piece of trash this idiot is. This is purely a political move. Now if he pays the reparations with his own money, go for it Grewsome. But that will NEVER happen. Of course the taxpayers of Californication will fill the bill, just like always.
This guy is your basic bozo. Clowns like this actually get elected.
California, “The Alice In Wonderland, ”
” Illegal Immigrants are just undocumented democrat Voters. ”
Author unknown.
AND this idiot actually has fantasies of running for President!