In an open letter released Sunday, Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden urged him to “honor his commitment” and include the Hyde Amendment in Democrats’ $1.9 trillion COVID-19 spending package, writing “we feel used and betrayed.”
Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden: “We feel used and betrayed.”
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) March 7, 2021
Our volunteer Nina asked Joe Biden whether, as president, he would lift the Hyde amendment, which bans federal insurance coverage of abortion.
He said yes. #RightsForAll
— ACLU (@ACLU) May 8, 2019
Regardless of Biden’s change of heart, more than 5,000 “pro-life evangelicals” endorsed him for the presidency in October 2020. The coalition noted that “we disagree with Vice President Biden and the Democratic platform on the issue of abortion” but still claimed “Joe Biden’s policies are more consistent with the biblically shaped ethic of life than those of Donald Trump.”
Read more at The Federalist
“In an open letter released Sunday, Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden urged him to “honor his commitment” and include the Hyde Amendment in Democrats’ $1.9 trillion COVID-19 spending package, writing “we feel used and betrayed.” Fools!!!! Biden has always been pro abortion and Biden is for live babies being killed, right after birth. Secondly, Trump was pro life, so you Evangelicals are typical communist sheep, as you follow the Democrat communists. You Evangelicals that voted for Joe the Criminal and his criminal crime family, “betrayed” yourselves. If those of you Evangelicals, who voted for Biden, were told by Biden, to jump off of a cliff, you sheep, with your heads buried in the ground, would do so. Shame on you!
If you vote for ANY democrap, YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN. The democraps REMOVED God from their platform in 2004, and they have done everything they can to remove God from the public forum. They HATE Christians. They LOVE to kill babies. Democraps are the most evil, stupid, dangerous people on earth.
Ahhh Haaa…haaaa Ahhh haaaa ha. As long as the evil orange man is gone…right….RIGHT?
Anyone who calls themselves a Christian should not be surprised when they vote in Barabbas and expect him to act like Jesus? Whatg is it about traitor to his gender, traitor to his race, traitor to his country, and traitor to his religion about Joe you just refuse to understand? Hint,,,you will know them by their fruits, you will know them by their deeds. I am convinced many who call themselves Christians see Joe when they look in the mirror,,,,and when joe looks in the mirror he sees god.,,,,so I guess so do you.
Who and what you turn to in times of crisis determines who and what you worship. Good luck with that god government and those “Never let a crisis go to waste” deities, who when their god govdernment goes bankrupt, the real GOD will still be fully funded and able to buy you out of trouble.
“but you knew that I was a snake when you were petting me!”
SOOOOO right!
I can’t understand HOW ANY SANE individual, ever voted for biden.. NAME ME ONE SINGLE bloody democrat, who’s EVER KEPT HIS OR HER promises!!
Ignorant….. what kind of Christian organization endorse’s a bunch of baby killers that haven’t told one truth during the whole campaign? Then claim betrayal
One controlled by pure evil.
Then: “Joe Biden’s policies are more consistent with the biblically shaped ethic of life than those of Donald Trump.”
Now: “We feel used and betrayed.”
Well, the first position has no basis of evidence to support it. The second position is odd since they clearly were used and betrayed but they still cannot bring themselves to say it. So, they are doomed to repeat the same behavior….and the other Democrats know it.
Leftward voting “evangelicals” will never learn. Scales over their eyes.
Pity they don’t burst into flames, when they enter an actual church…
Pro–Life Evangelicals are fools. Obama had his Bart Stupack; Biden has you. When will people of faith understand Democrats detest you.
‘Feel Used And Betrayed’ ??? No just feel STUPID.
Sadly you are 100% correct!
I am not sure liberals CAN feel stupid..
How naive can anyone be???? Joe and Kamala’s evil is right out front for all to see. Shame on these people for not doing any homework whatsoever!!
YOu expect these dolts to actually do WORK to find out the truth? IMO All they saw was orange man bad, and voted according to Feelings.. NOT FACTS.
“Come sit and rest awhile,” said the spider to the fly…We all know how that story ended. Did the Evangelicals for Biden expect a different ending? He would have lost the left vote if he ran on an anti-abortion platform. The gullible are now reaping what they sowed, and it’s going to be a bitter harvest.
Haven’t Evangelicals for Biden heard the scorpion and frog story? I think Evangelicals for Biden are the only ones surprised by Biden’s actions.
Just what is it that they objected to about President Trump? President Trump does have the corruption of Biden. In terms of boorish behavior, I say President Trump has a big edge over Joe “You’re a lying dog faced POny Soldier” (a.k.a. lyin’ b*tch Piece Of S**t) Biden.
They’re probably too busy, praising molach, that orange man bad has been defeated, to EVER remember any of those sorts of stories.
I will agree that Donald Trump was an offensive person but I stated after his election that at least we know where he stands on a topic and he is an equal opportunity offender. Joe Biden is a career politician who clearly does not have the mental capacity or the physical stamina to perform the job and the democrats are merely electing Kamala Harris when voting for them. Unfortunately I now have to live with their mistake because too many voted for him even with the probable election tampering.
Yes. Donald trump is a great administrator. That’s just what America needs in an…administrator.
Barrack and Joe are clueless to that particular function since they are into the fundamental transformation biz and not administering the execution of the will of We The People.
I never cared for The TV Donald before he ran for office. But I do believe that on his worst day of debauchery he never came close to Ted Kennedy and his Democrat toadies.
IMO better to be BRASH and tactless, than be a liar…
It reminds me of an Ohio River Valley resident who, when flooded out two years in a row, stated “I was more surprised by the flood this year than I was LAST year!”
I often feel the same, when watching interviews with folks, after a tornado or such, claiming “this is the third+ time we’ve been hit, and this was worse than the prior ones”.. SORRY BUT how stupid must one be (to me), to STAY IN THE SAME AREA where a disaster smacked the heck out of your home TWICE BEFORE?
“We feel used and betrayed”…. well OF COURSE you do….
“Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden”…. talk about a group of people who are dumber than a bowl of cold dog-snot…
I cannot understand Evangelical Christians who would choose Biden over Trump. Did they not hear anything, or have they been so brainwashed by the leftist media that they are unable to think straight? It was Trump who closed down several Planned Parenthood facilities–not Biden. Trump was the ONLY pro-life candidate–not Biden. All Biden has done is sign Executive Orders, which he himself condemned during Trump’s time in office as “politicians who rule by Executive Order are dictators.” So what does that make you, Joe? Now abortion is open to everyone, and we the taxpayers are supposed to foot the bill??? All of you Christians who voted for Biden–try reading your Bible instead of listening to a leftist liberal media that does nothing but lie.
Got it in one.. EITHER THAT or they’re brain dead morons.. one of the two.
ROFLMAO….that kind of stupid just can’t be fixed.
Really, these guys just take idiocy to a whole new and incredible level. What in the world did they think would happen? These Biden Dems weren’t hiding their ideologies at all. Or maybe their “pro-life” creds are not that reliable.
Also, what about freedom of religion? How do they not notice that lefties like Newsom are closing or restricting churches all over the country?
Evangelicals For Biden = SUCKAS!!!!
Obviously, you were not paying attention!!! And you thought Trump was bad, shame on you.
THEy lack a soul. SO can’t have any shame.
What? A Democrat LIED to you? Shocked! Shocked, I tell you (he said, sarcastically)!
Betrayed no, stupid yes, you people voted for the old fool, his track record is clear for you to see, if you did not look, stupid is stupid does. There is not a real conservative anywhere that is not well aware of the propensity of not just biden but all democrats to lie thru their teeth to get votes and then as soon as they get your vote, they will turn on you, the democrat agenda is there to look at, there are decades of a track record, only a fool could miss it. ANY democrat that tells you otherwise is a liar, they have no choice, they MUST follow the agenda, or the party will remove them and put someone else in who will follow the agenda.
It is appalling that ANY evangelical, Christian, bible believing person would vote for or support biden or any democrat! I suggest they re-read the bible and ask forgiveness!
These 5,000 are nuts! What did you expect from biden? He, his administration and all democrats are lying, anti-American traitors and should be thrown out of office!
President Trump told you, this guy is a liar, but you went ahead, sorry…
Hence why i feel no pity for these dunces.
Not 1 single Born-again Evangelical Christian voted for Joe Biden . . . not a real one anyway!
It reminds of of the first Obama election where he received the majority of the Catholic vote. Several months after he took office I was attending Mass. During the Homily they passed out cards for us to fill out so the church could send them to our Representatives. Now I can’t remember if the issue was abortion, guy marriage or some other leftist policy that every thinking person should have known Obama would back. Instead of filling them out I took my wife’s and mine and wrote as large as I could, “YOU SHOULD’VE THOUGHT OF THIS IN NOVEMBER!!!”. Same applies here.
Good for you! I don’t give to the bishops’ appeal because I am tired of the political tendencies of the leadership, which is supposed to be about spiritual matters rather than partisan politics. I give that money to defend freedom and to support pro-lifers who have the common sense to know who their friends are!
Christians (true ones) are called to be “wise as serpents, harmless as doves.” These Biden so-called evangelicals are as foolish as a jackass!
Who knows who really voted for Biden? The election was a fraud and a scam against the American voter. No one will ever convince me Sleepy, uninspiring, hidin’ Biden got more legitimate votes than Donald Trump. Biden got more votes than there are stupid Democrats registered to vote.
AND with the dems going full bore to LEGALIZE a lot of their fraud, WHO knows, who votes REALLY, for anyone in the future..
This article is hardly even news-worthy, since no true Evangelical would vote for a Democrat like Biden. The Democrat platform is in direct opposition to what the Bible teaches in so many areas, it is both astounding & downright sickening. Their evil & wicked ways know no bounds, but fake Evangelicals thought Biden / Harris would somehow become more righteous once they were in office?
The Bible is clear about the mass deception that will occur in the end times, and you’d be hard pressed to find a better example of this deception, than those who claim to be Evangelical, but still vote for those politicians who unashamedly embrace all kinds of evil!!
With all the so-called evangelical churches, legalizing gay marriage, LGBTQ adoptions etc, i wouldn’t say they are “True” evangelicals..
If you voted for biten or pretty much any democrat then the blood of every aborted baby for at least the next 4 years is on your hands. You are an idiot at best and not a Christian at worst. When (or if) you make it to Heaven, God will have your vote in big, bold bloody red letters. Evangelicals For biten” is pretty much like “Rapists For Virginity”. You are worse than the brainless liberals in our country. If you are even a Christ follower at all, you are an embarrassment to Christianity.