SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — With more than two dozen states poised to ban abortion if the U.S. Supreme Court gives them the OK next year, California clinics and their allies in the state Legislature on Wednesday revealed a plan to make the state a “sanctuary” for those seeking reproductive care, including possibly paying for travel, lodging and procedures for people from other states.
The California Future of Abortion Council, made up of more than 40 abortion providers and advocacy groups, released a list of 45 recommendations for the state to consider if the high court overturns Roe v. Wade — the 48-year-old decision that forbids states from outlawing abortion.
The recommendations are not just a liberal fantasy. Some of the state’s most important policymakers helped write them, including Toni Atkins, the San Diego Democrat who leads the state Senate and attended multiple meetings.
Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom started the group himself and in an interview last week with The Associated Press said some of the report’s details will be included in his budget proposal in January.
“We’ll be a sanctuary,” Newsom said, adding he’s aware patients will likely travel to California from other states to seek abortions. “We are looking at ways to support that inevitability and looking at ways to expand our protections.”
California already pays for abortions for many low-income residents through the state’s Medicaid program. And California is one of six states that require private insurance companies to cover abortions, although many patients still end up paying deductibles and co-payments.
But money won’t be a problem for state-funded abortion services for patients from other states. California’s coffers have soared throughout the pandemic, fueling a record budget surplus this year. Next year, the state’s independent Legislative Analyst’s Office predicts California will have a surplus of about $31 billion.
California’s affiliates of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, got a sneak preview of how people might seek abortions outside their home states this year when a Texas law that outlawed abortion after six weeks of pregnancy was allowed to take effect. California clinics reported a slight increase in patients from Texas.
Now, California abortion providers are asking California to make it easier for those people to get to the state.
The report recommends funding — including public spending — to support patients seeking abortion for travel expenses such as gas, lodging, transportation and child care. It asks lawmakers to reimburse abortion providers for services to those who can’t afford to pay — including those who travel to California from other states whose income is low enough that they would qualify for state-funded abortions under Medicaid if they lived there.
It’s unclear about how many people would come to California for abortions if Roe v. Wade is overturned. But a recent report by the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports abortion rights, estimated about 1.3 million more women would drive to California to seek abortions. The institute predicts most of them would come from Arizona, which has a law on the books that would outlaw abortion once it becomes legal to do so.
“That will definitely destabilize the abortion provider network,” said Fabiola Carrion, interim director for reproductive and sexual health at the National Health Law Program.
That’s why the report asks lawmakers to give scholarships to medical students who pledge to offer abortion services in rural areas, help them pay off their student loans and assist with their monthly liability insurance premiums.
“We’re looking at how to build capacity and build workforce,” said Jodi Hicks, CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California. “It will take a partnership and investment with the state.”
Abortion opponents in California, meanwhile, are also preparing for a potential surge of patients from other states seeking the procedure — only they hope to convince them not to do it.
Jonathan Keller, president and CEO of the California Family Council, said California has about 160 pregnancy resource centers whose aim is to convince women not to get abortions. He said about half of those centers are medical clinics, while the rest are faith-based counseling centers.
Many of the centers are located near abortion clinics in an attempt to entice people to seek their counseling before opting to end pregnancies. Keller said many are already planning on increasing their staffing if California gets an increase of patients.
“Even if we are not facing any immediate legislative opportunities or legislative victories, it’s a reminder that the work of changing hearts and minds and also providing real support and resources to women facing unplanned pregnancies — that work will always continue,” Keller said.
He added: “In many ways, that work is going to be even more important, both in light of Supreme Court’s decision and in light of whatever Sacramento decides they are going to do in response.”
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Those who seek to destroy what God has made will be destroyed forever when God judges them. The borders of CA and the fences around the evil ones in charge will not protect them from Gods wrath.
These people better wake up – they are destroying what God has made – innocent babies. Everyone involved in Abortion (the murdering of the unborn) will spend Eternity in Hell – it is no joke – Read the Bible what God and his Blessed Mother have in store for those who destroy the unborn. It is a GRAVE sin and they will suffer the unbearable pains in Hell for Eternity – it never stops – on earth, the pain eventually stops but not in Hell. This is the price these people will be paying for their role in bringing on Abortion – murder – to these innocent children.
California must be one of the biggest hell-holes on Earth—certainly within the United States. One could make the argument that all of the earthquakes, wildfires, the Hollywood culture, the lawlessness and immorality—that God is trying to send a message to these people. If that is the case, they are certainly not listening.
Anyone who has doubts about Democrat control need only look to the West Coast and consider the downhill path the state has taken. Its Congressional representatives are so dedicated to Liberal agenda that they are impervious to the problems that exist there.
They seek to provide sanctuary, not only for abortionists and those seeking abortion, but to illegal aliens and any other faction that runs contrary to American principles and ideals. It has truly become a disgrace.
MAY THE Earth open up and SEND THE ENTIRE bloody state down to hell… AND SOON!
Wanting to become the murder capital of the world… What a thing to aspire to. And just when I thought California could not possibly get any worse, they prove me wrong once again.
That is why i keep saying “NEVER SAY never, when it comes to demon-rats.. THEY CONTINUALLY PROVE US wrong!”
Has ANYONE ever thought that California (and other Democrat run States) won’t INSTANTLY proclaim Abortion to be legal in their states (if/when Roe v. Wade is overturned)?
It should be noted (therefore) that IF/WHEN the SCOTUS overturns Roe v. Wade, NOTHING will change in those states! NOTHING!
All that overturning Roe v. Wade will do, it put the decision in the hands of the STATES (where it belongs) to ban (or permit) Abortions.
Therefore, for all these Liberals in all these Democrat run States to have their panties in a wad over the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade is ALL political theater!
Much is theater but they also are so in love with the idea of getting their own way no matter the cost that they are outraged that states and not the federal government might have the right to decide if abortion will be legal. It pains them that some states will not allow unfettered access to killing the unborn.
MORE and more, we need a border wall, to SEPARATE EVERYONE OF THESE LIBTARD ridden hellholes, from the REST of the nation!
I know a few people who live in CA who, after this culture of death announcement, have started to seriously consider where they will be moving to. They’ve put up with the liberal stuff but this is the straw that is breaking the camel’s back. I can’t imagine that those who value life are going to be really excited about paying for abortions not only for those who live in the state but those who come to kill their unborn children also.
WHAT the hell?? Why have they waited THIS LONG, before even contemplating moving out of that cesspool of a state?
Culture Of Death: California Plans To Be Abortion Sanctuary If Roe Overturned
“California’s coffers have soared throughout the pandemic, fueling a record budget surplus this year. Next year, the state’s independent Legislative Analyst’s Office predicts California will have a surplus of about $31 billion.”
Now you know where part of the $1.9 Trillion COVID-19 Relief Bill went.
(Only 9% went toward COVID-19 related items)
The same Con and Deception is being tried again with the phony infrastructure/build back better bill.
We see this HATE in the Democrat Party’s “useful idiot” followers
and their surviving children.
Satan and his disciples teach hate, lies and destruction.
John 8:44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Jesus Christ teaches to love one another.
John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
California is in it’s own death roll. Just a matter of time before the whole state turns hole, unless the eastern half breaks away and forms a new state. So California wants to spit on the potential law doing away with abortion. They’ve already spit on God, several times. So the day moves closer to another earthquake that will be worse than the one in 1901. Maybe the entire coast will be sent to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
Newsom should be the first ‘late term’ abortion. I would be happy to forge some large forceps, and provide some extra large scissors. Unfortunately it looks like there would not be a heart or balls available for sale.
EVERY libtard out there, needs to be ‘late term aborted’.. FOR THE GOOD of the nation as a whole.
EVEN IF the SCOTUS bans abortions (which would NOT happen, even if Roe is reversed), California would STILL ignore the ruling, and allow Abortions in the state.
Don’t believe me?
Look at what they (and other states) have done with marijuana laws? Use and Possession of marijuana is STILL against Federal Law – but states don’t care.
Look at Illegal Immigration: Sanctuary Cities/States are ALSO in violation of Federal Law – but states don’t care.
WHY does anyone think that states that WANT Abortion would give a rat’s rear end what Federal Law (or SCOTUS ruling) says?
BUT, even if Roe is reversed/overturned, it will not BAN abortion – only put the decision back to the states (where it belongs – in this case).
BECAUSE the courts have NO POWER to enforce those rulings… That’s why.
MAYBE If the scotus DID, we wouldn’t be seeing these sanctuary cities/states.
“Give me your irresponsible, your inconvenienced, your self-absorbed masses yearning to be free of consequences…” — New Official Motto of the People’s Democratic Republic of California
Don’t forget “yearning to be free of ALL LAWS!”