Biden administration health official Rochelle Walensky announced Monday that vaccinated Americans can visit with others who are vaccinated in small groups at home. But when Walensky was asked about visiting grandchildren, she said no, unless the kids are local. Even vaccinated people must avoid traveling. “Every time there’s a surge in travel, we have a surge in cases in this country.”
The Biden administration is making one exception. It’s OK to wade across the Rio Grande River and enter the U.S. illegally. Even if you have COVID-19, you can get on a bus in a Texas border town and travel to any part of the U.S., including New York, Baltimore, Miami and Los Angeles. Never mind how far and wide COVID-infected migrants spread the virus as they fan out.
On the travel question, the double standard is mind-boggling. It’s no to Grandma, but OK for illegal immigrants.
Since Joe Biden took office, he’s rapidly dismantled Trump administration policies that kept migrants in Mexico during the pandemic. Some 100,000 migrants surrendered to U.S. border officials in February, up from 78,000 in January. It’s likely to reach 1 million overall in 2021, if the trend continues.
Some single adults are sent back to Mexico, but families are permitted to stay. After a few days of processing in a detention center, they’re given documents to travel and released into a Texas border town. There, nonprofits like Catholic Charities help them get food and bus tickets to anywhere in the U.S.
Here’s the hitch. The federal government refuses to test migrants before release unless they’re visibly sick, even though COVID-19 continues to rage in Mexico. Biden’s press spokesperson, Jen Psaki, explained that the administration considers testing a state or local responsibility.
As if not knowing migrants are spreading the disease absolves the Biden administration of any culpability. Sorry, that’s ridiculous.
Some cities, like Brownsville and El Paso, are using rapid tests to identify migrants with the virus. Others cities do not. But either way, city officials explain they have no authority to stop infected migrants from traveling. In Texas, only the feds can do that.
When Brownsville officials tested migrants last month, over 6% tested positive. Some were willing to quarantine at local hotels paid for by charities, but many boarded busses for other parts of the country.
Six percent sounds small, but 6% of 1 million migrants adds up to 60,000 — a steady stream of spreaders being knowingly dispersed throughout the nation.
And exposing bus riders en route. Last week, Greyhound CEO David Leach demanded an assurance from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas that undocumented migrants boarding busses in Texas have tested negative. So far, no answer.
Meanwhile, the Biden administration has put the brakes on Americans returning to normal life. Anthony Fauci is warning this is no time to relax. Biden accused the governor of Texas of “neanderthal thinking” for ending the mask mandate. And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns Americans “to avoid all travel” to Guatemala and other Central American countries.
Yet, when it comes to illegal border crossings, any mention of disease threat is slammed as racist. What hypocrisy.
Travelers flying into the U.S. must have a negative COVID-19 test before boarding, and another negative test is recommended after landing. But illegal immigrants get a free pass to bring the coronavirus to a bus terminal near you.
Why is this happening? The White House is being taken over by minority advocacy groups who get what they demand, no matter how extreme. Instead of working with Congress and being forced to hear about the dangers of open borders, Biden issues executive orders, shutting out any debate.
Congressman Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, whose district runs along the border, warned that White House officials “should not only listen to the immigration advocates and activists,” but also to the public affected by open border policies. The facts prove they’re dangerous to our health.
Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and author of “The Next Pandemic,” available at Contact her at [email protected] or on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
The Biden administration is making one exception. It’s OK to wade across the Rio Grande River and enter the U.S. illegally. Even if you have COVID-19, you can get on a bus in a Texas border town and travel to any part of the U.S., including New York, Baltimore, Miami and Los Angeles. Never mind how far and wide COVID-infected migrants spread the virus as they fan out.
The Libs will do anything to get more votes, even if it means infecting thousands.
We may be stressing the wrong point, and buying into the left’s scare tactics by doing so. I’d actually like to know how much these covid-infected illegals are infecting people around them. It may be that they aren’t infecting that many — or any. Remember, all those riots last year didn’t spread the virus all over the country, and neither did the supposed “superspreader” Trump rallies. In other words, maybe we should stress more the point that if the illegals with covid can mingle safely for everyone around them, SO CAN WE. And then let’s just take off the disgusting masks and go about our business. If someone stops us, we can always claim to be asylum seekers — and if we’re asked for our papers, we can say we’re undocumented.
It’s time to start emphasizing our freedom rights instead of demanding that other people be restricted along with us. I’ve been saying this every time one of our overlords is caught breaking his or her own lockdown rules — stop focusing on the politician’s hypocrisy and start focusing on the fact that he or she has demonstrated that going maskless and hobnobbing close-up with friends is perfectly safe.
I agree … lets focus on how much B.S. this hole CHINA virus was right from the start… and keep in our sights that these people are invading our country with …NO… assimilation of our culture or what the Constitutional law that governs our country is. AND… It’s the communist occupiers in the militarized DC zone that are making it happen that amounts to treason against our Constitution…. and country. If the military doesn’t act soon and put a stop to the assault on our land … the people of this country’s militia will have to.
MANY HAve been trying to focus on “GETTING OUR freedoms back”, but when we see crud like this, where EVEN OUR OWN CITIZENS Still get refused permission to go visit FAMILY (not friends, but actual kin), while ILLEGAL INVADERS are being not just welcomed IN with the virus, but SHIPPED AROUND ON OUR DIME, and anyone who speaks out against it, gets bashed by the media, as being racist, it makes my BLOOD BOIL.
Remember the lib politicians have a natural immunity to the china virus as they can go anywhere with anyone at anytime and never need a mask. That order is just for their subjects.
See my comment to the previous post. If the politicians turn out to be safe, they’re evidence that we’ll be safe also. We have to stop focusing so much on their hypocrisy and start focusing more on their proving to us that it’s perfectly safe to do what they’ve done without any harm to themselves of others. We can even thank them kindly for reassuring us about how safe it is — as we strip off our masks and go about our lives fearlessly.
Remember though, RULES ONLY apply to us, not them.
The Biden administration and the traitorous Democrat Party is our country’s most destructive, deadliest ENEMY.
IF we survive this takeover by the Democrat Party.
The U.S. will be weakened and in terrible debt and with very high tax rates because of the traitorous socialist Democrats.
There’s already adds on tv (mostly from those finance companies), saying by the end of 2021, the dollar may collapse.. IF THAT happens, i just can’t see how we can survive it.
Betsy McCaughey , great commentary. Keep the American people locked down, but let illegal aliens into our Country, who are covid positive, so they can keep the spread of covid going, so the American people can stay locked down. The logic of the left wing communists, certainly is great isn’t it? I am a left wing communist. When my Math Teacher tells me 2 plus 2 = 4, I will tell the world 2 plus 2 equals one hundred million, after all I am a liberal and a communist.
SINCE they don’t care if we die or not, cause if we do that just ADDS ANOTHER democrat voter (even if you were republican all your adult life), they don’t CARE IF WE catch it, from these illegal invaders..
It’s CHINA virus Backpacker… not covid. Whatever words or anything the communist occupiers try to ban.. or squelch we …MUST… increase a 1000 fold. I wear my tee shirt that says:
every day!
Once again, Joe has no concept of the consequences of signing executive orders. He just signs what is ever put in front of him.
EITHER that or he just doesn’t CARE about the consequences…
Biden is brain dead. always has been, always will be.
SO who’s pulling his strings? Nasty nancy? Soros? Harris?
Future historians will write about the USA in terms of Lost Causes, one more country that circled the drain flags flying and full speed ahead on the good ship Communism.
Where is the GOP law suits?
Probably the same place their balls are.. IN THE DEMS pockets.
“Every time there’s a surge in travel, we have a surge in cases in this country.” There is no other way to put this, IT IS A BOLD FACED LIE. I urge everyone to do a little research on their own, you can take any state of your choice, I recommend several, again, of YOUR choice, BUT pick some with strict mask/lockdown tyrant Governors, then pick several that did very little or nothing in the way of the tyranny, compare when mask mandates were put into place in the despotic states on the obvious “curve” that the virus followed regardless of mandates or not. When you remove the key identifying which state is which and when mandates were put in place, I defy you to show me the states with the mandates if you did not know using the key, ALL states, despite all of the mask/lockdown BS, look the same. This is what you had in ALL despotic states, when the natural curve of the virus went up, the despots blamed YOU, when the curve went down the despots TOOK CREDIT for a natural curve of the virus. All of the lockdown/mask BS did nothing more than cost millions of jobs and thousands of businesses.
Everything the Democrats say and do is a lie or a hoax. Most of the things said and done in response to COVID is a lie or a hoax. Every edict, every lockdown, every mask worn, and every command and pointless sacrifice was for nothing. We would have had exactly the same outcome if we had done nothing at all and treated it like the Flu, Maybe we would even have done better and the worst would have been behind us months ago. This whole pandemic catastrophe was stupid and unnecessary.
HENCE why it was a PLANNED Demic.. Just to get THEM INTO Power.
It is time to open up Manzanar to accommodate all the migrants until we can send them all back. Also, I guess the Mexican president thinks it is okay to eliminate job opportunities for his citizens both here in the USA and in Mexico itself by allowing these foreigners to invade his country. These Central American illegal immigrants are probably willing to work for less and will take over the jobs of many Mexican nationals. This will mean that fewer dollars will be sent back to Mexico and help support their already poor economy, it is like shooting yourself in the foot. Goodness, are leaders in other countries also losing their common sense?
Send them all to manhattan, and blow the bridges/tunnels, so they can’t leave.