The U.S. Department of Education is planning to pour tens of billions of dollars into public education, which is really nothing new, but that plan is coming with a vow to address “equity” when taxpayers’ dollars are distributed to poorer schools around the country.
The federal agency, sitting on billions of taxpayers’ dollars from the “America Rescue Plan,” announced June 9 that public school districts are being advised on how to spend emergency relief funds to comply with “educational equity” in the classroom.
President Joe Biden signed the $1.9 trillion federal stimulus plan in March, which included approximately $125 billion for K-12 public education, according to a favorable analysis by the Learning Policy Institute.
“This is our moment as educators and as leaders,” said U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, “to transform our education systems so they are truly serving all of our nation’s students.”
“I don’t see anything,” counters Neal McCluskey of the Cato Institute, “that gives me reason to believe that this proposal for massively increased spending is going to end up any different than previous proposals.”
Yet the word “equity” is sprinkled throughout the 1,400-word press release in which the Dept of Education says it is taking action after Biden signed an executive order Jan. 20 on “advancing racial equity” in “underserved communities.”
That executive order was one of several at the time, and went largely ignored in the national media at the time, but now, six months later, a national debate over Critical Race Theory has awakened the non-woke public to key phrases about “Whiteness,” “Systemic Racism,” and “Oppressors,” and also the Left’s demand for “equity” not just “equality.”
“Like equity,” states the liberal Annie E. Casey Foundation, “equality aims to promote fairness and justice, but it can only work if everyone starts from the same place and needs the same things.”
The federal agency was set to kick of an “Equity Summit” today, June 22, that will urge schools reopening from the pandemic to “not return to the status quo” but to “reimagine our school systems so that every student has a voice in their school and classroom…”
According to the DOE press release, separate from the Rescue Plan funding, the Biden administration is asking for $36.5 billion dollars for Title I schools, which are historically poorer communities, which is a $20 billion increase from the previous year.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
Yes, lots and lots of cash, IF, schools promote the indoctrination cirriculum advanced by the left consisting of socialism, racism, sexism, collectivism, isms ad infinitum; IF, every student passes and no one fails ungraded; IF, competency in sujects tests are eliminated and only feelings are considered. This is what equity is all about, the end result that everyone is the same regardless of skill or knowledge. The dumbing down of education to the lowest possible denominator. The reimagining of education is having the students teach the teachers or the payroll clerk of a hospital performing brain surgery when not writing checks!
So in other words you either teach this garbage or we don’t pay you… Time to take your kids out of public school!
Over the past 50+ years, we’ve spent EVER MORE money on ‘education’, but have CONTINUALLY GOTTEN worse and worse results..
YET HE thinks, throwing MORE money at it, will solve the problem? PROOF liberals are insane!
That’s how you reward ignorance along with intelligence.
It has been proven multiple times that throwing money at a problem does not solve it, so what does the government do; throw money at the problem.
The Democrat Party has ALWAYS been the Party of racism, this is just a lipstick on the same pig face.
Just more taxpayer money spent to promote party line over personal thought. If education was Dodge City, Matt Dillon would be telling them to get out of Dodge or get taken out.
SINCE ITS not THEIR OWN money being wasted, of COURSE they are fine with tossing more and more at it, each and every year…
It also could be because they don’t really want to solve it, they just want to create another financial revenue for them to steal from.
It won’t work. Look at the south forced busing means same school,same teacher and same textbook and they still can’t behave and pass. Until parents make education important then neither will a child. Tie education with welfare. No going to class no welfare that month, no behaving, no welfare. During the Pandemic, we have them Computers and the internet and they still didn’t do the work.
What gets me, is i’ve seen a # of ads “supporting this”, where some black kid, is pushing us to vote YES, to get MORE computers to “inner cities”.. YET EVERY DAMN KID I SEE from these ‘inner cities’ ALREADY CARRY A bloody computer, and cell phone, and often a tablet TOO.
Where do you think biden/obama (actually it is obama (1st)/biden) are going with this. This was planned over a decade ago 1st daca then illegal invasion so those “children” can be brainwashed so by the time they can vote (will be given that right too), they will become democrats or rino.
The money is no so much for our “citizen” children but for all the illegal invaders that obama/biden knew they would have here once biden was elected. Biden by himself is not smart enough to think about this or do anything about it. Harris is as worth as udders on a bull.