Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in a video posted to social media accused “right-wing extremists” of having “a plan to literally steal the next presidential election.”
The video was posted by an organization called Indivisible which claims on its website to be “a grassroots movement of thousands of local Indivisible groups with a mission to elect progressive leaders, rebuild our democracy, and defeat the Trump agenda.”
In the video posted to Twitter on Friday, the former secretary of state began, “Hello, Indivisibles. I’m here to highlight something that is keeping me up at night, and I know this group really understands what I’m about to say. I know we’re all focused on the 2022 midterm elections and they are incredibly important, but we also have to look ahead, because you know what? Our opponents certainly are.”
Clinton continued, “Right-wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the next presidential election and they’re not making a secret of it.”
“The right-wing controlled Supreme Court may be poised to rule on giving state legislatures, yes, you heard me that correctly, state legislatures, the power to overturn presidential elections,” she added.
“Just think if that happens, the 2024 presidential election could be decided not by the popular vote, or even by the anachronistic Electoral College, but by state legislatures, many of them Republican-controlled.”
“But there’s also good news in the face of this very real threat to democracy,” Clinton continued. “Indivisible has launched, ‘Crushed the Coup’ to make sure we’re ready to defend democracy in 2024. They’ve put together a list of critical races in six key states and how you can get involved.”
*taps microphone* And now an important message from Secretary @HillaryClinton!
We're all focused on winning the midterms and defending our congressional majorities. That’s critical. But we also must take the fight to MAGA Republicans at the state level:
— Indivisible Guide (@IndivisibleTeam) October 21, 2022
Clinton then pitched, “Will you support ‘Crush the Coup’ by donating to Indivisible and state legislature candidates? Each of these races is highly competitive and your dollars could very well decide the winners, and the winner of the next presidential election, this could not be more important or more urgent.”
The failed presidential candidate has repeatedly questioned the results of the 2016 election.
In 2020 in the lead-up to the presidential election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, Clinton said during an interview for The Atlantic’s politics podcast, The Ticket, “There was a widespread understanding that this election [in 2016] was not on the level. We still don’t know what really happened.”
In 2021, Clinton said that Russian President Vladimir Putin helped to rig the 2016 election against her in an interview on MSNBC. “Putin is the great disrupter. He has a clear mission to undermine democracies, first and foremost, the United States.”
Almost immediately after the statement, Clinton also claimed that anyone who disputed the results of the 2020 election was working for the Kremlin, either directly or indirectly.
According to the organization’s website, “Indivisible was founded in response to Trump’s election – but we know that Trump is a symptom of a sick democracy, not its cause. We face two fundamental problems: first, our democracy was rigged from the start in favor of the white and wealthy.”
The groups added, “in the last few decades, an alliance of white nationalists and the ultra-rich have been actively working to further undermine democracy and cement their hold on power permanently. That’s how we ended up with Trump. We have to build a democracy that reflects a broad, multiracial “we the people,” one that works for all of us and is sustained by all of us. Only then will we be able to achieve a progressive vision for our future.”
The group has its own 501c3, 501c4, and PAC.
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Gee, Hilarious—you mean like the Democrats did in 2020?? Despite all of their brazenness, they live in perpetual fear that their own tactics are going to be employed against them.
God knows. and history has proven, that whenever a corrupted Democrat of the elevated position of a Hillary height of hypocrisy, begins to accuse others of dishonest things such as election thefts, immoral sexual acts, etc.,,you know that it is either a prelude to an upcoming one of their own, or a coverup for one that has already occurred. If ever an election is Conservatively stolen, it will be because in self defense they were forced to do better what Democrats have already done, forcing good people in times of political warfare to put on the face of the violent dishonest enemy in order to defeat them in a life and death struggle for survival. The difference between we and them is that after the war is done we go back to the peaceful fruitful honest way of living that allows human beings to reach their highest potential, while the Democrats just hide in the woodwork planning new kinds of social division and destruction ways to steal that which by their lack of strength and moral rectitude they can never earn, and are forced to steal, theft being redefined as word salad social redistribution. If I had one wish to be granted, it would be to live long enough to see Hillary imprisoned for what she has already done to destroy a once great American nation.
There’s an old adage, ‘the cream always rises to the top’ and Hillary certainly has not excelled. She has reduced herself to being that barking dog everyone tries to silence. Your post is spot-on.
Exactly my thought–we all know the conniving Demmunists continually accuse their opponents of what they are already doing or plan to do, so her statement is a dead giveaway that they plan to steal the election in 2024 just like they did in 2020, although they have some high-tech new methods of thievery these days, such as connecting the Dominion voting machines to a non-government entity (like they have been caught doing in Wisconsin) in order to determine which registered voters have not yet voted. This would include those who are dead or no longer live in the precinct. And once they know who DIDN’T vote, they can manufacture however many ballots they need so those dead and missing can vote by mail. The CoVid pandemic has been their excuse for every single power grab they have committed, and those mail-in ballots and unattended drop boxes are PERFECT examples of what I’m talking about.
I thought ANY claims of election malfesance is a “THREAT TO DEMOCRACY”, RHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEE!
Unfortunately, i fear, Hell will have frozen over, before that ever occurs.
The corrupt, treasonous Democrat elite and the socialist Democrat Party never take responsibility or are held accountable for their own treasonous, unlawful, unconstitutional, destructive, dishonorable, immoral actions and agendas.
Democrats always Lie and blame someone or something else for their own actions and policies. Even if the Democrats are caught “red handed”.
Democrats have contested every election they have lost, then regard Republicans questioning obvious irregularities as being an insurrection. Now they are already claiming Republicans are stealing an election that hasn’t even happened! No doubt over the last two years they have refined what they did to just squeek through the 2020 cycle.
Don’t mind Hillary Rotten Clinton she is just practicing Saul Alinsky Rules For Radicals ! As far as the 2020 STOLEN ELECTION , TRY Mike Lindell’s Absolute Proof or Mike Lindell’s symposium !
Even in Reagans time, iirc i remember some dems saying ‘HE stole the election”, or he “cheated”.. THEY DID IT with Bush Sr, Bush JR.. and ever since…
YET WHEN THEY WIN “Democracy was done, there was no fraud, there was no malfesance” etc…
LOL, Hillary is using the same tired old war cry about the ‘right wing extremists’ as she did decades ago when Bill was overtly cheating on her. She has no imagination left. As for stealing an election, she definitely has that act dialed-in since it was she that wanted to do the same in 2016 by her own admission. Who else had the debate questions ahead of time, and still could not provide a coherent response?
This gal has had her day, and it’s off to misfit island for her – or maybe she can get a good deal on the purchase of Epstein’s island which she also made trips to.
As we all know Hillary Rotten Clinton like Billy Boy Clinton was just a “CASUAL OBSERVER “on trips to Epstein’s Island ! LOL !
Hillary’s slogan should be “Help! I’ve lost the election and can’t shut up!” We have been listening to her increasingly ridiculous excuses as to why she lost in 2016 for 6 years! Gee, it couldn’t be because she has nothing but contempt for us regular Americans and is not very good at hiding it, or that she is a miserable excuse for a human being who was incompetent for every job she’s ever held, could it?
Dem motto. BLAME OTHERS for what YOU yourself, have done.
Ituser, you took the letters to form words right off my iPad’s keyboard. A very true statement.
Well I have to give the Satanic old Communist witch credit for one thing anyway. If there’s such a thing as an expert on stealing elections-not to mention anything else that she can get her grubby paws on-it would have to be Komrade Hitlery Rottenheart Klinton.
For those of you who wisely refuse to speak Orwellian New Speak or practice Orwellian Doublethink.
Wana be Tyrant Hitlery Clinton orders the left wing to steal the 2024 election.
Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in a video posted to social media accused “right-wing extremists” of having “a plan to literally steal the next presidential election.”
These are just code for the Marxist /Communist masses to chill out, the elections 2022, and 2024 are set.
HENCE why its vitally important to GET OUT AND VOTE This year.. SO they can’t steal it!
Wink wink it’s the republicans who steals election s. I think she telling us what the democrats are really planning to do
There’s only one person with a worse cackle (KamelToe Harris) than this ‘why don’t you just go away,’ you cackling, get on everyone’s nerves, ‘Hillary Clinton!’
America does not have a “President”, we have a Dictator and her name is Nancy!
I thought her name was barrak.
Her presenting her “now” views are the same old views. Only her clothes and face have been photoshop to make it appear she is just saying this recently.
I’ve said it before, we need to build a gallows on the Capitol
Grounds. When the Repubs take back the
House and Senate and the POTUS In “24” there will be
plenty of treasonous politicians to stretch a rope on !
Yeah, that’s the ticket…. But I heard Hillary was going to mount an armed charge of Libyans against Mar-a-Lago any day now….
Why can’t liars be held accountable?
Why can’t this woman just go away. She’s just trying to get into the lime light in case the demorats want to dump biden. The problem they have is they don’t want biden or harris and hilary is waiting in the wings for someone to beg her to run. I hope she runs so she can get trounced again then maybe she will go away.