Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-D.C., has reintroduced legislation to remove a statue commemorating emancipation, arguing that 19th-century memorial doesn’t do enough to honor slaves’ contribution to their own freedom.
Dedicated in 1876, the statue shows former President Lincoln, who signed the Emancipation Proclamation, with his hand outstretched over a shackled slave who is kneeling beside him. It was erected after a freed slave, Charlotte Scott, started a fundraising campaign that collected funds from freed slaves.
“Although formerly enslaved Americans paid for this statue, the design and sculpting process was done without their input or participation in any way, and it shows,” Holmes Norton said in a press release last week.
– Read more at the NY Post
Ms. Norton also hopes to bring statehood to D.C. as this video from last year reminds us.
The Republicans no longer hold any branch of the federal government so this effort could well be passed.
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leave it alone you commie pigs.
if you do i want all mlk statues gone
As well as all streets returned to their original and historic names and numbers.
The dumbest thing ever: Changing King County, Washington’s “namesake” to Martin Luther King. Was named after one William Rufus de Vane King…. now named after a different “King”.
The “Black Lives Matter” movement has already desecrated the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
BUT they don’t care..
Here’s a PLAN!
Dump ALL STATUES and other public displays of obama for his fundaMENTALLY RETARDING THE INTELLIGENCE OF THE ENTIRE NATION.
PRE obama, we had pockets of racial unrest.
Yes, but, other than those things you mentioned, “mostly peaceful”.
Don’t forget the numerous assaults on NOT JUST COPS, but regular citizens, including iirc, over a Dozen deaths.
But yea, it was ‘mostly peaceful’.
Here’s my plan… let these communist occupiers remove ….EVERYTHING… that had anything to do with slavery… I mean it all… stop teaching that it ever happened in schools… not a word about it…. if you say anything about it anywhere you get a $5000.00 fine and 90 days in jail for the first offense… if you do it again you have everything you own confiscated and life in federal prison. As far as I’m concerned I think slavery is all a myth … If it was true there would be statues and monuments depicting the obscene event so we never forget… as far as I can see there isn’t any… so it must have never happened… it’s a myth … and a moot point.
MLK did NOT believe any of the POISON, being pushed around today by the Democrats ! He was a “man of Peace”, and would have NEVER even thought of getting rid of all those important, historical statues !
I am shocked they’re not trying to cancel HIM!
“Although formerly enslaved Americans paid for this statue, the design and sculpting process was done without their input or participation in any way, and it shows,” Holmes Norton said in a press release last week.” Hey Holmes Norton, how do you know what input or participation the slaves had in the statue, unless you were around in 1876? Oh, Holmes Norton, you were never a slave, so you were not around, when the Civil War ended in 1865. Holmes Norton, another one of the “thought police”.
Holmes sounds too white to have anything of any value to say. The perceived whiteness is oppressing me.
All the same we should be careful. He may be “an expert”.
To make it more historically accurate, it should depict gangs of willing blacks, both slaves and free building defense works, trenches and embankments to support and defend the confederate troops from Lincoln and Grant’s aggressions. Many actually bore arms against the Union troops. Hello!
“It has been estimated that over 65,000 Southern blacks were in the Confederate ranks. Over 13,000 of these, “saw the elephant” also known as meeting the enemy in combat.” These Black Confederates included both slave and free. Do We need to hunt them and their relatives all down and make them pay reparations to the Federal government today? No they were pardoned and forgiven BY LINCOLN and welcomed back as brothers.
I’d love to know, WHO The hell made him so important?
She’s not smart enough to have a ‘thought’ much know how to arrest a thought.
What would have happened to the US if a man of Lincoln’s character had not been President at our most painful time as brother fought brother to emancipate black slaves?
Science said it was ok, but many white folks of the time did not believe this indoctrination. If Democrat Party Policy loving Media Moguls etc. rigged that election also the place would have been legislated to be like Hell sooner. The Dems are rotten to the core as their policies prove beyond a shadow of a doubt .
As blood flowed the leadership of our land was in the hands of a great man. Who Lincoln was in private is what made him great in public. The duplicitous soul of Joe Biden and Democrat Party Policies can only make a nation more sophisticated in legislated evil.
If he wasn’t alive, maybe we’d have never FOUGHT the civil war?
Are we suppose to destroy everything from the past? Shouldn’t we start with the pyramids, not just in Egypt, but in Burma and the South Americas which all were built by slaves? “Doesn’t go far enough” is ridiculous. Do they want to depict a black with their foot on the neck of a slave master? How does she know absolutely no one had any say or just said build a statue?
Socialists don’t need to “know” in the sense of having evidence to support or prove a position. They just feel what’s right.
OR the great wall of china, since THAT WAS MOST DEFININTELY built by slave labor.
Take the “George Washington” out of George Washington Carver, and all that is left is Peter Pan as the true inventor of peanut butter. Be careful what you ask for Blacks. Reality or Liberal lies.
Take a Black marker and blank out, in our history books anything that offends you and stop teaching history in our public schools……re-writing history should take care of what offends you………
I think they are already doing that. The Holocaust didn’t happen, WWII was started by the U.S. and any other bull**** that they don’t like and can change has been going on for a few years now.
The troops that fought against the Nazis and Italian fascists were the “original Antifa”, and Dwight Eisenhower was the “founder of Antifa”. I actually read that I some revisionist history tract.
If you blank out all that offends someone, you will likely end up with a book of blank pages with no words at all. If you learn nothing from the past, you are likely to repeat th same mistakes.
No, the cultural Marxists won’t blank out anything that puts THEM in a good light—just everyone else’s comments!
WITH how the leftists have already been REVISING the history books, they’re already DOING that.
“After all this time, what difference does it make?” – Hillary Clinton
If you don’t like it than don’t look, write a book, or build another (with your own money since you get a regular paycheck).
But leave this statue of Lincoln ALONE!
Stuff like this will have the “unintended consequence” of erasing any history of slavery itself.
That would be a HOOT – give Norton full credit for making any history of slavery disappear.
Just more childish trash talking trash.
Go ahead.
Tear it down.
Why not replace it with a Statue to honor William Ellison (a former slave, who achieved considerable success as a slaveowner before the American Civil War)!
AND, why not get Democrats to pay “Reparations” not only to Blacks (regardless of their slave ancestry), but ALSO to Republicans (for the COST of the Civil War)?!
And PAY REPARATIONS TO THE IRISH that were sent here as “Indentured SERVITUDE SLAVES”
That happened a century or more before the Blacks first appeared/
What is DC doing with a congress critter to start with as it should be a representative of Maryland. The Constitution strictly prohibits statehood for the district of corruption. OH ! excuse me, somehow I forgot democrats ONLY use for the constitution is when they can promote criminal activity among themselves and against the American people…
AND for when they can protect the rights of ILLEGAL INVADERS, over that of US citizens.
All other times, the constitution to them, is just a roll of toilet paper.
If you think that Eleanor Holmes Norton is a wise person, go to this web page for a video showing her driving a car. She came down a street on the wrong side and parked like this:
And here is an illegal phone call to a lobbyist from her Congressional office to strong-arm a political donation.
Just another idiotic idea from a corrupt idiot! What kind of statue would these “woke” stooges want-one with Lincoln bowing to the ex-slave?
For all the hate to Lincoln and whites from the left you gotta wonder who actually fought and died to free the slaves and who was President and ended up dying for his beliefs that the slaves ought to be freed.
Ignorant… name that women hate to be called. Nothing will satisfy a b**** like her until we have the reverse of South African apartheid.
I’ve often seen folk make the comment “They are wanting to turn the US into what South africa became post mandella’s freedom.. Where whites were the ones hunted down, persecuted and such”..
Never wanted to believe it, till now.
This goes to show you Lincoln made a terrible mistake years ago.
as far as removing anything and perhaps anyone that reminds us of slavery….oooops!!!! did I say anyone???
I find it quite ironic that the blacks spend all their energy clamoring for their “freedom” while merrily going about voting themselves into the slavery of communism.