Refuse to turn in an assignment? No big deal! Portland Public Schools are testing a program that would eliminate students receiving a zero if they fail to turn in an assignment or are caught cheating. The move is begin pushed as a more “equitable” solution to education. What do you think?
A student can turn in zero percent of an assignment and still receive at least fifty percent of the grade. Does that seem fair to the students who work hard and turn in all their assignments?
Tony Fauci is back on television urging people to “mask up.” Plus, evidence continues to mount against the Biden crime family.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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“The move is begin pushed as a more “equitable” solution to education.”
This is just like all the woke Democrat children get a trophies after a game of football. It doesn’t matter if your team won or lost or even if they played in the game, they deserve a trophy.
Now these same woke Democrat fool educators are applying their same insane logic to education. It doesn’t matter if a child learned anything with them going to school. If they feel they should be a heart surgeon then they deserve to be a heart surgeon in accordance with the Democrat’s insane woke equity education systems and philosophy. 🙁 🙁 🙁
What ever happened to a child will learn to read, write and do arithmetic, or they will repeat the grade of school until they do??
The objective of sending children to school is for them to learn. Not to being a day care for a drug addict.
” When RACE, Trumps Merit,” -When GENDER, Trumps MERIT, All Americans Are In Trouble. Like Winston Churchill one said, ” Capitalism is the unequal sharing of Blessings, Socialism is the Equal Sharing Of Misery.”
More and more, the left’s wanting to ‘graduate’ nothing but DUMBOS… ALL BECAUSE they know they can control them easier.
Often We hear ” Racial Preference,” uttered by the democrat elite but from the other side of their democrat elite we find most often that their mentors were former K.K. K. Recruiters, democrat elite want to gain voters by having it both ways.
AND yet again, the voters are too DUMB TO realize it.
evidence continues to mount against the Biden crime family.
Yet the problem is the Spineless Republicans have to DO SOMETHING with this evidence. So don’t hold your breath.
Even if they try though, its the DEPT OF JUST US, who would actually be needed to bring any charges. BUT I JUST CAN’T ever see that happening, with who they currently have in charge..
SHOCKING New Poll: Is America Worth Defending? Democrats Say No
Bobby Eberle | Mar 15, 2022 | 13-Minute News Hour
The” most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their Own History.”
George Orwell.