Dr. Anthony Fauci was caught on hot mic calling Republican Senator Roger Marshall a ‘moron’ after he accused him of hiding finances in a heated Senate Health Committee hearing on Tuesday.
Fauci responded to Marshall after telling him many times his financial disclosures, including his $434,212-a-year salary, are public knowledge and following an intense showdown with his nemesis Rand Paul.
After Marshall’s time was up, the infectious disease expert could be heard sighing: ‘What a moron, Jesus Christ.’
During the contentious hearing Fauci also accused Republican Senator Rand Paul of personally attacking him for ‘political gain, distorting ‘everything’ he says’ and inspiring ‘crazies’ to want to kill him during another tense battle.
– Read more at the Daily Mail
Fauci rages against Republican Sens. Paul, ‘moron’ Marshall at Senate hearing
Dr. Fauci repeatedly lashed out at Republican senators during a bad-tempered Senate hearing Tuesday, accusing Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky of fueling threats against the White House chief medical adviser and his family before referring to Sen. Roger Marshall of Kansas as a “moron” on a hot mic.
Related Story: Fauci wriggles like a fish on a hook when questioned about DARPA
Fauci and Paul have repeatedly clashed during Senate hearings in recent months and engaged in yet another verbal throwdown before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.
At one point, Fauci accused Paul of claiming he was “responsible for the death of 4 to 5 million people, which is really irresponsible.”
– Read more at the NY Post
The web footed liar first forgets to turn his mic on, then forgets to turn it off before he badmouths a senator. Who, exactly, is the moron?
Apparently lil tony the weasel has been reading what America knows he is , a moron. Losing traction and now sliding down hill, kinda sounds like a worn out dog squeaky toy. Makes noise but not enough to make a difference.
Better to be a More ON Senator than a More Off Fauci. Did I hear him take the Lord’s name in vain???? Which shows that he is all vanity of vanities and a blowhard striving after the Ecclesiastes wind. I’ve got lawn trolls taller than this mental midget. $420K per year makes him the highest paid government salaried official, more than even the President who only makes $400K,,,,unless you are Donald Trump who took no salary but gave it back to THE PEOPLE. Just what is wrong with this scenario? Since Fauci makes more, it must be he who Joe keeps saying won’t let him comment on anything, and instructs him to just walk away. He should take his own advice. Everyone wonders who really is running our country,,,well If Fauci is running Joe, and the Chinese are running Fauci, I guess we have become the Chiness States of America?
SINCE HE has the switch in front of him for his mike, ITS NO ONE elses fault but his.
When it comes to COVID—somehow, Dr Fauci, you think you’re the only one NOT a moron. However . . .
Bait And Switch: Biden And Fauci Wearing Thin
I heard him referred to as “The Garden Gnome” recently on the radio. I like it. He is better suited as an ornamental in a garden than as the head “scientist” overseeing Covid. He’s all ego and apparently thinks he is irreplaceable. Not so, Toni. Keep it up, Senator Paul!
Pity magic doesn’t exist, as i’d LOVE TO polymorph him AND ALL OTHER commucrats, into garden gnomes, and scarecrows….
anthony fauci has blood on his hands with this wuhan disaster the nih funded this with our tax money do you hear me america?
One of these days Fauci is going to get slapped.
I don’t need Sen. Rand Paul to inspire me to want to kill that fool. AND I’m not crazy.
Maybe it was a PETA activist who was going to shoot him for torturing & killing Beagles.
Or maybe it was one of the now grown orphan children he experimented AIDS drugs on.
Or it could be that any one of millions of people would like some revenge for torturing us for 1-1/2 years with forced masking that was known for decades to be useless against airborne virus & forcing even young healthy adults / children to undergo multi invasive injections of a vaccine that is proving to be ineffective but has caused thousands of people to suffer severe injury & death & poses currently unknown / unstudied long term health risks.
I consider Fauci to be a grotesque reincarnation of the Nazi Dr Mengele, aka Angel of Death.
Fauci has treated the entire US population like Auschwitz concentration camp prisoners that can be experiment on via the Dem Party political dictatorship..
Mengle at least got brought to absolute justice.. I HIGHLY DOUBT fauci ever will.. IN THIS LIFE at least.
This weasel thinks he “ is” science. I’ve left more science matter at the porcelain pool then that this jackass has ever retained.