Hunter Biden’s damaged laptop that was left behind at a Delaware repair shop keeps revealing family secrets: Emails from 2015 suggest then-Vice President Joe Biden attended a dinner that was attended by a who’s who of powerful business people and politicians from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan – and even came with a cover story.
The New York Post, which published an exclusive pre-Election Day story last year describing the laptop contents, is reporting this week that Hunter Biden arranged a 14-person dinner at exclusive Washington, D.C. restaurant Café Milano where his father was expected to attend.
“Dad will be there but keep that between us for now. Thanks,” Hunter writes in an email exchange with another person, Michael Karloutsos, on the guest list.
“Everything is between us. All good!,” Karloutsos replies. “I know you mentioned your dad would probably join the dinner as well.”
It is unclear if the Vice President of the United States attended the dinner as his son planned and the the emails suggest, but the premise of the Post’s story is that Joe Biden has claimed he was never personally involved in his son’s business dealings, which include shaking hands with shady, nefarious partners for multi-million dollar deals around the world.
“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Biden told reporters on the campaign trail in 2019, USA Today reported at the time.
Hunter Biden, however, told The New York Post he discussed his questionable board of directors seat at gas company Burisma in a conversation in December 2015, USA Today noted, citing that article.
Responding to the latest controversy, longtime conservative activist Gary Bauer says nobody who is being honest believes the powerful father and deal-making son never discussed business deals in private.
“It doesn’t pass the straight face test,” Bauer, a veteran of D.C. politics going back to Ronald Reagan, says.
According to the Post’s story, a post-dinner email from a Burisma executive thanked Hunter for “inviting me to DC and giving [me] an opportunity to meet your father…”
Hunter Biden was sitting on the Burisma board at the time and drawing a monthly salary of approximately $83,000.
The guest list included a Russian billionaire and her husband, the former mayor of Moscow; the chairman of the largest bank in Kazakhstan; and representatives from the World Food Program USA, a D.C.-based non-profit that is affiliated with the United Nations.
In an email to Karloutsos, Hunter Biden blatantly suggests the “reason for the dinner is ostensibly to discuss food security,” a reference to the WFP USA dinner guests.
“What a fantastic and productive evening – thank you!” reads an email from Rick Leach, who founded the non-profit in 1997 but stepped down in 2019.
While it appeared Hunter Biden used the topic of world hunger to gather at the upscale Café Milano, the umbrella U.N. World Food Program has been plagued with corruption, theft, and most recently female UN workers documenting rape and sexual assaults.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
In the words of the infamous liar, hillary clinton, at this point, what difference does it make?
“Sic Transit Gloria Mundi” to Hillary,,,,,”Sic Semper Tyrannis” to Biden
YEa, HAD THIS INFO came out ahead of time, the election MAY Have gone differently…
biden and his entire family are thieves, frauds, liars.
Liberals love those qualities.
These days, i honestly think you HAVE TO BE a crook/liar/thief/traitor, to become a democrat.
The steady drip, drip, drip of revealing information (sound familiar?). And since we are dealing with Biden bin Hidin’, there just seems to be more and more he has been hidin’. Is anybody going to have the nerve to see that it gets out and something done about it? What happened to all the crooked ploys put in motion to sabotage Trump—and that is still going on. Has anybody paid for their actions?
Its one thing for things like this to appear on here, but it is worthy of a much bigger stage. And until I see all of the guilty-as-sin Leftists, who deal in corruption and casually walk away, be called to account and have to answer for their crimes, I’m not going to be convinced that justice works like it should in this country. When the justice system is as corrupt as the underworld it is supposed to penalize, a long shadow is cast upon those to whom the rule of law has been entrusted.
Will anyone pay for this? Unfortunately not likely…
If this stuff is to be considered Russian Collusion, the millions gained by the Biden Crime family pale to the Hundreds of Billions the Russians will make on our closed American pipelines and Democrat party assaults on our American Energy Structure with Federal lands destined for drilling now closed out by the Bidens. Joe’s legacy, even if he dies in office of old age should be life jail sentences for Hunter and any family member caught enriching themselves at the expense of the average American worker. What good are $600 and $1400 COVID checks when the cost of gas to commute to work are driven up $2500-$3500 each year in Biden manipulated Oil prices that only benefit the Russians and Muslims who are building great modern cities with money that should be earned and remained in the USA, to rebuild our own Democrat party Establishment diminished infrastructure they created, now revealed as a created excuse to raise our taxes even Trillions more for an infrastructure fake bill that diverts 90% of the money to other ,destined to fail, social experiments. Biden is being led to his own VALID Impeachment which will not work unless Kamala goes as well, and we have a Conservative as Speaker next in line.
I think the correctly named “failed social experiments” will eventually show successful huge monetary payoffs for those friendly to this Administration. Impeach Biden NOW. Remove Harris for non-performance.
WE Will need to win back control of the house, before we will ever get a conservative speaker of the house..
Hunter flies on Air Force II with Joe and comes back with a one billion dollar deal with China that later turned into a 1.5 billion dollar deal. but honest Joe knew nothing about Hunter’s business dealings with China. Joe’s brother, who had no experience in construction, becomes an executive vice president of a Construction company and then he gets a contract through the State Department to build 100,000 homes in Iraq. Joe’s other brother, with no experience in power plants builds power plants in Jamaica and in Central America, but Joe knew nothing about it. Hey Joe, how bad does rotten fish stink?
YOU can bet, if trump’s son had gotten a contract for something, they’d be crying foul…
This demented corrupt puppet president, Betrayal Biden is a disgraceful traitor to our country. 🙁 🙁 🙁
Com’on man, here’s the deal…. this is as blatant as it gets, yet, the DemoRats piled on President Trump everyday he was in office since day 1.
The DemoRats pet bulldog “Mad Max”, went wild and was calling for the impeachment of President Trump from the moment he took the oath. Yet, here we have Uncle Joe, mumbling his way through canned speeches like he’s a great orator.
I’ve got about 15-20 good years left on this earth, hopefully get I get to see this turned around.
I HOPE to god, we can turn this around… BUT i fear we may as a nation, be too far gone..
Emphasis on MAY be…
Maybe it’s time to think about Impeachment. The fabrication of the Trump attacks were an expensive, but necessary ruse to keep the media and the electorate from questioning the legality of the Biden Crime Family’s activity.
Face it-the Biden Cartel is truly an organized crime entity in plain sight, protected by a vapid Media.
AND who do you expect to push that impeachment?? THE GOP IS too damn filled with cowards and rinos..
No matter what hunter does or did, it will be swept under the wh rug or explained as misinformation. Who is better at keeping him out of trouble than the “big guy”