Elizabeth Warren has earned a lot of nicknames but this one really seems to stick.
Senator Karen.
Leave it to richest man in the world and Time magazine Person of the Year Elon Musk to describe perfectly what Warren is all about.
A rich, privileged, older white woman used to getting her way and bullying people around.
“Let’s change the rigged tax code so The Person of the Year will actually pay taxes and stop freeloading off everyone else,” Warren sniped on Twitter shortly after Time gave Musk its annual honor.
Only this time when she tried to slap around Musk, he fought back.
“Stop projecting,” Musk tweeted, linking to a Fox News column calling Warren a “fraud” for her past claim of being a Native American.
“You remind me of when I was a kid and my friend’s angry Mom would just randomly yell at everyone for no reason,” Musk added. “Please don’t call the manager on me, Senator Karen.”
Boom. Warren’s used to taking on defenseless targets. She’s famous in Washington for undressing witnesses during Senate hearings, but she’s not used to her targets fighting back.
By trying to slap around Musk, this was classic Warren showboating. How does it benefit her constituents in Massachusetts? Not at all.
Warren finished third in her own home state during the presidential primary for a reason — voters believe she’s too far left, too extreme and too interested in making headlines rather than serving the people.
She was shut out of the Biden administration because she’s too divisive. Imagine this — the far-left Rachael Rollins got tapped for U.S. Attorney, yet Warren couldn’t even get a Cabinet post or lesser position. That says a lot.
Musk has actually accomplished something — taking humans into space and pioneering the manufacture of electric cars.
Now he’s done something else few could accomplish — turning the tables on Warren.
“And if you opened your eyes for 2 seconds, you would realize I will pay more taxes than any American in history this year,” Musk tweeted, adding “Don’t spend it all at once … oh wait you did already.”
The Massachusetts senator responded to Musk’s attack with — what else — a fundraising email, saying that hard-working doctors and nurses deserved Person of the Year honors more than Musk.
“When someone makes it big in America — millionaire big, billionaire big, Person of the Year big — part of it has to include paying it forward so the next kid can get a chance too,” wrote Warren, who is also a millionaire.
Too late. The Richest Man in the World wins this round, Senator Karen.
You remind me of when I was a kid and my friend’s angry Mom would just randomly yell at everyone for no reason
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 14, 2021
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How does a two bit fraud who lied her way through college to get someone else pay her freight end up a millionaire on a lousy government salary? They ought to pass a law that you cannot leave office more than 100% richer than when you went in, and all fees earned from book writings and lectures based on the spoon fed information bought and paid for by the American taxpayer belongs to THE PEOPLE. Let them sell art for a living like Hunter to identifhy themselves as the real frauds who live in the inage of the great Consumer, having totally abandoned the Image of any kind of CREATOR. America gets rich on the taxes his thousands of employees pay of created wealth and personal property. Just what does Karen add to the American treasury?, What has she Created other than social division and personal demeanment of those who do create,, in jealous political rages of political insignificance designed to create more disinchanted people in the sad image of her unhappy envious self??,,,Zip.
The Socialist, George Soros, Black Lives Matter, Al Sharpton , Jessie Jackson ,democrat party has created ” The Perfect Storm, ” and they hve selected a” Captain, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi , Chuck Schumer ” Native Indian, Eliisbeth Warren and part of the Crew on tnis Ship named “Disester” Adam Shifty, WHAT Could Go Wrong? “What, Me Worry, What could go wrong with such a Ship of State and Caption!
“Are you going to Believe Me, or your Lying Eyes.” G. Marks, Quote Author, ” Says Black Lives Matter. After Joining the Wealty Elite of the Socialist, – Communist Party of America.
inluminatuo, You said it so well that I Couldn’t add to your Comments. Well Done!
AND You can bet, SHE HAS NOT PAID even 1/10th of 1% of the taxes ELON HAS paid…
“A rich, privileged, older white woman used to getting her way and bullying people around.” That pretty much describes the entire DC elite class, does it not? Privileged and out-of-touch, yet talking as though they are so understanding and protective of middle-class America.
“When someone makes it big in America — millionaire big, billionaire big, Person of the Year big — part of it has to include paying it forward so the next kid can get a chance too,” wrote Warren, who is also a millionaire.
The epitome of arrogance. How much has she paid forward?? By the way, Mrs Warren—did Mr Musk work his way to where he is now or did he steal and swindle like so many of our beloved Congressional members???
HE worked for it.. WHICH IS why they hate him…
“And if you opened your eyes for 2 seconds, you would realize I will pay more taxes than any American in history this year,” Musk tweeted, adding “Don’t spend it all at once …
oh wait you did already.”
Warren, who is also a millionaire is about as dishonorable, dishonest, destructive and disgusting as was/is the “Crooked Hil-Liar-y” Clinton.
It amazes me that the Democrat Party’s Massachusetts “useful idiots” continue to vote for this “Senator Karen/Elizabeth Warren.
The treachery of the traitorous, socialist Democrat Party know no bounds.
When we elect representatives like the demented puppet Joe Biden, Tinkerbell Obama, the hateful Nancy Pelosi, racist Maxine Waters, liar Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Elizabeth Warren and Ayanna Pressley who intentionally pit one group against another to divide the country and cultivate hate and distrust, you got to ask yourself; what are the motives of these type people? To lead the country into prosperity OR to gain control, stay in power any way possible and to dominate the citizens?
ARE you sure they even bother voting, and its NOT done by ‘fraud’?
Hey Senator Fauxchontas…
Since YOU are a Millionaire, what have YOU done, to “pay it forward”?
How much do YOU contribute to charities?
What do YOU do to help your (debunked membership in) tribe?
How much did YOU pay in taxes?
AND, if YOU think “the rich” don’t pay “their fair share”, how much EXTRA did YOU (voluntarily) send in to the IRS?
Maybe now it’s time to change her name from Fauxahontas to Crazy Karen.
Not just that, but HOW MANY Politicians come INTO congress, with maybe 300 or so K to their name, BUT LEAVE AS MULTI MILLIONAIRES!
And how much do THEY PAY IN Taxes by percent?!
Karen is much easier to write than Pochohontus and more completely describes that worthless lying POS.