(The Center Square) – Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser on Thursday declared a public emergency over several thousand foreign nationals arriving in the nation’s capital from the southern border after the Pentagon twice rejected her request to activate the National Guard to provide assistance.
Bowser announced the emergency at a news conference in response to the governors of Arizona and Texas busing to the nation’s capital nearly 10,000 foreign nationals who illegally crossed the Mexican border into their states.
While the mayor has repeatedly claimed her city is overwhelmed by the several thousand people arriving, a minimum of 5,000 people a day are being apprehended in five Border Patrol sectors in Texas alone.
Some of those arriving, Bowser said, “were tricked or lied to” by officials in Arizona and Texas.
“Our experience is that the vast majority of people move on to destinations outside of D.C.,” she added. “We know from media reports that the governors of Texas and Arizona have sent 9,400 on buses destined for the District of Columbia. We know they are targeting Washington, D.C., not because of any particular ties that the people boarding the buses have to Washington, D.C., but they want to make a point to the federal government.”
Bowser published a timeline of actions she’s taken, including two requests she’s made to the Department of Defense to activate the D.C. National Guard to help deal with the influx of illegal foreign nationals. The Pentagon has denied both of her requests.
“Regardless of the federal response, which has been lacking in some respects,” Bowser said the District would “continue to work with our partners to … make sure that our systems are not broken by a crisis that is certainly not of our making.”
In the absence of support from the Biden administration, the city is using a $2 million FEMA grant to fund NGOs SAMU First Response, Catholic Charities and CARECEN to provide assistance to those arriving.
Bowser said that she’s established a Migrant Services Office within the Department of Human Services and directed the agency to provide temporary services to those who arrive. She’s also directed the city administrator and chief financial officer to set aside and spend funds to respond to the emergency and authorized the chief procurement officer to enter into emergency procurements outside the Procurement Practices Reform Act to respond to the emergency, among other measures.
DC Council member Brianne Nadeau said, “the governors of Texas and Arizona have created this crisis. The federal government has not stepped up to assist the District of Columbia.”
As a result, the city is “rising to the occasion” Nadeau said. The city council voted to approve the emergency declaration, which was issued in response to a list of demands the city council made in July.
“We’ve learned from border towns like El Paso and Brownsville [Texas] and in many ways the governors of Texas and Arizona have turned us [Washington, D.C.] into a border town,” she said. “We don’t know how long this will take to resolve. We don’t know how long they will continue busing.”
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott argues the “crisis” was created by President Joe Biden and “demands immediate and decisive federal action.” He’s asked Bowser to “call on President Biden to stop dismissing the crisis and honor his duty of preserving America’s national security.”
Abbott’s also invited Bowser to Texas to observe an exponentially greater crisis at the Texas-Mexico border, a request that remains open, which she’s ignored.
In response to the claim that those boarding buses are being “tricked,” Abbott’s press secretary, Renae Eze, told The Center Square that every adult boarding the buses are willingly choosing to do so and signed a voluntary consent waiver that’s available in multiple languages. When they board the bus, they are agreeing to go to the destination of Washington, D.C., she said.
Texas has bused over 7,600 people to Washington, D.C., since April. It will continue to do so until Biden secures the border, Abbott said.
When these sanctuary city and their citizens get tired of supporting and protecting millions of illegal immigrants.
Maybe these foolish Democrats will stop voting for the treasonous, socialist Democrat Party to rule over them.
No, The emergency began when it was least expected,,,,and she got elected. She acts as if it’s the Civil war with Lee Marching on Washington with the Capitol filling up with refugee slaves seeking asylum, which they got resulting in Washington D.C. now being 70% African American Populated. Does she think that was a mistake? Sorry Bowser, you don’t get to make that decision or any other based on race or economic need. Perhaps she thinks they might march on the Capitol next January 6th, once they get a taste of her administrations and social sympathy. Proof positives how liberal democrats always claim to care, but soon resort to what selfish people they really are, once the power has been obtained and the people fooled again.
Washington DC claims to be a sanctuary city…. So stop whining!
The treasonous, socialist Democrat crusades has little or nothing to do with protecting the civil rights or sensitivities of illegal immigrants or Black Americans and everything to do with the Democrats setting themselves up as their saviors. Their practice of patronizing groups cannot yield to the facts. For their cause is not defending the oppressed or the offended but about making themselves look wonderful with their latest destructive political racial Con.
That fool mayor thinks a few thousand illegals is an emergency, what in the he*l would she do with a couple hundred thousand a month? These liberals make you laugh, they are all for something until it directly affects them, then all of a sudden it’s a problem. The old Texas Governor needs to change up his operation and start sending his bus loads to some of the other blue cities around the country. Give them all a taste of what Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona face every day. Remember, that’s what Biden does, in the dark of night he sneaks thousands of them around the country, and never lets them know in advance the illegals are coming.
SO When republican states wanted an emergency declaration, they were LABELED RACISTS.
SO WHY IS She not getting labeled one!>??
‘cuz she ain’t a cis-gendered, heterosexual, Euro-Caucasian, conservative male or female.
These illegals need to be sent home and build the damn wall. If yo don’t like all of these illegals in your city, tell Biden and Soros and Obama to stop letting them invade our nation. Maybe we need a civil war to get rid of the tyranny in this country!
You can’t honestly think soros, biden and obama give a damn.
” …Barack Obama: ‘We are and always will be a nation of immigrants, true enough. This fiat rule by an imperial president that answers neither to the people nor their democratically elected representatives in congress . . . that part is new…” Author Unknown.
The Statue of Liberty Has Written Upon It,”…. Give us your Tired, Your Poor…” But Equally Important Is, What Will these Immigrants Contribute to America as a Nation Except to add to the welfare rolls…
We should be lucky enough to think that demorats care.
No Duh !!!!! We have been trying to point that out !!!!!
Being a sanctuary city entails much more than the pius platitudes of caring, it involves taking action when the time comes, that’s the hard reality of liberal words over doing.
Liberals are ALWAYS great with platitudes, but NOT ACTION.
Bow-wow bowser. That dog won’t hunt.
If Bowser thinks she has it bad, check out the Southern Border. She blames the Governors of Texas and Arizona, but the real source of the problem is BIDEN! Do you really believe it’s the Governors of those states when you yourself have not gotten help from Crimelord Joe? You sound like a fool Bowser saying that.
Border problems are always the result of Democrat policies, always.
Sanctuary City huh? Yeah, riiiiiight…!
Governor Abbott, why not send the illegal aliens to CHEATER Joe Biden’s homes in either Delaware or Myrtle Beach, S.C> when he is there???? Since he won’t come to the border bring the border to him!!!!!!!, Fair is fair!!!!!!,,,,,,,,,
I think Abbott will get around to Delaware before he’s finished.
I hope so, the sooner the better
Don’t forget Jersey, martha’s vinyard, and Pelosi’s neck of the woods too!
The govenor in Florida has been sending them to Delaware all along and has started sending them to other areas where the byden goes. Yeah if the byden will not go to the border then send the border to him.
My gripe as i’ve often asked, is CAN WE KEEP THEM in those states we send them to?? NO.. So its just slowing the inevitable of them being SPREAD AROUND our nation.
HENCE my desire to just BUS THEM BACK, 1,000 miles SOUTH of our border and kick them the heck off the bus.
The mayor declared Washington, D.C. a sanctuary city. Be careful what you wish for.
I am a citizen of Mexican descent so if I pretend to be an illegal invader, will I get a free trip to go see our capital. Will they bring me back too? LOL
Yep, she didn’t care when it was happening somewhere else, but now she must. Call joe!
It’s amazing. They all thought it is perfectly OK for states like Texas and Arizona deal with this BS but when we send them the same people they won’t do anything to stop from flooding into those states they ate like hey now!!!!! Just a damn minute. We can’t handle all these people what are you doing???? This is a real thing Dems! Now you can see it first hand and maybe you will finally get it. This is NOT ok. Not for any state!! But if you insist on not doing anything then you can damn well share the freaking burden.
ITS typical of leftists though. AS LONG AS IT HAPPENS to someone else, its ok.
When it happens to them, its bad/wrong/evil…
But bow wow should be happy to share in the gifts from joe!
GET READY! There’s way more headed your way.
Just load them on trucks and trains and send them to either dc or to one of the places that byden goes all the time.
OR in cages, and air drop them over their HOME NATIONS.
Bowser = Demoncrap. This is what they wanted. So put on your big girl pants and face it.
DEMONcrat is right but in front of that put satan worshipping DEMONcrat, there is not one member of that party that does not serve satan in one way or another.
DC Council member Brianne Nadeau said, “the governors of Texas and Arizona have created this crisis. The federal government has not stepped up to assist the District of Columbia.”
No the current president and his scags created this problem.
AND EVERY president prior, except Trump, also Created it by NOT SECURING our border.
Some of those arriving, Bowser said, “were tricked or lied to” by officials in Arizona and Texas.
So What? The Marist/Democrat Party has been lying to the American Citizens for many years now ! You don’t even realize they have been lying to you also Mayor.
SHES ONE of the liars..
So now DC is a bigger sewage hole than it was before. Big deal!
Welcome to our world *****!
Hey D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, suck it up! According to Biden and Harris, there is no border crisis, so “grin and bear” to crop you sowed! Mayor Bowser, you were most content in ignoring the plight facing our border states like Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico created by the invasion from the south, but now, facing a mere semblance of what our border states face, you scream “FOUL”!
As I remember, President Trump started building a wall to stem the unchecked flow of illegal aliens crossing our border and Democrats challenged Trumps’ every move to stop the Southern Border Invasion. Biden canceled all Federal funding of that wall on his first day in office and you supported Biden’s order! Just like all “New Wave” Democrats, you scream for help when your policies land the problem you helped create right on your doorstep! My advice: Suck it up and vote for conservative Republicans in November because that is the only avenue of escaping the mess Biden and his Democrat minions created!
Imagine HER, a staunch liberal, declaring a public emergency in the D.C. where she declared a never ending sanctuary for those who invade us and come here for the free ride that JoeBama is giving them !
She has no shame as she forgets how passionate she has been on this subject. We need to send her to the border cities where it’s the hot bed of drug cartels, rapes, murders, sex trafficking, kidnapping of children and even adults, break ins and beatings, and terrorists, and gangs invading us by the thousands every single day! No one knows how many have escaped detection and are hiding in plain sight and no ones knows who and what they are. She has seen NOTHING compared to the hell the border citizens and law enforcement iare feeling and seeing. Would she get an education in who and what reality is, and how to deal with that if she was MADE to deal with it? I wonder how loud she would be screaming if she was there?