Former House Republican Caucus Chair Liz Cheney on Thursday was appointed to serve as the vice chair of the select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, vowing to “assure” the panel conducts a “non-partisan, professional, and thorough investigation.”
Committee Chair Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., tapped Cheney, R-Wyo., who he said has “demonstrated again and again her commitment to getting answers about January 6th, ensuring accountability, and doing whatever it takes to protect democracy for the American people.”
“Her leadership and insights have shaped the early work of the Select Committee and this appointment underscores the bipartisan nature of this effort,” Thompson said.
– Read more at Fox News.
Freedom Caucus Wants to Boot Reps. Kinzinger, Liz Cheney Out of GOP
House Freedom Caucus Leader Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., is sending a letter to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., to remove both Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., and Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., from the Republican Conference for their roles on the Jan. 6 Select Committee.
Biggs drafted a letter, CNN reported Wednesday, to McCarthy calling for Kinzinger and Cheney’s removal because of their role in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s orchestrate investigation of the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6.
“This proposal is not because of a policy or political difference, but because some members have chosen to work with the Democrats to investigate and potentially remove Republican members from the House,” the letter says, according to a draft copy obtained by CNN.
Read more at NewsMax
“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s orchestrate investigation of the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6.”
history repeats itself;
Nancy Pelosi admitted an unfortunate truth about her
orchestrate and fabricated impeachment “farce”
– It hinges on witness’s “allegations” not “proof”.
It’s Not A Question” Of “Proof”, It’s About “Allegations”
We needed Trump to drain the swamp and deprive those alligations of their habitat.
Hey Max, We the people have to drain the swamp. Demand from your representatives that they require proof for voting like alcohol or stop proofing for alcohol. Demand that they put term limit in for senators and congressman. Get everyone you know on board. Odds are you will run into road blocks like I have. Thanks to Trump I am back in the game writing again to my reps, where before him I had no one in which to help. Now is the time to get everyone on board and do something. Trump is secondary to draining the swamp. We are primary.
Right now i’d be content with CEMENTING THE ENTIRE SWAMP over. WITH THESE swamp dwellers, STILL IN IT!
As with the Mueller investigation—nothing developed, so they had to do their own investigation—and still nothing developed.
The Jan 6th “insurrection”—the FBI came up with nothing—but the Dems have gotta keep at it.
IF at first you fail, KEEP TRYING, till something sticks.
To:Sonofthunder…. ( Rino Republican, Liz Cheny, “) is in League with the democrats , right where she’s always been, Its no wonder that the democrats have promoted her to ” Vice-Chair of the Committee to investigate whether Republican Prdsident, Donald Trump had anyting to do with the Janury 6th. Capital Riots, The, ” Never Trumpers, ” like Liz Cheny, is more than happy to have a chance to kick Donald Trump Around and if the democrats are all for it, ” Rino, ” Liz Cheny woudl be more than happy to join her Comrades in accomplishing that task.
The FBI had to depend too much on facts to prove a case. Democrats can “go with their gut”.
The real crime is the emotional injustice placed upon Democrats due to them instinctively knowing the Truth but never being able to prove or even casually demonstrate reality conforming in any way to their worldview.
Just more diversion to keep everybody unaware of the important **** they are attempting to push thru !
Well this figures, Liz the RINO hack Cheney the Trump hating swamp hack second in charge…will wonder ever cease?
Liz is a Democrat.
Her father was a Democrat.
Anyone calling the committee “non-partisan” is either deliberately lying or is unaware of the facts. The purpose of the committee is to obsure the truth and promote the Big Lie that there was a “riot” containing people intent on “overthrowing the government.” Anything and everything this committee reports will be dictated by the communist Speaker of the House exclusively for political purposes.
A fox, and a wolf, are ‘impartial’.
democrt Nancy Pelosi and other democrat elite are just beside themselves when they get a ” Rino, ” Republican to join them in trying to lay the blam e On Donald Trump for the riot that took place at the Capital, Janurary 6 th. 2021. And Liz Chency i too willing to hang Donald Trump and being the poster girl for the democrats. .
Wonder what pelosi has over these RINO’s that are so afraid not to go along with whatever she wants.
Maybe John Durham can bring relevance to the Committee and testify, and also that the Easter Bunny will make a showing at Labor Day. This is such a staged event. I agree with Rep Biggs that Liz should no longer hold the title of being a Republican. Her hate for Donald Trump is greater than her professed love of our great Republic. Just do it. America is tired of the recent theatrics. Donald Trump did great things for America that really mattered with the American people and put in the work that justified that respect. These jackals on the Jan 6th committee are shameful.
SINCE Biden got sworn in, I HAVE NOT HEARD OR seen one news article, saying where the hell DURHAM is??
One thing for sure, anyone who is chosen by any democrat for anything can be categorized as a radical, liberal PoS.
Biggs drafted a letter, CNN reported Wednesday, to McCarthy calling for Kinzinger and Cheney’s removal because of their role in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s orchestrate investigation of the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6.
Throw these pieces of garbage the hell out of the GOP ! Enough of this ****.
THEY SHOULD have been kicked out of the GOP, YEARS AGO..
No kidding! I cannot believe they are still yakking about this.
But then I suppose if they do the right thing someone might think ill of them and what could possibly be worse than that?
More and more, it makes me wonder, IS THERE ANY actual ‘smarts’ left in the GOP???
Liz will probably jump the fence again.
Like Alsop tales, in” The zFarmer and the Snake” revels at the end, after the Snake bit the Farmer for doing the Snake the favor of warming it up, then biting the Farmer, said to the Farmer, ” you knew that I was a Snake when you picked me up. “The Republicans knew that Liz Cheny was a ” Rino Republican….
Cheney has compromised for notoriety, and lacks loyalty. We hope that people, who were at the Jan. 6 rally, will tell of the ANTIFA and Marxist BLM vans, that were there. Supporters should be able to show their phone texts from former Pres. Trump stating to remain calm, “this isn’t who we are. ” Pelosi was supposed to call for extra security, since they found pipebombs outside the day before. FBI had also confiscated threat emails. It should have been expected, since individuals at other rallys had been attacked or threatened. One leader was a formerly arrested Marxist BLM. Pelosi and Socialist Dems continue to divert attention from Biden’s treasonous acts of leaving Americans, 83 billion dollars of equipment, stacks of money on tables to the terrorists. Now the Taliban is taking some of it to Iran, the root of their former finances, after the Obama/Biden gave them millions on pallets before. Americans need to wake out of complacency, and show their comtempt for such behavior to their representatives and at the polls
another democrat boondoggle coming up –spend millions –waste time-prove nothing–
but it would be wonderful if this time they actually proved the culprit–
N A N C Y P E L O S I–with help from the antifa and blm divisions of the dem party-
Soon we will be inundated with doctored footage of a ton of video’s that nancy has squirreled
away and maybe even illegally obtained-these video’s will be more doctored than an evening
of gray’s anatomy