on 8:18 am April 8, 2024 at 8:18 am
The treasonous Democrats in Congress, the treasonous Democrat Party and their demented, corrupt puppet-president Joe Beijing OBiden have deliberately done everything they can to maintain power over the people and destroy our U.S.A..
Only Enemies, Fools and Useful Idiots would support and follow what is determined to destroy them.
The Axis of evil, or Evil Empire that President Reagan spoke of in the early ’80s, has soft peddled their primary tool to take down the USA. It’s now the DemonRat party and the RINOs. And they’ve been largely successful in their infiltration efforts. Trump wanted to drain the swamp, but even he didn’t know how deep and wide it was.
The treasonous Democrats in Congress, the treasonous Democrat Party and their demented, corrupt puppet-president Joe Beijing OBiden have deliberately done everything they can to maintain power over the people and destroy our U.S.A..
Only Enemies, Fools and Useful Idiots would support and follow what is determined to destroy them.
The Axis of evil, or Evil Empire that President Reagan spoke of in the early ’80s, has soft peddled their primary tool to take down the USA. It’s now the DemonRat party and the RINOs. And they’ve been largely successful in their infiltration efforts. Trump wanted to drain the swamp, but even he didn’t know how deep and wide it was.
Exactly. TOO many unellected bureaucrats, life long appointments etc..