Republican lawmakers have had enough of Dr. ‘Flip-Flop’ Fauci, demanding he be fired from his post.
On Tuesday, Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) took the reins, proposing the “FIRED Act” and its acronym is simply perfection: “Fauci Incompetence Requires Early Dismissal.”
“Dr. Fauci represents everything that President Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address: the scientific-technical elite steering the country toward their own ends. Americans have had decades of Dr. Fauci’s leadership, and he publicly failed to respond appropriately to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is time for him to step aside so that new leadership can ‘follow the science’ and start reopening America,” Davidson said in a statement.
The proposal sets a 12-year term limit for appointees serving as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which Fauci has held since 1984, the Daily Wire reports.
“In the wake of massive missteps by Dr. Fauci and his subordinates in the handling of the coronavirus pandemic, this bill addresses an oft-overlooked issue: the lack of accountability for unelected bureaucrats,” Davidson added.
“Under Dr. Fauci’s guidance, Americans have lost confidence in the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control, leading to confusion and serious government overreach that has threatened Americans’ livelihood and freedoms. Despite successful treatment therapies, a historic vaccination development, and decreasing cases, Dr. Fauci has continued to advise healthy, low-risk Americans to continue to act as if the pandemic were out of control after overseeing nearly a year of draconian public health policies that have decimated the U.S. economy.”
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Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) also called for Fauci’s immediate removal.
“He has been wrong, intentionally deceptive, and inconsistent throughout the entire pandemic,” he said. “A few examples of Fauci’s failures include: claiming there was very little risk to Americans in January of 2020, opposing President Trump’s China travel ban then crediting it with saving lives, and wrongly predicting an explosion of cases in Texas after Gov. Abbott lifted the state mask mandates.”
“It is long past time for Dr. Fauci to stop talking to the American public. Fauci should resign or be fired immediately,” he added.
The post Fauci’s Failures Pile Up, Republican Introduces FIRED Act: ‘Fauci Incompetence Requires Early Dismissal’ appeared first on Human Events.
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Fauci and his gain of function research. Fauci, who funded a lab in a communist Country, a lab which brought a disaster against the world, a disaster of death and economic destruction. Fauci should be tried as a felon for what he did to the United States and the world. Send this clown Fauci to a North Korean prison, for crimes against humanity.
HE and all others involved in that research should be tried as MASS MURDERERS>
He has lied to congress, and the American people repeatedly. Lock him up.
The new popular disturbed personality disorders at the American Mental institutions which used to be claiming to be Napoleon, is now they are all claiming to be split-personality Fauci, who is just another modern version of the sawed-off diminutive French dictator. His 15 minutes of fame has stretched out to 15 months., only with the help of the MSM.
IF ONE OF US normal folk, had lied to congress as much as he has, WE WOULD ALREADY BE in prison..
“Fauci Incompetence Requires Early Dismissal.”
Following that logic, can we apply the same standard to Congress and the entire Biden administration?
WE Damn well need to.. AND Not just firing from congress, but SENDING ALL of them to prison, while awaiting their turns on the guillotines for high treason.
During the AIDS boom, Fauci said, he regularly hung out in gay bath houses and bars to see how the disease might be transmitted. (I figured it out with no need to observe anything. You probably did as well. But he needed to see it for himself….more than once apparently.)
He needs to be freed to get back to his research.
All well and good, but it will never happen and as such is just a hollow attempt by hollow republicans to save face…
Technically, the president of the United States cannot directly fire Fauci, mainly because he is not a political appointee. As a career federal employee (the highest paid one in the country) and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, Fauci is protected by federal civil service regulations that shield him from being fired or demoted.
Fauci could be removed, but it would imply a complicated process layered with civil service protections that require the government agency to provide evidence that there is a just cause for dismissal, including failure to follow orders or misconduct.
The process to remove him would need to be initiated by someone in Fauci’s chain of command, such as the director of the National Institutes of Health or the health and human services secretary, which is unlikely.
Even though we all know what a lying piece of ‘work” he is.
Those regulations need to be the first thing to go then.. SO these cretins CAN BE FIRED.