Members of leftwing media outlets such as CNN and The Atlantic recently participated in a conference which focused on so-called “disinformation.” The conference supposedly aimed at addressing “fake news,” but a couple of questions from college freshmen revealed the liberal elite cared more about bashing conservatives than addressing disinformation in the media.
Two students from the University of Chicago put the leftwing journalists on the defensive when they mentioned the host of stories such as Russia collusion which were actual examples of disinformation, while Hunter Biden’s laptop has been ignored.
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When you look at news through the lens of the Mainstream Media, truth is disinformation to them. It casts doubt on their narrative and exposes their lies and deceptions.
That filter IS their goal.. LIES and misinformation!!
Radio talk-show host (Larry Elder) is fond of saying, “FACTS to a Liberal, is like Kryptonite to Superman!”
Pity it’s only a comical statement, and not LITERAL.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, some people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the Democrat Party can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.
It thus becomes vitally important for the Democrat Party to use all of its powers to repress the truth, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the “Democrat Party.”
The exchange between the students and the liberal panel was the most delicious I’ve seen in a long time, I write more but it’s time for lunch!
I wonder, whether either of those two students, are getting any backlash from their teachers for standing up like they did!?
If this conference is called to gather, address and focus on “disinformation” then its sole purpose is to figure out how to create more, not identify all that has already been perpetrated upon THE PEOPLE. Why have not the names of those 51 ex CIA clowns that claimed BEFORE the election that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation, all have their names posted on the CIA wall of shame, and any who are still with the CIA run out of their jobs on a rail sans retirement benefits?
When fake news is not a crime… yet.