inluminatuo on Trump Should Call for a New American Patriotism: “It could be arguably stated that it was not just American slavery and racism but the world-wide acceptance of it…” Dec 3, 10:24
inluminatuo on Ninth Circuit rules in favor of federal deportation: ““The federal government has the authority to deport foreign nationals in the U.S. illegally over the objection of local authorities,…” Dec 3, 09:46
Scruffy_USN_Retired on Trump Should Call for a New American Patriotism: “This treasonous, destructive, immoral, unethical, lying, woke, socialist Democrat Party, their Democrat RINOs have become our country’s most destructive and…” Dec 3, 08:56
Look into my eyes
And you die
Needs to have his other hand, in soros, who’s then got his hand in BIDEN!