They are the Democrats’ cardiac kids — Mike Bloomberg and Bernie Sanders — battling over who has the better arteries in a bizarre debate now swirling around the 2020 presidential election.
Who has stents? Who has had a heart attack? Whose arteries are more clogged?
That’s right, the Democratic Party’s two 78-year-old frontrunners are now enmeshed in a raging battle over their cardiac health — a bizarre development showing just how poor shape the party is in heading into the 2020 election.
What’s the party’s new slogan — Have a Heart? I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up?
If the Democrats were a sport, they’d be baseball, the most popular game in the world if you’re over 65 years old.
I thought the party was fighting to get young voters to the polls, not giving rides to the elderly.
What must young people be thinking about their party’s two leading candidates now? Which old, white geezer should they support?
Sanders, who is the one who had a heart attack, is now raising questions about Bloomberg’s heart health — with his campaign making incorrect claims that the former New York mayor also had heart attacks in the past.
It’s stents, Bernie. Get it right!
“The truth is: After a positive stress test in his doctor’s office at Johns Hopkins University in 2000, Mike had two coronary stents placed …The Bloomberg campaign released more information about his outstanding health soon after he entered the race,” Bloomberg campaign manager Kevin Sheekey said. “Here’s what we know about Sen. Sanders: In October 2019, he had a medical incident in Las Vegas. He didn’t tell the public for days and the full details have never been released. Now his campaign staff is spreading lies about Mike Bloomberg.”
Ouch, that hurts. And not in a heart attack kind of way.
Bloomberg and Sanders both probably doesn’t want to get in this debate, because it just highlights how old both men are. But for Bloomberg it’s potentially worse — because Bernie already has the reputation of a cranky old man.
Maybe some of the other candidates in the race can exploit the age issue … oh wait a minute, they’re old too.
Elizabeth Warren, at 70, is a relative spring chicken compared to the two crusty old men battling for the top spot in the party.
At this rate, they’ll have to have extra ambulances and defibrillators standing by at the party’s convention in Milwaukee.
Joking aside, the fighting over Bloomberg and Sanders’ health is bad for the party and takes away an issue Dems were hoping to exploit — Donald Trump’s age and health. Some Democrats are already agonizing over the issue.
“We have several candidates in their late 70’s,” former candidate John Delaney tweeted. “But let’s not turn our democratic primary — which is supposed to be about ideas, beating Trump, and the best path forward for our nation — into a battle over medical records,”
Too, late, John.
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