(The Center Square) – Federal agencies made about $247 billion in payment errors in fiscal year 2022, but some agencies are reducing improper payments.
Improper payments either should not have been made or were made in the wrong amount, according to a report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office. Improper payments have been a longstanding problem for federal agencies. Since 2003, cumulative executive agency improper payment estimates have totaled almost $2.4 trillion, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office.
Some agencies have reported declines in improper payment rates. Four of the five programs with the largest reported reductions were from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
The Government Accountability Office identified 19 programs across eight agencies with reported reductions in improper payments, according to fiscal year 2022 reporting. The reduction in estimated improper payment rates ranged from 0.1 to 85.6 net percentage points. The reported improper payment estimates for the 19 programs declined from a total of about $55 billion for fiscal year 2017 to $44.5 billion for fiscal year 2022, according to the report.
Agencies are supposed to seek out the root causes of improper payments and make changes to reduce them.
“These actions and efforts fell into two categories. The first category – establishing accountability and facilitating internal collaboration – included examples such as the VA Veterans Health Administration’s establishment of program-level senior accountable officials and a payment integrity team,” according to the report. “The second category – providing technology, tools, and training targeted to root causes – included examples such as Federal Communications Commission’s launch of the National Verifier system, which uses a combination of automated and manual processes to verify Lifeline program eligibility.”
Still, improper payments remain a significant problem for the federal government.
Estimates of improper payments totaled about $247 billion government-wide in fiscal 2022, that’s a decrease of about $34 billion from the prior fiscal year, but it was an increase of more than $40 billion from fiscal year 2020.
“We have identified improper payments as a material deficiency or material weakness in internal control in our audit reports on the U.S. government’s consolidated financial statements since fiscal year 1997,” according to the report. “Specifically, we note that the federal government is unable to determine the full extent to which improper payments occur or to reasonably assure that appropriate actions are taken to reduce them.”
“Estimates of improper payments totaled about $247 billion government-wide in fiscal 2022, that’s a decrease of about $34 billion from the prior fiscal year, but it was an increase of more than $40 billion from fiscal year 2020.”
This Democrat Party ruled government since the 2020 election shows that the Treasonous Democrat Party is buying voters and support.
Have you ever wondered why the Democrat Party has opened our country’s borders and have encouraged and is supporting over 8 Million illegal immigrants into our country in just over two years??
It’s not that they are unable to determine, ITS THAT THEY DON’T CARE.
$2.4 trillion is certainly enough to steal the next 5 Presidential elections. Just who was responsible and what penalties have been paid, and why do these people avoid jail, let alone remain government employed?
In life some people say “There are no accidents… there is only some purpose that we haven’t yet understood.”
Honest people understand when trillions of irrecuperable dollars are mis-spent that planned evil intentions and purposes are behind it all like night follows day, and criminals in government are protecting their own turf like Drug lords protect their own distribution chains. Stolen elections are ARE obviously being funded by misappropriated federal funds, on purpose of redistributing the Power and the very life force of THE PEOPLE
IF You or i, had misappropriated/wasted this much< WE WOULD BE IN JAIL..
“We have identified improper payments as a material deficiency or material weakness in internal control in our audit reports on the U.S. government’s consolidated financial statements since fiscal year 1997,” according to the report. “Specifically, we note that the federal government is unable to determine the full extent to which improper payments occur or to reasonably assure that appropriate actions are taken to reduce them.”
Over payments are not acceptable to the American Tax payers. Shows total in competence in this department of the government. The incompetent need to be weeded out and terminated ASAP!
What? Please say this isn’t true. Our gubment can’t determine the full extent of improper payments. So what else is new. This is “business” as usual for the SWAMP.