A video of a man angrily confronting BLM protesters in Texas is spreading through social media like wildfire.
Last weekend, BLM protesters marched through Plano and Frisco, Texas to commemorate Marvin Scott III.
If you aren’t familiar with the story, 26-year-old Scott died in March while in police custody at a Texas jail. Last week, his death was ruled a homicide, Newsweek reports.
As protesters neared the end of their march, they crossed a busy intersection, causing gridlock traffic. As the jam ensued, a frustrated man confronted the protesters.
The video has gone viral, with over 3.2 million views on Twitter.
In the video, the man can be heard screaming at protesters as they stand idle in the middle of the road. After shouting at a police officer to do something, the man raises his fists, seemingly ready to get physical.
While team-left went absolutely berserk over why police did not detain the frustrated driver, many failed to notice or mention the gun-wielding protester seen in the video.
The story has attracted a ton of high profile attention on social media, including OAN’s Jack Posobiec.
While the mainstream media is painting the driver as the bad guy, this is just another example of the Black Lives Matter movement disrupting daily life without facing consequences.
The post ENOUGH! Plano Motorist Erupts Over BLM Mob Stopping Traffic appeared first on Human Events.
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This is why the lawlessness from blm goes on / blocking roads, because the police do nothing.
In Texas if they dressed up like armadillos, they would soon become road kill. Armadillos are the only other species that carries leprosy. BLM people are the only other species of humans that lay down in the middle of the road and expect not to get run over. Both are destined for extinction in America.
THat is what i would LOVE TO see happen. A FEW DOZEN 18 wheelers RUN THEM ALL OVER.
I think the police are between a rock and a hard place. They know they should be doing something, yet their communist mayors and governors are ordering them to stand down. And since the commie governors never let the national guard come in to handle this hot mess either, the military should roll in as these are domestic terrorists.
THEN IF THEY ARE too cowardly to UPHOLD THEIR OATHS TO serve and protect, RESIGN..
I am losing all respect i had for the ‘boys in blue’, EVERY TIME I SEE THEM just standing the hell by, while THUGS AND RIOTERS run rampant, and do NOTHING.. BUT HOW DARE someone stand UP to those thugs, as the cops would Arrest Those daring to do so….
What about that man’s RIGHTS to freely travel the roads. Everyone blocking the roadway needed to be arrested, protest all you want ,BUT, DO NOT interfere with others RIGHTS.
Especially since WE VEHICLE OWNERS< PAY for those bloody roads.. The rioters and protesters Do not!
Law enforcement has abdicated their responsibility to uphold the law. Government has broken the social compact. And we continue to sit by and do nothing.
This is joe biden’s America
THEN COPS Who keep “Doing nothing”, deserve NO RESPECT from we the people..
If the police do their jobs they will be in trouble with the “woke” politicians.
If the police did their jobs, the woke politicians would be in jail (along with activist prosecutors and judges).
Well said. IF ANYONE needs arresting and jailing, ITS THESE WOKE Politicians FAILING TO enforce the damn LAWS THEY, themselves have made!
So many people protesting they want to be treated like pets. BLM needs to change its name to Angus. Herd mentality, Pet aspirations. I think I would be embarrassed to be black nowadays and have people think I exist to be fed, housed, clothed, and all without any personal responsibility, by the white folks. Even Ginsberg in a quota decision about college, said the purpose in allowing blacks in with low scores is to teach the high scoring white kids how to understand, care for the blacks. That in so many words is part of her Bollinger decision. Their purpose, according to her, is to be pets. BLM is right on that track. Pets.
Pets that eventually bite the hand that feeds them. The more freebies blacks receive, the less they appreciate them. It’s human nature to appreciate only what you’ve earned by the sweat of your own brow.
The tail wagging the dog again and nothing gets done.
All i know, is if i was the owner/CEO for one of these major AUTO Insurance agencies, i’d be SUING EVERY DAMN politician, who is ORDERING THESE COPS TO “Do nothing to the rioters, even AFTER THEY ARE seen and filmed THROWING ROCKS And other stuff, that DAMAGES VEHICLES, as they pass by or near, Personally, for the cost of repairing ALL DAMAGE done BY those rioters…
Couple of bullets into that riot would have dispersed those cowards right quick & got traffic moving
I said this last week. Get the fire department out with hoses blaring and they will disperse. I know all about Alabama in the 60s and that was wrong, different cause, different people. And that cop was a little chunky, the personification of the fattest profession in the US.
Crash trucks from the airport filled with pepper spray would also do the trick. The cretins would stinging for days.
How’s about get snow ploughs, GOING AT 75MPH Through the damn crowd!! EITHER THEY GET out of the way, or are GOTTEN OUT of the way…
Who the heck is Marvin Scott Jr. Jr…. and why should I care about him?
Just yet another ‘angelic’ thug…
Run then over. Microsoft Deleted my comment white lives matter. So why should we care anymore if our lives don’t matter..They said white lives matter was against there guidelines.
Why are the damn cops just standing there doing NOTHING !! Fire their azzes !
BECAUSE they are becoming just as TRAITOROUS AS the cretins in office are..
EITHER HONOR YOUR OATHS to uphold justice, or GET THE HELL Out of the police force.
This show that the citizens need to be proactive in these situations. The MSM protrays anyone protesting the protesters as being the problem, the innocent, uninvolved who get hurt are mere colateral damage in the fight to overturn lawful authority and replace it with a totalitarian regime not unlike the USSR, Cuba, or even the Great Britain that we fought the Revolutionary War to be rid of. Hail King Joe and Consort Kamala!
I got utterly and totally sickened, when i saw one group of these rabid animals, throwing ROCKS At cars, but NOT ONE COP DID ANYTHING.. They just stood there.. TILL ONE vehicle owner got out, with a GUN at the ready, but pointed down to the ground (in the safe mode), YET HE WAS THE ONE they arrested..
These days, i am actually starting to AGREE with the left in their desire to cancel the cops.. IF THIS IS THE LEVEL OF their “Honoring and upholding Justice”….
This will eventually get to a point where someone in the general public will have enough and actually start shooting these miscreants.
Some well trained snipers would certainly deter some of these asswholes. In and out.
If everyone in the front of that motorcade would have gotten out of their cars and supported this man, those BLM thugs would have been driven off.
Most people have jobs and families to support while blm ‘s job is to scream racist 24×7.
Voting all democrats out will change this.
Can you imagine the outrage there’d be, if those in those cars, just KEPT PLOWING THROUGH these thugs!!
If this ever happens to me and the way ahead is “clear” with only the exception being these animals between my car and my ability to freely travel … … I’m immediately exercising my right to the gas pedal … hard!
It is time to be confrontational and in their face. Give ’em hell—more hell—and even more hell.
The fact that “everybody” is opposed to anybody defending their rights, including the police, should indicate where this country is heading. TYRANNY, and the “authorities” all seem to be all for it.
HENCE WHY i have lost respect FOR THOSE COPS who do ‘allow’ these thugs to do what ever, but only step in to STOP US responding to defend ourselves.
THEY ARE NO LONGER Worthy of ANYONE’s respect.. Period.
Oklahoma passed into law regarding running over these PO’s.
If a group wearing MAGA hats blocked off a road or looted/burned multiple cities across America like BLM last summer doing $2B property damage with 35 deaths, you can bet they’d be locked up. But all these Dem jurisdictions have a double standard and did almost nothing to the BLM and anti-FA rioters. In fact now VP Harris donated to bail the few jailed miscreants out. What a role model she is!
Only in a banana republic does the color of your skin decide how the law treats you – Lady Justice no longer wears a blindfold.
NOT only would they have gotten locked up, but likely they’d have been told “DISPERSE OR WE SHOOT ON SIGHT!”
Only one cop who looks like a retired guy Mall Guard who wanted to get the hell out of there – I would, too. Same bunch that shot 5 cops 3-4 years ago, Dallas demonstrators subsidized by old commie fart Soros. I bet the valiant servants of the FBI will track down the guy who was mad at these morons and waterboard him before he goes to prison for some indefinite sentence.
These days, i certainly wouldn’t be shocked to find out, that the motorist is the ONLY ONE going to jail…